WasteCap Nebraska Weekly Eco-Fact 

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WasteCap Nebraska encourages you to send these Eco-Facts throughout your company, to put them in your company newsletter, to post them on your website's sustainability page or to post them on your community bulletin boards.


Please contact WasteCap Nebraska if you would like to donate prizes for the weekly trivia contest. State Farm Insurance, Nebraska Lottery Street Team, Union Pacific and the Nebraska Community Blood Bank have provided some great prizes, however, we are almost out.


Good Luck WasteCap Nebraska Members!

Don't forget to answer the trivia question on  

WasteCap Nebraska's Facebook!

 Find us on Facebook

*To unsubscribe to weekly Eco-Facts email communications@wastecapne.org with subject line "STOP Eco-Facts" - you may be asked to complete a short survey.   


** This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. You are providing your information to WasteCap Nebraska and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for WasteCap Nebraska.

WasteCap Nebraska
285 S. 68th St. Place
Lincoln, Nebraska 68510