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Volume 2                                                                                                     November 2011


As I write the second Newsletter I am delighted to say that Mindful Leadership  is now in final edit with Wiley, my publisher.  I spent the summer writing and it was a real pleasure.  The final few weeks before the manuscript is due is always a little frantic, but that is all part of the process.  The book launch date has not yet been finalized, but it will likely be at the end of March 2012.  I will let you know in the next Newsletter and, of course, you are invited.
In the Newsletters to come I will be giving you a preview of the book.  This Newsletter includes themes from the upcoming book and in subsequent Newsletters I will be describing the 9 Ways of Being a Mindful Leader.  You may or may not recall that in the previous Newsletter I had referred to it as the "8 Ways".  We actually made it up to "10 Ways" this summer and upon further reflection and meditation it finally landed on "9 Ways".
As I coach business leaders and professionals daily and lead various classes it is so clear to me that we all need to actively and proactively cultivate our ability to be Mindful leaders.  As I watch the market rollercoaster, the challenging negotiations in the Eurozone, the precarious nature of peace and war around the globe, it is clearly up to each and every one of us to Mindfully lead the way, every day.  If we don't do it, who will?  And, of course, we will do it, because we can.
In this Newsletter there are 7 Mindful Missives and 7 Mindfulness in Action Tips of the Week.  I am also delighted to say that I am in conversation with Michelle Wassenaar, founding partner of Johnston Wassenaar LLP, an intellectual property law firm.  She is a Mindful leader whose insights I know you will enjoy and find useful.
In October, CBC.ca News ran a Special Report on Small Business and they asked me to write a column.  The column is called "Mindful Leadership: A Competitive Advantage for Small Business".  In these turbulent times characterized by global economic instability and uncertainty, there is a huge opportunity for small businesses to create a competitive advantage by changing their approach to leadership and culture.  The competitive advantage is that of sustainable performance and resilience by everyone in the organization - which in turn translates into sustainable performance and resilience for the business. This can be successfully achieved by creating an organization comprised of what I refer to as "Mindful" leaders.  I thought the column might be of interest to you and it is included in this Newsletter.

I have greatly appreciated your feedback and comments on the blog posts.  If you don't already automatically receive the Mindful Leadership Blog and would like to, you can subscribe in this Newsletter in the right hand column.    
I hope you enjoy the Newsletter and find it useful.  As always, if there are topics you would like to see covered or questions you would like answered, I look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you many Mindful moments.
All the best,
Upcoming Mindfulness

Training Programs

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation  

Wednesdays, January 11 -     
February 29, 2012
9:00 - 10:30 a.m. 

2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada  

Learn More 

           Register Now 



Further Explorations in Mindfulness Two Courses Offered  

Wednesdays and Thursdays 


Wednesdays, January 11 -
February 29, 2012
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

 2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada


Thursdays, January 12 -   

March 1, 2012
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

 Learn More 

Register Now 




One-on-One Coaching Program  


2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Learn More 

Register Now 



Discovering Your Life Purpose
Two-Day Workshop / Retreat

Thursday, January 19th 12:30 - 3:30pm and Friday, January 20th 9:00am -3:00pm


Queen - Richmond Centre

111 Queen Street East

Toronto, Ontario

 Learn More 

 Register Now 




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Tips of The Week

To Experience Deep Joy in Your Life Cultivate the Habit of Gratitude

Some people seem to be naturally grateful.  But for many people, especially when they are busy or experiencing difficult circumstances, gratitude is not top of mind.  But, if you would like to experience deep joy in your life the most ...   

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I am often asked about how to stop the mind from buzzing or being cluttered with endless thoughts.  My answer is simple.  Relax the body.  The mind and body form a feedback loop.  When the mind is busy and agitated ...  

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Connecting Deeply with the World by Connecting Deeply with Yourself
If you wish to experience a deep connection to the world around you then you first need to connect deeply with yourself.  And the connection I am talking about is the connection to your body.  The body and the mind ...

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When we experience fear it can be all consuming.  But we can see fear for what it is - just another flavour of body sensation.  Certainly it may be that accompanying the fear experience are images of what happened in ...  

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Use Mindfulness to Widen the Gap between Stimulus and Response  

Widening the gap between stimulus and response is critical in order to make decisions that are sound and decrease the chances of being impulsive.  As we move through these challenging economic times all eyes will be on you as a ...  

The more we multitask the more we are drawn to multitask.  Why is that?  Quite simply, we are training ourselves.  Just as we can train the mind for greater calm and concentration, we can train the opposite, for less calm ...  

Be Aware of "Feel" Sensations in Your Body When Making Decisions

As I mentioned earlier this week, improved decision making is one of the many benefits experienced when you practice Mindfulness. One of the ways to improve your ability to make sound decisions is to become aware of what you are ...


Conversations with Mindful Leaders


Michelle Wassenaar is founding partner of Johnston Wassenaar LLP, an intellectual property law firm.  Michelle lives a Mindful life, successfully applying Mindfulness to her personal life and her business.    


Watch The Video 



Mindful Missives 

Mindful Leadership: A competitive advantage for small businesscbc.ca logo  

In these turbulent times characterized by global economic instability and uncertainty, there is a huge opportunity for small businesses to create a competitive advantage by changing their approach to leadership and culture. The competitive advantage is ...

To Be Grateful Is a Blessing

As Thanksgiving approaches I am reminded of gratitude.  To be grateful is to be truly blessed.  When we experience gratitude, our whole world changes.  Everything looks clearer, sharper, more beautiful.  We feel connected to everything and everyone around us.  And ...  

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Equanimity is often misunderstood and as a result considered to be unattainable or undesirable.  The term refers to surrendering to what is arising in your sensory experience.  It means to go with the flow or not fight what you can't ...  

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To be "one" with every moment is challenging and complex.  But when you experience it, it is unmistakable and incredibly fulfilling.  These are magic moments.  Everyone can remember a time or moment when everything fell into place.  You said exactly ...   

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It has been very trendy to say that everything is interconnected.  But few really know the depth of this statement.  We quite literally are connected to one another here and everywhere in the world and we are connected to everything ...  

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As I watched the media coverage of hurricane Irene and the anticipation of what it would do to the markets on Monday morning, I was reminded that the real danger to our well being is that of believing our fears.  ...

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As we experience significant declines in all financial markets and economic turmoil around the world, I am once again struck by the role of fear and greed in these critical times.  When Graham Byron and I wrote The Mindful Investor ...
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Multitask at Your Peril!

This is an old topic worth revisiting because of its significant implications for being an effective leader.  I have been talking about the implications of multitasking for years and it could never be more applicable. 680_News_ Interview.mp3 Stress is so ...   

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In the Next Newsletter
Maria and Shinzen

In the next Mindful Leadership Newsletter I will be in conversation with Shinzen Young, a teacher of Vipassana meditation and founder of Vipassana Support International.  He is also my main Teacher.
Our conversation themes will be inspiration and Enlightment.

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving

of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere.

You, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
