 Lisa Zimmerman Astrology Full Moon in Pisces.... Money Miracles: Aligning Feng Shui & Astrology
We have plenty of cosmic activity as we approach the Full Moon in dreamy, compassionate Pisces on Aug 24th at 1:05pm EDT. The Full Moon is the culmination of things - when hidden things come to light.
In Pisces, it's the ideal time to meditate, be in nature, listen to beautiful music, be creative or go within to connect with Spirit. Stay tuned to see what will be revealed in your world!The 72 hours prior to the Full Moon is when emotions run high and reactions can be overblown. Think of blowing up a balloon as a metaphor for the ascent of a Full Moon... the pressure continues to build until the Moon is full, then it "pops" and the energy is released.
Easy does it, go slowly and practice patience and compassion (for others and yourself!) so that you move in grace and flow. Along with the impending Full Moon, the current Mercury Retrograde also sets up the potential for snafus, so create more space between activities to increase mindfulness and to reduce the incidence of overwhelm and stress.
Get your Mercury Retrograde report (click here) so you know what to do - and what NOT to do during this time. The Mercury
Rx slowdown may be just the blessing you need to wind down a little, so
use this time to review/revise what's not working, to clear and to recoup your
energy.For those still in "the hallway,"
Mercury Retrograde is a wonderful time to review where you've been, what
has worked, what is complete and what you have accomplished - even it
it's discovering what you don't want!We are still reverberating from the intensity of the final Pluto/Saturn square on Aug 21st as it slowly separates, allowing for a reprieve from the relentless pressure we've experienced over the past month. This is part of the energetic that may have had you feeling as if your back was to the wall, ultimately dismantling weak structures in your life that needed clearing in order for you to evolve. Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (structure/contraction) are still in opposition which can feel like you're being pushed and pulled in two directions at once! Remember, if you're in one experience or the other, you're in duality. To operate in the highest expression of the opposition, find the middle ground that allows you to grow in methodical and structured ways. No leaping before you look -- and don't get stuck in tradition ("the way we've always done it"). Feel into when it's time to move forward and when it's time to step back to create space. Pisces rules the collective unconscious, and according to sound healer and channel, Tom Kenyon, humanity is at a choice point regarding what it will experience as a collective reality.
The reality that will prevail is being anchored through the choices we are now making, both as individuals and as a collective. Choose consciously with love, compassion and care - for yourself and for all beings who share our planet!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Money Miracles: Aligning Feng Shui and Astrology
Mercury Retrograde is an auspicious time to review and examine your issues surrounding money and your values. I am so excited to be teaming up with my Platinum Intensive roommate, Feng Shui Expert, Carole Hyder, to offer you a free teleseminar called "Money Miracles" on Tuesday evening, August 24th.
Combining Carol's vast knowledge of Feng Shui and my astrological insights, we will show you some of the common issues that block the flow of money and offer innovative solutions that you can implement on the spot!
Carole, founder of the well known Wind and Water School of Feng Shui in Minneapolis, has fabulous information about financial Feng Shui that she will share with you as I explain how your chart indicates issues that can block the flow of money and abundance, as well as how to shift them.
Save the date and mark your calendar for
The Full Moon - Aug 24th at 8pm EDT/ 7pm CDT / 5pm PDT.
(See the info below --- you do NOT want to miss this call!)
If you can't be there register anyway, so you will get the recording of the call.
A special offer will be made during the call, so listen to the recording ASAP if you miss the live call!
Carole Hyder and Lisa Zimmerman
"It's hard to be in transition. It feels like standing naked at a cocktail party. The culture may demand definition, but your soul craves expansion. Do not rush your courageous adventure. You are as undefined as you are unlimited." ~ Tama J. Kieves
A change in consciousness will change your life!
xx Lisa
MONEY MIRACLES: Create Unlimited Abundance by Aligning the Cosmic Force of Feng Shui and Astrology
Intuitive Astrologer Lisa Zimmerman and
Feng Shui Expert Carole Hyder
8pm (EDT), 7pm (CDT), 5pm (PDT)
Does it seem like no matter what you do, you can never get ahead---and stay ahead---regarding money?
Carole Hyder, Feng Shui expert, and Lisa Zimmerman, Intuitive Astrologer, join forces on a FREE telecall to provide inside about what may be holding you back from creating the financial ease and abundance you desire. Using astrology and Feng Shui they will discuss potential issues and offer solutions to come common blocks to financial flow.  Carole J. Hyder is an international Feng Shui expert, the author of two books and two DVDs , as well as the founder and lead faculty of the Wind & Water School of Feng Shui. She has championed the cause of Feng Shui since 1992, driven by the principles of inspiration, imagination and integrity. CaroleHyder.com
Don't miss out on an opportunity to change your relationship with money!
Let a miracle unfold in your own life!
Lisa Zimmerman is Transformational Consultant, an Intuitive Astrologer, Avatar� Master, Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counselor who lives in NYC.
Lisa is also a representative for CEO Space, a national business networking organization that meets five times/year for one week at a time outside of Las Vegas. It is built on a model of cooperation rather than competition so members commit to supporting one another, knowing that together we can create more than we ever could on our own. Feel free to contact me for more information about CEO Space.
Astrology and counseling sessions can take place in person or by phone. Please call for more information or an appointment. VIP Virtual Retreats and gift certificates are available upon request.
For more information email zlisa@aol.com.