Elite Women Around The World�
Elite Women Around The World� is a global network of individuals, leaders, organizations, businesses, coming together with a shared mission of enhancing the economic position of women globally and creating a worldwide platform for:
  • Leadership, Mentorship, Economic Advancement & Empowerment for women
  • Collaboration among women businesses
  • Building of Alliances with other businesses and civic organizations
  • Education and Insights on business issues for global opportunities
  • Strategic Networking among local, national, and global leaders

In This Issue
Women Empowering Women
Global, National & Regional business opportunities
Women Skills Data Bank
Why Join
Save the Date
October 6, 2010 -6:30 pm Opportunity to meet Sarina Jain America's first cross-cultural fitness star the "Jane Fonda" of India
Sarina Jain Headshot
Reserve your place Today! details to follow...
Upcoming 2011 Series "Women Empowering Women"
I Stock photo
Be part of our quarterly luncheon panel dialogue;
 January 27th, 2011- Scaling Up...Can I Dream Big 
April 28th, 2011- Tackling the barriers to business
July 28th, 2011- Nurturing future market leaders: Role models, access to influential networks, mentoring, confidence building - taking your business to the next level
October 27th, 2011- Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy: The Only Way for a Community to Build a Sustainable Economy
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Inaugural and Worldwide Launch of the Elite Women Around The World Project & Website on Sept. 10th produced a platform to create a vital push that helps women's enterprises to be an unstoppable economic force.
 Sandra with Group
"We have thrown our FIRST pebbles into the ocean and together we have made a BIG SPLASH! Many Elite Women babies are born all over the world. We have opened our doors to the World with the first phase of empowering women worldwide"  said Rita Singh on the night of the Inaugural.
The evening featured Sandra Yancey, Founder of eWomenNetwork who delivered an inspiring message on "Women Empowering Women" and commended this global effort and her organization became a Global Alliance Partner of Elite Women Around The World�.
The Evening also hosted an unforgettable Distinguished panel of women dialogue on:
Thinking big(ger): Women Entrepreneurs as Global Change Agents
Mistress of Ceremony: Uzma A. Kazmi, Commercial Banking Relationship Manager, Vice President, PNC

Panel participants were:
Rita N. Singh, CEO &Founder of Elite Women Around The World�
Sandra Yancey, Founder of eWomenNetwork
Renata Ramsini, Director of Governor's Office for Women's Initiatives & Outreach
Daisy Alford-Smith, CEO of Girl Scouts of NE Ohio

Global, National and Regional business opportunities
Group Upstairs 
Through Elite Women Around the World�, Rita Singh, fully utilizing her international background and perspectives, intends to foster the building of understanding and relationships across cultures.  That strength will prove to be one of the key components for 21st century leadership.  I wish all who participate the richest possible experience. 
-Martha Mayhood Mertz,
Founder of ATHENA International
Access to the Worldwide Women Skills Data Bank
Sandra with Elite Women Image "As women around the world attain higher levels of education and have become more directly involved in their respective economies, the demand for caring and knowledgeable mentors  and relationship building skills has skyrocketed. Elite Women Around The World�, offers to satiate the thirst that we have for growth, expertise and meaningful connections. Having met a cadre of amazing and wonderful men and women from the Elite events that I have attended to date, I feel confident that the database will greatly expand my network, visibility and relationships around the globe." Gloria M. Ware,Vice President, Relationship Manager, Fifth Third Bank
Why Join
Group at Buffet

  • Global, National and Regional Business Opportunities
  • Worldwide Network and Global reach
  • Access to the Worldwide Women Skills Data Bank
  • Global Mentoring Matchmaking
  • Global Alliance Partner collaboration
  • Supplier Partner Visibility
  • Exclusive Global Speaker's Bureau network
  • The Opportunity to Uncover the Leadership Within You
  • Discovery of Core Values
  • Empowerment of Women
 "When women are involved in the economy, important shifts happen" 
Warmest Regards,

Rita N. Singh 
CEO & Founder 
Elite Women Around The World�
Exclusive Offer for FREE Founding Membership worth $499 + see details 
During the month of the Inaugural
 Launch - FREE Founding Membership for 1 year with paid Elite Status or Leading to Mentor Membership renewable at the discounted rate. 
Offer Expires: September 30, 2010