American Wonder ! Writers Logo

Jonathan A. Shaw


President & CEO

Shaw American has a new term product to introduce!


Many of you may need the very lowest rates on the market to get "the business" and we belive we have this market available for you! This A+ carrier has the lowest term rates and a competitive permanent product for conversion and also allows electronic delivery of policies.


These rates are so low that the carrier doesn't want us to mass email you with this information because they are afraid we might overwhelm them with business!  Call us for more information or just go to and see the rates!


Here is the compensation on this great low cost term!


          SBLI Compensation


We know how much you love low cost term! However, we officer other products with higher compensation (up to 110%), and very comparable rates! Some even carry a $150 bonus!


So....don't hesitate to send in a Shaw Assist Form to backup this low cost premium sale.  Very often the best rate is just an underwriting decision away. 


What are you waiting for??  Send some term life business to the pro's at Shaw American!


Click here to request a quote today!