Water For Fighting PAC Month Year


SFPUC - Water System Improvement Program
SFPUC - Water System Improvement Program


  Take The "DRAIN" Hetch Hetchy Reservoir Survey Here         


     SFPUC...Give Us A Fighting Chance! 


     The California Watershed Posse (CWP) would like to welcome you to our Water For Fighting PAC newsletter and thank you for your interest in saving the San Francisco Bay Area from a regional calamity that would destroy the ability to access drinking waters held in the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Watersheds in San Mateo County and in the East Bay.  The Bay Area's ability to exist and its entire economy depend on securing and protecting the Hetch Hetchy Water System...period!




     Many believe that the next great disaster that could befall San Francisco would be a temporary repeat of the great easthquake and subsequesnt fire of 1906.  Most of the Bay Area residents are unaware that a similar fate could beset this city we love, should a Perfect Firestorm ever rage in that city's watershed and reservoirs system, denying not only the City of San Francisco, but the San Francisco Peninsula its only water supply for up to several years. The Hetch Hetchy System is recongnized as the most vunerable target in Northern California by the FBI Terroist Taskforce.  In addition to the lives and property lost through such a firestorm, this tragedy comes with a minimal price tag of over $30 billion dollars per month for the first two to three years.  Neither the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) nor the US Department of Interior will deny or go on record against this assertion.  Actually, such a calamity might just devastate the economy of all of California, not just the City of San Francisco and all of the other municipalities dependent on water from the SFPUC run Hetch Hetchy System.  Without water available to San Francisco and her sister Peninsula communities, we can imagine these communities, with over eight times the populaton of New Orleans, will face the same civil unrest that city experienced after Katrina.  Unfortunately, the lack of our regular and only viable water source would make our predicament even worse, necessitation the abandonment of the entire San Francisco Peninsula.  ( Finish Reading This Article)



What can you do to help?  Alert the media!  Send a letter to the editor.  Forward this email to your "like-minded" friends and neighbors, ask them if the SFPUC should be protecting our Hetch Hetchy reservoirs, or just let them "burn baby burn"?!  Call your local elected representives, ask them what is their plan to avert this SFPUC preventable disaster that will outshine the Oakland Hills fire a thousand fold. Be part of the solution, change is inevitable, survival is not! 


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Email Oscar:

Contact Oscar Braun at  650-867-5779

Change is inevitable...Survival is not