NCA e-notes   Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the Newfoundland Club of America
June 2011  


Summer is in full swing and many people are "hitting the road" and traveling with their 4-footed family members. Check out Anne Thibault's article below with great suggestions for making your travels safe and memorable. Tell us your favorite way to travel with your Newf in our online poll!


Don't forget, bring along your camera and snap some shots for the ANNUAL NCA NewfTide Photo Contest.  Deadline for entries is August 31, 2011. Winners will appear in the 4th Quarter issue. Download an entry form from the NCA website or contact Jeannette Voss.    


As always, we look forward to your comments and suggestions - let us know your favorite way to travel with your Newfoundland. 



In This Issue
Support Newfoundland Health When You Feed Purina
Check Out A Good Read This Summer
Traveling Safely and Comfortably With Newfoundlands
Don't Forget Renew Today!
Educational Offerings From the AKC
Newfoundland Therapy Dog Nominated for Hero Award
Purina Parent Club Partnership Raises Funds for Newfs
purina parent club
During the last year 148 NCA members sent in weight circles to the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program, earning $2159.12 for the AKC Canine Health Foundation Donor Advised Newfoundland Fund and $2159.12 for the NCA Charitable Trust. If you care for 5 or more dogs or breed one litter per year you can join the Purina Pro Club. For every $100 in weight circles submitted, Purina donates $10 to Newfoundland Health. If you feed ProPlan, Purina One or any other Purina brand, you can help raise much needed funds simply by saving your weight circles. If you do not qualify to join the Pro Club, but feed a Purina brand of food, please contact Pam Rubio to learn how you can help.
Breeder Ed Lending Library
small logoHave you ever seen a book or DVD on breeding or puppy rearing advertised but you didn't want to purchase it or have the money to purchase it? There is an answer to this conundrum! The Breeder Education Committee (BEC) has assembled a library of books, DVDs, and CDs, all devoted to genetics, breeding, movement, puppy rearing, etc.

If you have any materials you would be willing to donate, please contact us. Suitable items are videos of prior Nationals or events; breed related, instructional or educational tapes; books; DVDs; or any other item of interest to the membership. We cannot accept any copies of copyrighted materials, so please only send originals.

The BEC is interested in hearing what you would like to see available in the library. If you know of a book, DVD, etc., you think would be a good addition to the library, please let us know and we will consider purchasing it.

Summer Travel Tips by Ann Thibault
lighthouseTraveling with your Newfoundland can be a wonderful experience or a disaster. A little planning and foresight will help keep your trip on track and have you eagerly planning your next adventure. Whether your plans take you across the country or involve a day trip to go hiking, some of these simple reminders may be in order. In fact packing for the unexpected mishap is a good rule of thumb. Read More
NCA Membership Renewals Due
For all NCA members, dues renewal forms have been mailed. Your renewals are due by July 1st. If you have not received your renewal form please contact Mary Lou Cuddy.  If you are interested in learning more about NCA membership, you can find out more, and download a membership application online.

Remember, each dues renewal form contains a section for donations. Please consider including a donation for the Charitable Trust to help us work towards a safe and healthy future for every Newfoundland.
AKC Offers Primer on Dog Genetics
Dogs have been the companions of humans for more than 12,000 years, and over this time humans have developed Canis familiaris into the most diverse animal species on the planet. From the Chihuahua to the Irish Wolfhound, dogs exhibit an amazing size range and a staggering variety in physical features such as ears, tail, head shape, skeletal structure, and coat type, as well as in behavioral characteristics. Worldwide there are now more than 350 distinct dog breeds suited to a wide array of functions, situations, climates, and terrain. Read More
Celebrate Therapy Dogs
Toad Hall's Wizard of Oz,
aka Oz is a wonderful Newfoundland, who has given so much of himself to many in need as a therapy dog and as part of Crisis Response teams. Please check out his wonderful story, and vote for him for a Hero Award!!!
Get More Info
NCA on the Web

NCA Charities

NCA Puppy Info Center

Newfoundland Dog Library

NCA Database

Looking for a Breeder? - Contact the NCA Breeder Referral Hotline

call 1-866-NCA-NEWF (1-866-622-6393)
NCA Library
Visit the Newfoundland Dog Library
Find us on Facebook
3181 People are hearing the latest news from the NCA on Facebook- are you one of them?
What's New on Squidoo
Educational articles on living with a Newfoundland dog brought to you by the NCA

The NCA- Who We Are

Bath Day for Your Newf

Caring for Your Older Newf

Coming When Called-or Not

Diet Plan for Your Newf

Disaster Preparedness
New Draft Judges
Congratulations to
Karrie Cook
Dawn Fretts
new NCA Provisional Draft Test Judges. They may now accept judging assignments.

See a complete list of Draft Test Judges

Some news from our AKC Legislative Liaison committee -

At the Federal Level:
PUPS (Puppy Uniform Protection And Safety Act) HR 835 -  PUPS is not about identifying and regulating substandard kennels.  Nor is it about already licensed USDA breeders.  This bill seeks to Federally regulate breeders that sell to the public, which includes home/hobbyist breeders, such as NCA breeders.  There is much to address in this bill, but the overall effect is that it will make dog and cat breeding so onerous and/or expensive that many will simply give up.  To date, 107 Congressmen have signed onto this bill.

At the State Level:
This bill would, in addition to other provisions, make it a violation to keep a dog "outside, tethered, penned, caged or otherwise confined" for more than ONE HOUR without access to an outdoor housing facility", unless someone remains outside with the dog.  It also empowers the RISPCA and animal control officers to enter private property WITHOUT A WARRANT, and examine the dog to ensure compliance.  There was a hearing on June 21, but no information available at this time.

Find out more information about these and other important pieces of legislation that affects us as breeders, fanciers and dog owners.

Pat Signature 

Pat Randall
President, Newfoundland Club of America
Newfoundland Club of America