Friends of the Downtown Meeting
Thursday, July 29, 2010
10:00 AM, coffee starting at 9:30 AM
Franklin Hotel
 311 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill
The Friends of the Downtown will be hosting Dan Douglas, Director of Urban
Planning and Urban Design for Kling Stubbins, the consulting firm hired by the
Town of Chapel Hill and the Downtown Partnership to develop the Downtown Development Framework & Action Plan; a guide for downtown development for
the next five to eight years. Douglas will present the draft plan for public
comments and questions.
The Friends of the Downtown August 26th meeting will feature a speaker
discussing the future development at University Square; 123 West Franklin.
Parking is available behind the hotel. For information on public transit options
please click here.  Friends of the Downtown meetings are free and open to
the public. 
For more information please contact Pat Evans at