Public Design Charette
for the
Downtown Development Framework and Action Plan
Thurs, June 10, 2010
2:00 PM to 7:00 PM
3:30 PM & 5:30 PM
Great Room, Top of the Hill Restaurant & Brewery; 100 East Franklin Street. Entrance on Franklin Street, next to Walgreen's.

Quick Links

Town Council Memorandum on the Development Action Plan.

Minutes from April 2010 Public Forums - Morning Session Minutes & Afternoon Session Minutes

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Please join the Town of Chapel Hill and the Downtown Partnership for a Design Charette for the Downtown Development Framework and Action Plan on Thursday, June 10 in the Great Room at Top of the Hill Restaurant. The Design Charette is open to property owners, business owners, residents and everyone interested in Downtown's future.   

The Design Charette will offer four discussion areas from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM: Urban Design, Infrastructure, Markets/Economic Development, and Catch All. There will also be presentations at 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM for those wanting to hear the concepts in whole.
The organizations are working together with consultants Kling-Stubbins, to create a Downtown Development Framework and Action Plan which will help guide the Town and the development community five to eight years into the future.  Kling-Stubbins has partnered with Stewart Engineering and Strategy 5 economic development consulting to assist with the Plan.  The documents' primary thrust will be to identify strategic properties in downtown, suggest potential uses for the property and, with the approval of current or future owners, present a means to achieve the jointly developed plan for these strategic parcels.

In April the planning team held public forums to gather ideas and feedback (see link to minutes in sidebar). Since then, they have been gathering additional information, evaluating the market, holding interviews and are now ready to share their first draft of findings to the public.  
Questions can be directed to:
Jim Norton, Executive Director of the Downtown Partnership: 919-967-9440 or
Dwight Bassett, Economic Development Officer for the Town of Chapel Hill: 919-969-5010 or