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Issue 54                                             Friday, December 30, 2011 


Breaches Serve as Wake-Up Call for Risk Management



Common Missing Link: Lack of Senior Infosec Leader


The slew of data breaches over the past year has raised the consciousness among businesses and governments of the need to manage risk more than ever before. Breaches, simply, have an adverse impact on the fundamentals operations of a business or government and without fully understanding that, executives and managers cannot smartly run their operations successfully.



To read this article in its entirety, please click:

Breaches Serve as Wake-Up Call for Risk Management

The Security Impact of Performance



I keep reading about how Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) has been in the past, and is being used, to cause all sorts of damage.


A DDoS is an attack where hundreds, thousands, or millions of zombie computers/systems are used by someone or some group to send fake traffic to a particular website or place on the Internet.



To read this article in its entirety, please click:

The Security Impact of Performance



Risk Management Framework: Learn from NIST

From heightened risks to increased regulations, senior leaders at all levels are pressured to improve their organizations' risk management capabilities. But no one is showing them how - until now.


Learn the fundamentals of developing a risk management program from the man who wrote the book on the topic: Ron Ross, computer scientist for the National Institute of Standards and Technology.



To read this article in its entirety, please click:


HIPAA Privacy Fine: $4.3 Million


Clinics Failed to Provide Patients With Records Access


For the first time, federal officials have issued a civil monetary penalty to a healthcare organization for violations of the HIPAA privacy rule. Cignet Health of Prince George's County, Md., was fined $4.3 million for the violations that involved failing to provide 41 patients with access to their medical records and then failing to cooperate with federal investigators.



To read this article in its entirety, please click:  

HIPAA Privacy Fine: $4.3 Million


Risk Management - More Than Just Risk Assessment


In an article in the December edition of the ACC Docket, entitled "Disciplined and Practical Risk Management", Jim Jackson, General Counsel of Medair, discussed risk management in the non-profit arena, focusing on his experience on this issue during his tenure at Medair.

Medair is an entity wich "brings life-saving relief and rehabilitation in disasters, conflict arenas and other crisis by working alongside the most vulnerable in Africa, Asia and other arenas with extraordinary need."


To read this article in its entirety, please click: 

 Risk Management - More Than Just Risk Assessment


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