The Grass Authority
The Grass Authority News
July 2011



Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July weekend.


Warmer weather is upon us and it is now time to start your watering program if you haven't already.  Below are some guidelines for watering and mowing.

Watering & Mowing News



A suggested watering schedule is Monday and Thursday in the A.M. one start time at 5:00 A.M. to supply 3/8" of water and one start time at 9:00 A.M. to supply 3/8' of water (3/4" total per/day 2 watering days per week = 1 1/2" of water weekly). 
If you don't have an irrigation controller, try watering one time per week.  Run the sprinkler to supply 3/4" of water, shut if off for 2-4 hours and then repeat the run time to supply the other 3/4" of water. 
The 1/3 rule! Never cut more than 1/3 of the grass plant at any one time!
This said, you should mow your lawn when it needs to be mowed, not on a set day of the week. 
Using your Grass Authority Mowing Gauge or a ruler.  Mow a small spot of our lawn, shut off the mower and measure the height of cut with the mower gauge.  Not the height of the mower deck!  Adjust the mower as required to set cutting height.  Grass in our area likes to be cut at
2 1/4" to 2 1/2".  Let your lawn grow to 4" and then cut (ie 1/3rd of the grass plant).


Remember, We love referrals and we want to help! Please forward this information to anyone you think may be in need of our services. For any referral that takes advantage of one of our comprehensive lawn care programs you will receive a $25.00 credit to your account. Your lawn care this year could be FREE!!



Leisa Aden

The Grass Authority