Hughes Science

Hughes Academy PTSA

October 1, 2012
In This Email
Upcoming Events
Parent Party
Box Tops
Magazine Fundraiser
Beta Club

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Upcoming Events for October
Oct 7                     Parent Party
Oct 12                   Box Tops Due
Oct 18                   Student Holiday - No School
Oct  19                  Student Holiday - No School
Parent Party
Please RSVP to Heidi McCarl at 
Parent Party
 Box Tops 

box topBox Tops are due on or before Friday, October 12th. The homeroom with the most collected (per grade level) will win an Ice Cream Sundae Party

Magazine Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who supported the Magazine Fundraiser.Thank You Image    Don't forget you can still order online throughout the school year, however the prize period has ended.  Magazines make great Birthday and Christmas gifts.  Hughes Academy will still receive a portion of the proceeds.  Use the following link and be sure to enter our school code.  

School Code: 1462365


Questions contact:


Stacy Cameron

Magazine Sales Chair



Beta Club
8th Grade

Junior Beta Club Logo We will have a Beta Club meeting Wednesday, October 10 at 7:45 a.m. in the Media Center. We will go over the Poinsettia Fundraiser at that time. The fundraiser will run through October 24. If you would like to go ahead and start making contact with business you can.

We are selling red and white poinsettias. Prices are:

6.5" = $12

8" = $22

12" = $32

Money is due at the time order is placed. All money and orders should be turned in by October 24 to Mrs. Merck. Poinsettia's will be delivered November 27.

The profit from the sale of the poinsettia's will be placed into a general fund and dispersed equally between those participating. HOWEVER, you must sell a minimum of 5 plants in order to qualify. Also, anyone who sells over $120 worth of plants, you will be able to keep the profit from your sales (which will go towards the cost of the trip). If you do not sell $120 worth but you sell at least 5 plants, then your profit will go into the general fund and be divided between all of those who did not sell $120 worth or more.


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