VC3 Quarterly Newsletter
April 2010
Thank you for making our 2010 Open House a success!   
It was great to see some new faces as well as familiar ones.  We hope everyone learned something new and we look forward to next year's Open House. 
If you were unable to attend but would still like to review our presentations you can find them here.
In This Issue
Events: Local Government Webinars
In the Know: HostedVOICE
Events: VC3 launches our Blog: VC3 411
Spotlight: VC3 volunteers with the Decatur Preservation Alliance
Spotlight: VC3 Employee Speaks at Refresh Columbia
Local Government Webinars 
Local Government Webinar SeriesPlease join us for our next webinar in our Local Government series: 
Controlling IT Costs - Methods for improving the effectiveness of your IT dollar.   
Register Here  
Although these webinars are geared to our local government audience there are still some great take-aways for the private sector so, please sign up!
HostedVOICE vs. VOIP
HostedVOICEBy now, most of you have heard about VoIP, Voice-over-IP, or IP Telephony.  But in case you haven't, here's a quick VOIP 101.  Read More...
VC3 launches our Blog:  VC3 411
VC3 411Please check out our new Technology Blog, VC3 411.  The purpose of VC3 411 is to share technology related information with our readers and our goal is to keep our readers updated on new technology and share a little bit about VC3's employees too.  Vist our blog.
VC3 volunteers with the Decatur Preservation Alliance
Decatur Preservation AllianceRain did not stop the 1,180 volunteers who turned out to do home repairs and yard work for senior citizens during the eighth annual Decatur Martin Luther King Jr. Service Project weekend. Volunteers repaired 13 homes, did yard work on 50 senior citizens' homes, and also did yard work for people with disabilities who live near the Solarium in Oakhurst.  Read more...

VC3 Employee Speaks at Refresh Columbia
Refresh ColumbiaJustin Shearer, senior web designer at VC3, spoke at the February meetup of Refresh Columbia. Refresh Columbia is a community of designers and developers working to refresh the creative, technical, and professional culture of New Media endeavors in their areas around Columbia, SC.  Justin gave a talk on an emerging technology called Yahoo Query Language (YQL).  In short, YQL allows you to access data from third party sites without using any server side coding like ASP.NET. After the talk, Justin released a series of open source widgets using this technology and they are available at:

VC3 just released several sites using this technology including and Now that this technology has been developed VC3 can roll out these solutions with little effort while providing customers and their visitors the features they want.

VC3 City of Columbia - Green Business
Who is VC3?
VC3 has been on the leading edge of Information Technology since 1994, providing a full range of IT services to both the private and public sectors.  
With customers of all backgrounds and sizes, VC3 has the depth and experience to provide a broad range of technology services to optimize your IT budget.
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