Tools of the Trade
Thursday November 4th, 5:30 PM
Ramonita de Rodriguez Branch, 600 W Girard Ave., 19123
This free workshop, presented with Empowerment Group, is designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs ask the right questions about starting a business, seek valuable resources, and clearly define their business idea and personal goals. The session will introduce the essential skills needed for starting a business and evaluating personal finances. Attendees will also have the opportunity to brainstorm and network with others who are in the start-up stage of business development. 
Register online or call 215-427-9245.

MS Access: Invoicing Database


Tuesday & Wednesday, November 9th & 10th, 6:00 PM
Joseph E. Coleman Northwest Regional Library
68 W Chelten Ave., 19144
This is a two part class on using MS Access for invoicing.  Attendence at both sessions is strongly encouraged. 
Space is limited.  First come, first served. 
No registration required.  For more information call 215-685-2150. 
Business Start-Up Kit
Wednesday November 10th, 7:00 PM
Northeast Regional Library
, 2228 Cottman Ave., 19149 
Join us as Sandi King of the City of Philadelphia's Commerce Department covers the ins and outs of getting your business off the ground.  Prepare yourself for the challenge of running a new venture while you discover what resources are available to help you get started.
No registration required.  For more information call 215-685-0522.  

ndy Goodman Presents: Why Bad Presentations Happen to Good Causes

Friday November 12th, 3:00 PM
Parkway Central Library, Montgomery Auditorium,
1901 Vine St., 19103
Why do so many presentations fail to engage, educate or persuade when this is just what they set out to accomplish? Learn how to avoid the most common mistakes and BORE NO MORE.

If you have wasted enough time with bad presentations - on either side of the podium - this workshop is for you. Andy Goodman is a nationally admired author and presenter. He will have you grinning and learning with charming ease.
Online registration is required.  For more information call 215-686-5423.
Certification Made Simple: How to Become a Minority Business Enterprise/Women's Business Enterprise
Monday November 15th, 6:00 PM
Walnut Street West Branch, 201 S 40th St., 19104 
In this workshop you will not only learn about the certification process, but will also receive step-by-step help filling out the application and review the other paperwork necessary to become MBE/WBE certified.

The presenter, U. Harold Levy, is the Eastern Regional Representative of the PA Department of General Services. 
Sponsored in partnership with Empowerment Group.

Register online or call 215-685-7671.
Demographic Market Research 
Tuesday November 16th, 6:30 PM
Parkway Central Library, 1901 Vine St., 19103 
Small business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, non-profits and service providers of all stripes need to know who and where their market is. Learn to use library databases to find the people who need to know what you have to offer. Map the city by income, age, gender, language spoken, spending habits and more.  

Class meets in the ground floor Tech Lab.
Basic computer skills are a prerequisite.

No registration required.  First come, first served. 
For more information call 215-686-5394.

Funding, Loans and the Stimulus Act 

Tuesday November 30th, 7:00 PM
Northeast Regional Library, 2228 Cottman Ave., 19149 

John Xu of the U.S. Small Business Administration will discuss how the federal government's recent Stimulus Act and the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 may impact or benefit your small business. 

No registration required.  For more information call 215-685-0522.

Had enough small business for a while?  For a change, why not try...

Giants at the End of the World
With Kenneth Locovara, Ph.D., Drexel University, Department of Biology

Thursday November 18th, 7:00 PM 
Parkway Central Library, Skyline Room (4th Floor),
1901 Vine St., 19103

Ken Lacovara will discuss his five expeditions to the remote badlands of southern Patagonia, where he excavated 16 tons of dinosaur bones representing the most complete, super-massive dinosaur ever discovered. The skeleton belongs to a new genus and species of dinosaur and provides an unprecedented opportunity to study the anatomy, biomechanics, and evolution of an enigmatic group of giants.

No registration required. For more information call 215-686-5414.
Calendar of Events

Our Quickbooks 101 training originally scheduled for November 9th, has been rescheduled for Tuesday December 7 at 6:30 PM at the Parkway Central Library.  Watch your email for details and registration information.

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