Support Project Homeless Connect and help end homelessness in Orange County!

Project Homeless Connect Orange County (PHC) is a one-day, one-stop center to link people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness with a broad range of services.
Guests are offered assistance with housing, employment, health and dental care, mental health care, veterans' benefits, social service benefits, legal services, and more. Guests also receive lunch and are offered haircuts, showers, and coats.

Through a unique community-wide partnership, PHC involves dozens of businesses, several hundred volunteers, local governments, faith-based communities, and service providers all in an effort to end homelessness in our community!


PHC will be held on:
Thursday, November 4
9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Hargraves Community Center, Chapel Hill
 Visit our website for complete details:


PHC Volunteers 1PHC has a volunteer opportunity to fit your schedule, abilities and interests! We need volunteers to serve on planning committees as well as at the event; and we
 even have suggestions of ways to get involved if you can't be there. The PHC website even has ideas of how families and children can be a part of PHC. Spanish speaking volunteers are especially needed!  
For information on volunteering and to sign up online - CLICK HERE.


PHC is possible because of the generosity of the entire community.  
Monetary donations are graciously accepted and will go towards event costs such as equipment rentals. Collecting items and assembling toiletry kits is a great activity for groups, families, or neighborhoods. We also need items for the PHC Salon like combs, hair cutting drapes, and more. All donations are tax deductible.
For a list of donation needs -


Forward this email to friends, family and coworkers.  Forward this email 
Post a link to our website ( on your Facebook page, Twitter, or blog.
Include information about PHC on your neighborhood, church, or office listserv.
Download a PHC flyer and post it on a community bulletin board.
Invite a PHC coordinator to come and give a talk about how your church, office, or business can get involved. Contact us!