NCA e-notes   Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the Newfoundland Club of America
May 2011  
Greetings! ,    


Well, another National Specialty has come and gone.  Congratulations to all of the winners. You can see the full results at the National Website. A huge thank you goes to all of the members of NCA and its Regional Clubs who worked tirelessly to make sure the event ran smoothly, and the attendees had a great time. We would like everyone who attended the 2011 Specialty to give us their input on what things they liked and ways that we could improve for next year. Please TAKE OUR SURVEY. Responses will be collected and used in planning next years' event.  




In This Issue
Teaching A Reliable Recall
Celebrating Breeders
Don't Miss Out - 2012 Calendars
DNA Collection Tops 1250
Renew Your NCA Membership- Do your part for our breed
Charitable Trust Endowment Grows Through Your Support
Coming When Called...Or Not
recallWhen you call your Newf, does he drop everything and head for you at a dead run and sit down as soon as he gets to you ... every time, no matter where you are and what he is doing when you call? No? Well, it could be a matter of life or death some day, or, at the very least, annoying when he doesn't. If you have resorted to begging, bribing or "counting to three" with your dog, he is:
� Pulling your chain             � Showing you who is boss
� Telling you that you have to catch him before the two of you will meet again or  telling you that he doesn't have to come when he is called unless he feels like it.
READ MORE about teaching Come to your dog.
2011 Eukanuba Breeder's Stakes
eukanubaEukanuba Dog Foods proudly announces the Eukanuba Breeder's Stakes. The Eukanuba Breeder's Stakes is an event designed to honor a group of unsung heroes - the purebred dog breeder.  Breeders are the backbone of the sport, dedicating their lives to planning and producing generation upon generation of the finest and healthiest representatives of their breed.

The Eukanuba Breeder's Stakes is an event designed to celebrate these noble efforts.   This special competition is designed to evaluate an overall breeding program rather than the traditional approach of evaluating a single specimen. Respected expert judges will evaluate the breeder's ability to consistently produce superior dogs of uniform type, health, and conformation - consistent with the breeder's mission of improving their chosen breed.  READ MORE
Order Now - 2012 Calendars
cameraCalendars for 2012 featuring the winners of the 2011 National Specialty Photo Contest are ready for pre-order. Make sure you send in your orders today- these will make wonderful holiday gifts. Download an order form now.
National Collection Boosts DNA Bank
DNAThank you very much to the owners of 125 dogs that found the time and recognized the importance of providing samples for the CHIC DNA databank. Of the 13 dogs left in the ring at the end of judging on Saturday, 10 have had DNA donated.  5 of the Top 10 obedience dogs and 9 of the Top 20 conformation dogs have also donated DNA.

Is your dog in the DNA databank? Find out how to submit your dog's DNA here.
Membership Renewals Underway
small logoRenewal forms were mailed to all NCA members starting on May 15. Dues renewals are due on or before July 1, 2010. You may renew using VISA, Mastercard or personal check, international members may renew using international money orders in US dollars or credit card. If you are a current NCA member and have not received a renewal form, please contact Mary Lou Cuddy.

If you are not yet a member of the NCA please consider joining us today. Membership packets are available to download online.
Be The Change
NCA Charities Need You
All of us, individually and collectively, want to believe that we can make a difference. We look for
ways to use our time, our talent and our money to make positive changes in our world. However, we
often feel frustrated by the short-term duration of the work that we do. We work hard to gather
support and budget wisely, every year, year after year. We organize successful silent auctions, straw
draws and change drives, raising much-needed funds for special projects, but as soon as they are over,
we start planning for the next one, because the need will return. Well, we can't effectively plan several
years of annual budgets at once, and we can't effectively organize more than one year's fundraiser
at a time, but we can take some other steps that will have a long-term positive impact on our breed.

Get More Info
NCA on the Web

NCA Charities

NCA Puppy Info Center

Newfoundland Dog Library

NCA Database

Looking for a Breeder? - Contact the NCA Breeder Referral Hotline

call 1-866-NCA-NEWF (1-866-622-6393)
NCA Library
Visit the Newfoundland Dog Library
Find us on Facebook
3109 People are hearing the latest news from the NCA on Facebook- are you one of them?
What's New on Squidoo
Educational articles on living with a Newfoundland dog brought to you by the NCA

The NCA- Who We Are

Bath Day for Your Newf

Caring for Your Older Newf

Diet Plan for Your Newf

Disaster Preparedness
Congratulations to the new Directors and Officers of the NCA Board who took their seats following the Annual Meeting in Frankenmuth. New directors joining the Board are Pat Randall and Steve Britton. Officers for the 2011-2012 year are:

President: Pat Randall
1st Vice President: Roger Frey
2nd Vice President: Pam Saunders
Recording Secretary: Mary Lou Cuddy
Treasurer: Mary L. Price
Corresponding Secretary: Lynne Anderson-Powell
AKC Delegate: Mary W. Price

We look forward to a great year with many frank, friendly and productive discussions with you, our membership. Please keep in touch with your Board and let us know how best we can serve you and our beloved Newfoundlands.


Pat Signature

Pat Randall
President, Newfoundland Club of America
Newfoundland Club of America