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 "Learn The Secrets Of Selling Permanent Insurance In Today's Ever-Changing Marketplace."
We will have a presentation on how to sell today's unique permanent products, in a low interest rate environment. Learn the secrets of how these products are built and priced.


Please, join our Webinar Conference Call August 31st 10:00 AM, EDT, featuring Steve Robinson, who has been involved in the Life Brokerage business for over 30 years.


 " I guarantee you will sell more permanent life insurance if you join this call!" Jon Shaw. 



Topic: LGA Presentation - How Long is a Lifetime?



Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011

 Time: 10:00 am, EDT 

Meeting Number: 733 152 568

 Meeting Password: banner  

To join the online meeting click here


If you have questions, please contact Shaw American marketing department at 502-583-5527 option 5 or email us here!