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In This Issue
Waste Audits Tell All
Composting Case Study
New Energy Star Building
Q&A: Green Spring Cleaning
Improve Environmental Performance, Reduce Costs

With over 20 years of experience, Great Forest is a leader in sustainability consulting, providing project management expertise to clients nationwide. Services include:

Learn How to Cut Waste Removal Costs by 20% to 50% 

Great Forest is a proud supporter of the nonprofit Blacksmith Institute, which works to clean up life-threatening pollution problems in low and middle income countries.
Great Forest, Inc.
2014 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10035
212-779-4757 Phone
212-779-8044 Fax

 Be Part of the Conversation on Earth Day

Earth DayEveryone will be talking about sustainability on Earth Day. Don't get left out of the conversation.

Call your Great Forest representative for Earth Day ideas. Last year, we constructed several large attention-getting recycling displays to get people talking, and even brought in an electric car to encourage greener transportation alternatives. (See photos from some of last year's events)

We can conduct surveys, organize games, hold refresher-training courses, or simply be on hand to answer questions from your tenants and employees. Start planning now for April 22nd.

-- The Great Forest Team

Trash Talking - Waste Audits Tell All   


toter and trash bag

Every company or building should listen to what their trash is telling them at least once a year by conducting a waste audit.   


Great Forest has conducted waste audits not only in office buildings, but also in schools, universities, VA hospitals and in NYC's Penn Station. This month we are conducting audits for Arlington County in Virginia to help them gauge residential and commercial recycling participation and diversion rates. 


A comprehensive waste audit will provide a detailed account of what is going into your trash. Here are some reasons why waste audits are key:  >> READ MORE 

Composting Case Study: Two Scenarios  


LEED Gold for 2325 Dulles Corner Blvd in Herndon, VATo compost or not to compost? That is the question many businesses are still asking. The answer depends on a number of factors that may affect you uniquely. So if you are considering composting, do the research and launch a trial. Here are two examples: 

Case 1: 
A large financial firm in Weehawken, NJ, with a three-building campus housing about 6,000 workers.  >> READ MORE

New Energy Star Building    


AFP Properties has earned an ENERGY STAR label at 28 West 44th Street.  

Great Forest helped to generate the building's energy performance statements and worked on the application process to the EPA. Congratulations!


Q&A: Our office does an annual spring cleaning. How can we make it green?


Early spring is a great time to do an annual cleaning of your building or office space. Here are some tips to ensure your efforts are good for you and the environment >> READ MORE 



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