April 2012
Welcome to MSRP's Newsletter


The Montrose Settlements Restoration Program (MSRP) invites you to read the latest issue of our newsletter. We hope that you will enjoy the restoration stories that we have selected for you below. We also appreciate your continued interest in our restoration efforts!

Seabirds Occupy Artificial Condos

There is a lot of seabird activity at the Landing Cove site on Santa Barbara Island this year. Cassin's Auklets, small burrow-nesting seabirds, are taking up residence in the recently installed "condos," or artificial burrows created by biologists to encourage nesting activities at the site.

Bringing a Delicate Ecosystem Back to Balance

A ceremony marking the successful completion of the San Nicolas Island Seabird Restoration Project was held in February to honor the partners involved in this effort and offered the media a rare glimpse of the island.


Second Generation Bald Eagles Nesting

The first chick (A-49) to naturally hatch on the northern Channel Islands in 2006 was found nesting this year on Santa Cruz Island. This milestone provides continued hope for the ongoing restoration of our Nation's symbol on the islands..


The MSRP newsletter is a publication of the Montrose Settlements Restoration Program, administered by the six federal and State of California trustee agencies responsible for restoring natural resources injured by past releases of DDTs and PCBs to the Southern California Bight.




Gabrielle Dorr 
MSRP Outreach Coordinator