Dunes Marketing Group
Sell Short, Buy Short!
Dear Clients, Friends & Fellow Associates ~
Here are a few ways for Sellers and Buyers to make a move today! !  We look forward to customizing a strategy for you!   Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers
1.  Sell Short and Buy Short ~ For the re-buyer (if you own something already and want to move up) timing is on your side.  In fact, the smart money is doing this right now!   Just last week two transactions that I know of took place where the sellers sold short and bought a more expensive property on Hilton Head.  The savings were huge!  It is the polar opposite of what most move up buyers think, but it works!  Here's how:   

Seller of a property sells their existing property for less in order to facilitate a sale (they price it to sell quickly).   When they sell, they than purchase a more expensive property for approximately the same percentage* less than they discounted their property for.  If the percentages of sale and negotiation are the same they end up with a higher dollar amount in savings.  Timing is on the move up buyers side right now and we would be happy to show you an example with numbers via email...just let us know.
2.  Buy a foreclosure ~  If you want your share of stimulus money it makes sense right now to buy a foreclosure.  Banks are being forced to sell their foreclosure inventories at reduced prices just to get them off their books.  Most of the banks would rather take less today than wait another...READ MORE +