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A Note from Terese
Featured Article: Throw out the "Trash Talk"


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Creation Map Coaching
5 Brewster Street, #224
Glen Cove, New York 11542

� 2008 Two Hawk Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Creation Map Coaching. All rights reserved.


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Terese L. Arenth is President
and Founder of Creation Map Coaching, specializing in executive life and wellness coaching to help busy professionals to reclaim their life through stress and time management techniques for better work/life balance.  For more information, please visit our website at

June 5, 2008 
Vol. 1, Issue 1 
I am so excited to finally have the Creation Map™ newsletter up and running! Patience is not exactly my strongest virtue but, as the ol' saying goes, "good things come to those who wait".  Well, I wanted to wait until the newsletter was tweaked just right to provide you with practical tips, inspiration and motivation to help keep you on your path to empowerment for positive change!  I hope you enjoy this issue...be on the lookout for some great article series coming down the pike on topics like organization, time management and "working smarter, not harder", as well as tidbits from guest contributors.
Have ideas for topics you'd like me to explore in upcoming newsletters? Shoot me an email at [email protected]. I'd love to hear from you and welcome your suggestions!

To your peace and balance,

Terese Arenth
Certified Coach 
Creation Map Coaching

It's the bottom of the ninth and the batter steps up to the plate. "You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn!!"  Yelling catcalls, the opposing team's fans try to distract the batter and psych him out.  His concentration breaks...his confidence is shaken...he strikes out! "Trash talk" is a strategy commonly used at sporting events to intimidate opponents and get them "off their game".

How often have you trash talked yourself without even realizing it? Too often, we can be our own harshest critics...unwittingly setting ourselves up for failure.  "I can't lose weight". "I'll never make that putt".  "I'm such an idiot for losing my keys".  "I look so fat in these jeans".  "I'm not good enough to get that promotion".  Sound familiar???

You've probably heard the old saying: "Negativity begets negativity".  Focusing on "can't", "won't" and "not" sets the stage for failure.  Trash talking yourself is no different from the effect it is intended to have at a sporting event.  A more effective and productive approach is to focus on the positive.  By shifting your mindset, you shift your energy. Focusing on the positive, you will feel more confident, upbeat and relaxed in your approach...setting the stage for success.  Positivity instills belief in yourself and your outcome. "I will lose that last 5 pounds". "I can make that putt". "I am good enough to get that promotion".

I became acutely aware of just how badly our own trash talk can affect us when playing golf with a friend last summer.
butterflyTo Ponder:  "Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right." ~ Henry Ford (1863-1947)
Manage time: When we are crushed by work deadlines, the natural inclination is to hunker down, shut the door and tune everyone out so that we can focus on the task at hand.  Do you ever find, though, that you get even more interruptions, not less?? A shut door can act like a magnet...it arouses curiosity and draws people in like stray cats scratching to get in. Next time, don't shut the door completely. Leave it cracked open just a few inches. May sound silly and over-simplistic, but give it a try! You may well be surprised at the reduction in interruptions.
Tame stress:
Try to see the glass as half full, not half empty.  Maintaining a positive attitude whenever possible reduces stress.  View problems as a challenge and an opportunity to grow, not as a hindrance.  Much of the time it's not the situation that is stressful, but our reaction to it.