 Farm Credit Essentials logo 
Summer 2012   
In This Issue
A Chat With The Chief
Customer Connections
Business Results In Review
New State FFA Officers Elected
Land Auction Price Check
Staff In The Spotlight
Win A 3-gallon Bubba Keg cooler
Welcome Aboard
FCS Team Milestones
Drought Discussion Meetings
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A Chat With The Chief
by Dave Owens, President & CEO
"A Salute to the Farm Credit Scholars"

2012 Farm Credit Scholars

"Just as each of them has a vision and specific goals for where they want to be in four, five, or ten years, so should we and the businesses or operations we manage. How do you articulate what your farming operation or business will look like in five or ten years from now? And then what are you doing today that supports and moves you towards that future picture or vision?"

Customer Connections
Schaufine Holsteins
Boyd Schaufelberger
Greenville, IL

Since "June is Dairy Month" and National Ice Cream Month is celebrated in July, let's meet a dairy farm family and Farm Credit stockholder from Bond County.  Read More

  Business Results In Review - 1st Quarter 2012


  Congratulations to the 2012-2013 Illinois FFA Major State Officers


Officers elected at the 84th Annual State FFA Convention in Springfield on June 12-14 were: President Darren Riskedal of Somonauk-Leland-Sandwich FFA, Vice President Dalton Heavner of Pittsfield FFA, Reporter Courtney Gerstenecker of Carlyle FFA, Secretary Joel Limestall of Waterloo FFA, and Tyson Schulte of Sherrard FFA. Farm Credit sponsored the Convention Press Area.


 2012-2013 Illinois FFA Officers 


Price Check

The following is a sampling of land sales results reported from various farm real estate auctions that were held in the past 90 days throughout the Farm Credit Services of Illinois geography:


Price Check Summer 2012


INTERESTing  Times

By Tom Tracy, Senior Vice President

  Federal Funds Rate Graph 2012

In response to a suggestion from a reader of the spring edition of "essentials", we are creating a new article with insights related to the current financial markets. Tom Tracy, Senior Vice President of Operations, has accepted the task of authoring "INTERESTing Times". We hope you value this new "essentials" addition.


 Read More    

Staff In The Spotlight:  Denny McMillan

Meet the Association's Vice President of Commercial Lending who just joined Farm Credit 18 months ago.

"The ARC Bond program shares funding for loans with commercial banks throughout Illinois. Together, we invest in rural development projects."  Read More  
Denny McMillan, Commercial Lending

Sign Up & Win One of Four 3-gallon Bubba Keg Coolers

Drawing to be held Friday, July 13.


Here's a chance to win an "essential" to have during the heat of the Illinois summer. This heavy-duty stainless steel and plastic cooler features Bubba Fat dual-wall insulation to keep drinks cold or hot. Will keep hot items hot for up to 3 hours and cold items cold for up to 12 hours! Features include a convenient easy spout dispensing at the push of a button and a twist-top lid handle allows easy carrying and filling of the barrel-shaped water jug. (Retail Value $50) 

Bubba Keg Giveaway

Sign Up Button for Bubba Keg  



Congratulations to the winners of the springtime "essentials" Emergency Weather Radios given away after March 2012 "essentials".

  • Joe Burke of Champaign County
  • Diane Gutierrez of Williamson County
  • Rhonda Holliday of Menard County
  • Valerie Lamczyk of Washington County

    Welcome Aboard!
    Meet the newest members of the staff team who joined
    Farm Credit Services of Illinois since March 2012.  

    Welcome New Employees
    FCS Team Milestones
    A special salute to these employees who reached milestones in their years of service to Farm Credit since March 2012 :

     Milestone Farm Credit Anniversaries Summer 2012
    Drought Discussion: Sign Up Today

    cornfield during drought 

    Farm Credit will be holding nine crop insurance
    "Drought Discussion" meetings at several locations during the month of July. Questions about how to manage your risk during drought conditions will be answered. 

    More Information & Dates of Meetings

    Register Online Now

    Want To Visit About Interest Rates, Loan Products, or Crop Insurance?
    Make an online request to get a quote on today's interest rates or request that a loan officer or crop insurance specialist contact you by filling out a Get A Quote form.


    Thank you for reading Farm Credit "essentials". We welcome your candid feedback and suggestions for future editions. Email your reactions and ideas to info@fcsillinois.com.