Greater Portland Baptist Church
April 14, 2012
2012 Theme - Faith, Hope, Charity
30th Year Shield

COURAGEOUS LIVING! Courageous Living


Joshua 1:1-9 declares that Moses had died and with his passing God placed the mantle of leadership upon the shoulders of Joshua. He would now be God's man to lead the Children of Israel across Jordan and into the Promised Land!


No doubt, this was a time of inspiration for some and intimidation for others! There were "giants in the land!" But God assured them of two things: He would go with them and He would empower them!


There were two prerequisites before they crossed over Jordan into the Promised Land: "Be strong and of a good courage!" 


For most travelers it is not only what we know is front of us, but what we do not know that paralyzes us with fear, doubt and discouragement.  It was those same "giants" that caused the first generation Israel out of Egypt to doubt God's promises at Kadesh Barnea and end up dying in the wilderness!


It is on this charge that I want to help us prepare for this journey from "From Here to Eternity!"  God has given us the same promises! In Hebrews 13:5  He siad, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee!" And in Romans 8:37, He tells us that "We are more than conquerors through him that loved us!"


Starting this Sunday I will begin a special Sermon Series entitled "Courageous Living!"


Studying God's Word and claiming His promises, we are going to study the lives of many different men and women that not only trusted God but also triumphed by His strong arm!


Like Joshua and the Children of Israel, our responsibility is "to be strong and of a good courage!"  Courageous Living is the only way that any of us can please God and finish well!


By the way, do not be surprised that in the process of "giant killing" you actually become "a giant" yourself!


See You on Sunday!






Spring Sunday School Campaign Begins

This Sunday, April 15 

 From Here to Eternity
The Spring Sunday School Campaign begins TOMORROW, Sunday, April 15, and continues through Sunday, May 13.
If you are not in a Sunday School class, now is the time to get involved!
Get on board and help "make a difference" in the Spring Sunday Campaign.
Marriage Conference with Sam & Debbie Wood   
*registration information coming soon*
Marriage Conference
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In This Issue
Courageous Living
Spring Sunday School Campaign
Marriage Conference May 18-20
GPBC Events Calendar
Online Giving
Welcome to GPBCeNEWS
Welcome to GPBCeNEWS!
Pastor Rick Adams
Pastor Rick Adams

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read this GPBCeNEWS Alert.


We trust that this publication will provide news and information about events and activities that will help you stay connected to your church family at Greater Portland Baptist Church.


If there is anything that my staff or I can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us.


I look forward to seeing you in church this week!


Until then I will be...


Ever Your Friend in Christ,



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Greater Portland Baptist Church
17800 SE Main St * Portland OR 97233
(503) 761-1136