Get Your Share of NYSERDA Funds Before The Competition Heats Up
New York buildings should plan their energy audits and retro-commissioning studies required by Local Law 87 now even though mandatory compliance does not begin until 2013. Why? Because waiting could mean losing out on valuable NYSERDA funds, or having to do additional work to access these funds.
This is because the program will change shape and may shift its funding criteria as applications pour in closer to the 2013 deadline for compliance. Right now in 2011, NYSERDA's Existing Building and Flex-Tech funding can help cover some of the costs for audits, studies and implementation of efficiency measures.
Going by the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager scores just released by the EPA, it looks like most commercial buildings benchmarked in New York have room for efficiency improvements, scoring below the 90-point threshold. And even if your building scored higher, the Local Law 87 requirements will still need to be met.
You can ensure early compliance with a 2011 or 2012 filing, and begin applying for NYSERDA funds for energy audits. Early filers may also have a chance to correct conditions that cause low scores before building ratings become public in 2012.
To secure NYSERDA funding under current programs, work has to start now on applications, strategizing and making contacts with the appropriate engineering firms. Follow up work may also need to be planned ahead and can include measurement and verification (M&V) and project monitoring.
Call your Great Forest representative to get started now.