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Do you have faith like a child?

Once again the Gospel reading for this Sunday encourages us to be like children.  We hear that the kingdom of God belongs to those who accept the kingdom of God like children.  What do you think is meant by this?

This past weekend I was lucky enough to be able to spend a couple of days with my three year old nephew!  At three years old he has incredible enthusiasm for life!  He also certainly knows how to have fun and appreciate the simple things in life - like playing on the playground, listening to a story, and making a fort out of blankets!  It seems every moment he is awake is an opportunity to make the most out of life. As I reflect on this passage I can think of one area that my nephew can teach us about having faith is in how he approaches doing new things.  Even though he is sometimes a little fearful of the unknown, he approaches learning and doing new things with curiosity and excitement and has an incredible degree of trust for his parents and those who care for him.  The trust of a child is admirable; they trust that they are loved and that those who love them would only want what is best for them.  Even in the midst of something really scary, a child will often cling to a person who she or he knows will keep them safe.  As we age it seems we lose that ability to trust our parents and maybe even God, perhaps this is one reason why Mark's Gospel says...

"Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." -Mark 10:15

What can children teach you about what it means to be a person of faith?  To what extent are you able to know God's love for you and accept that God only wants what is best for you?

Jessica Heinen
January Break Trips: 
 Mexico and Los Angeles
Campus Ministry and Service Learning
Spirit and Justice in Mexico: Jan. 4-14, 2010
Corazones y Manos in Los Angeles: Jan. 6-14 2010
Application deadline is Oct. 16!
 Corazones y Manos (Los Angeles)
Come for a 9 day service learning trip during J-Break! Participants will be staying at a local homeless shelter and will be visiting various social service agencies serving the poor and ostracized in their community.
Spirit and Justice (Mexico)
Students will get the chance to see the world from the perspective of the poor by not only learning about the world and their place in it, but also by traveling to a variety of locations such as homes, churches, orphanages, and villages and will get the chance to work with and interact with its members.
Interested? Have questions? Contact either:
 Jay Newcomb ([email protected]), Jessica Heinen ([email protected]), or Nathan Langer ([email protected]).
Last chance to sign up for a fall semester CORE Group!Teach Us to Pray
a small student led prayer/discussion group of about 6-10 people

Have you thought of signing up? Email [email protected] for more information!

30 Minute Retreat - Wednesday 8 - 8:30 p.m. A quick retreat from your daily life to listen to God.

Men's Group - Monday 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. - We are Christian Men and we are proud of it!

Lord Teach Us to Pray - Thursday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - This group will explore (and experience) different forms of prayer.

If you have any questions or would like to join a group email [email protected]
2009 Crop Walk!!
October 4, 2009
Asbury United Methodist Church
6822 Grand Ave.
Crop Walk
1:30 p.m. registration                                     2:00 p.m. Walk on the Western Waterfront Trail
The purpose of the Crop Walk is to support efforts on a global and local scale to combat hunger.
Come to volunteer or to participate!
If you are interested, contact VITA [email protected].
Haven't been in contact with your Representative lately?
Send him/her a postcard asking them to not allow cuts to funding low income health insurance!

33,000 low income people will lose their health insurance on March 1st, 2010 if the MN state congress does not do something about it.  WE NEED YOUR HELP. 

Stop by the Campus Ministry Center to sign a yellow postcard that says you want them to find a way to keep these most vulnerable members of our community insured.

Don't know who your Rep is?  No problem we will look it up for you.
Don't want to pay postage?  No problem we will cover it.

 Get involved
All Are Welcome! ASB logo 
All are welcome to come celebrate Mass on Sunday, October 4, at 6:30 p.m.  in Queen of Peace Chapel. 
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
October 4, 2009
Genesis 2:18-24
Response: Psalm 128:1-6
Hebrews 2:9-11
Mark 10:2-16 or 10:2-12
Tuesday evening Mass:  October 6, 9:00 p.m., in the Chapel
Issue: 19
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In This Issue
January Break Service Trips
CORE Groups
Crop Walk
Sunday Readings
Tuesday Night Mass
Tuesday Night MassCandles

Come relax with Campus Ministry for a mid-week refresher in the presence of our Lord.

When: Tuesday Nights at 9:00 p.m.
Reconciliation offered between 8:30-8:50 p.m.
The Campus Ministry Team
The College of St. Scholastica