Downtown Development Framework and Action Plan:
Update & Next Steps

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The Town of Chapel Hill and the Downtown Partnership heldDesign Charette a Design Charette for the Downtown Development Framework and Action Plan on Thursday, June 10 to seek public comment and present the draft plan.  We had approximately 75 people attend throughout the session. The organizations are working together with consultants Kling-Stubbins, to create the plan which will help guide the Town and the development community five to eight years into the future.

The draft plan has been presented to Town Staff and the Council Committee on Economic Development. The plan will now be presented to the Downtown Partnership Board in July. The draft plan will also be presented to downtown residents and adjacent neighborhoods this summer. All comments will be reviewed and brought back to the public in September. The plan will then be presented to the Town Council in October or November.

If you would like to send your comments on the draft plan please email or