Greater Portland Baptist Church
March 30, 2012
2012 Theme - Faith, Hope, Charity
30th Year Shield

Easter is Next Week, April 8, 2012Love Rolled the Stone Away


Next Sunday, April 8, 2012, is Resurrection Sunday. The Greater Portland Baptist Church Adult Choir, Kids of Praise Children's Choir and Drama Team will lead us in worship and praise to our risen Savior with an original music and drama program called Love Rolled the Stone Away. 


Many of your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors may only attend church once or twice in a year, which presents a great opportunity for you to invite them to visit Greater Portland Baptist Church as your guest. 


Through the medium of music and dramatic narration the story of redemption's plan carried out through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ will be clearly presented.  As the Gospel message is given, this could be a service that could change the eternity for your friend.


Please pick up some Easter program invitations and use them this week to invite your guest to come with you for Easter at GPBC, Sunday, April 8, 2012 - 10:45AM.


We'll see you there!







Free Movie Night - Friday, April 13 - 6:47pm 
 Courageous Movie Night
Marriage Conference with Sam & Debbie Wood   
*registration information coming soon*
Marriage Conference
Stay Up-to-Date with GPBC Events 
Day Planner
You can keep up-to-date with all the GPBC events by going to the calendar page of our website. 

Check back regularly for changes and updates. 

Online Giving

Click Here to get started: Online Giving 

2011 Constant Contact All Stars

 We've been named an All Star by
Constant Contact!

A BIG thank you to everyone
who reads our GPBCeNEWS updates.

Your support really makes a difference!

In This Issue
Easter is Next Week
Courageous Movie Night
Marriage Conference May 18-20
GPBC Events Calendar
Online Giving
Welcome to GPBCeNEWS
Welcome to GPBCeNEWS!
Pastor Rick Adams
Pastor Rick Adams

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read this GPBCeNEWS Alert.


We trust that this publication will provide news and information about events and activities that will help you stay connected to your church family at Greater Portland Baptist Church.


If there is anything that my staff or I can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us.


I look forward to seeing you in church this week!


Until then I will be...


Ever Your Friend in Christ,



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Greater Portland Christian Academy

Greater Portland Baptist Church
17800 SE Main St * Portland OR 97233
(503) 761-1136