Fight CRC
December 2011


 Happy Holidays from your friends at Fight Colorectal Cancer. Best wishes for a healthy and happy 2012.

Rates of colorectal cancer are dropping in adults over the age of 50 but rising in younger adults, particularly rectal cancer. In the Archives of Internal Medicine, Nancy You, MD, of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and her colleagues ask, "Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer: Is It Time to Pay Attention?" She analyzed colon and rectal cancer cases diagnosed between 1999 and 2007. After 2001, there was an average annual increase of 2.1 percent in young onset colorectal cancer compared to a decrease of 2.5 percent yearly for those 50 and older. Rectal cancer increased even more rapidly in younger patients at an average annual change of 3.9 percent.


Fight Colorectal Cancer relies on charitable donations to keep our patient information programs going. 


Our toll-free Answer Line, webinars, website and monthly e-newsletters have helped hundreds of thousands of colorectal cancer patients and their families this year. 


Please keep the information flowing. Make an end of year donation to Fight Colorectal Cancer today. Thank you!

FY2011 Annual Report

Fight Colorectal Cancer has released its Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Report. In it you can read about:

- The many ways in which we helped patients this year;

- The research into late stage disease that we funded; 

- Our work on Capitol Hill and how it has made a difference; and

- How we kept our fundraising/overhead expenses to a mere 13%


Read more. (PDF)

Family portrait

As a person impacted by colorectal cancer, you already know that your family may be at higher risk for getting it. 


Learning about your family health history can help you and your loved ones identify what your disease risks may be. It can also help your health care practitioner recommend actions for reducing your risk and look for warning signs of disease. 


While celebrating the holidays together, take some time to develop a Family Health History. The Department of Health and Human Services has a nifty online tool to make it easy...but it doesn't have to be complicated. Just start talking! 

Being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes makes it more likely that men and women with colorectal cancer will die from colon or rectal cancer, cardiovascular disease or any other cause. 


Diabetes increased risk of dying from colorectal cancer about 30 percent and more than doubled chances of dying from heart disease or stroke.  Overall deaths among early stage colon and rectal cancer patients were increased about 50 percent when they had diabetes before their colorectal cancer diagnosis.


Read more.

Please Donate
Connect With Us
Free patient webinars

You're Not Losing It. You Have Cancer. 

January 18, 2012
8 - 9:30 PM Eastern



Report from the 2012 GI Cancers Symposium

February 15, 2012
8 - 9:30 PM Eastern 


Visit Fight Colorectal Cancer's mall for your last minute holiday shopping. A click of your mouse will allow you to raise money for Fight CRC every time you shop at a participating merchant - at no extra cost to you. 

Winter 2012 newsletter

In this issue:
  • Easing the Emotional Burden of Cancer
  • Patient to Patient: Getting Through the Tough Times
  • New Way of Doing Business in DC
  • Three Remarkable Days in March
  • What to Do About a Drug Shortage

Download now. 


Example Image - 180 x 110 pixels

March 5-7, 2012
Washington, DC
Early bird registration ends soon. Register today.
Blue Star of Hope ornament

Is there a little hope hanging on your tree this year? Order our Blue Star of Hope holiday ornament today, just $12.95.

Shop now.
Fight Colorectal Cancer demands a cure for colon and rectal cancer. We educate and support patients and caregivers, push for changes in policy that will increase and improve research, and empower survivors to raise their voices against the status quo.
Fight Colorectal Cancer | 1414 Prince Street, Suite 204 | 703-548-1225 | Website

Copyright © 2011 Colorectal Cancer Coalition, Inc. All Rights Reserved.