Love Your Mother
In This Issue
August Director Letter
August Events
MC Yogi in Seattle
Wanderlust Whistler
Upcoming Events
Kids Yoga
8 Limbs Retreats
Work Study
Visiting Teachers

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Mary Oliver


Our Mission at 

supportive, inclusive, and non-competitive atmosphere in which
yoga practitioners can learn and grow.


What makes you feel most alive?


I asked this question in my class last night. I was a little nervous but inwardly insistent to myself that it could be done, that I could throw that into a group and see what happened. It felt a little nervy, and exposing, but also exciting. I asked for a volunteer to speak first, to not force anyone into speaking. Three hands shot up. The excited ones.


The answers that came in were varied: music, connection to others, authenticity, trying something new, the exquisite sadness and simultaneous joy friend with terminal cancer who is so completely ALIVE every moment that she is here. Everyone had an answer, everyone shared a piece of themselves, and we all felt a little more alive for it.


This is the time of year many of us feel most alive, but my question was spurred in the interest of identifying WHAT and WHY?. Is it the weather, or is it following your heart? Is it sunshine, or is it meeting a new friend and feeling like you've known them all your life? Is it warmth, or is it how we open up to that warmth and can feel more relaxed, spacious, and able to reach out with ease.


What makes you feel most alive? Let us know.


Smile Often

Anne Phyfe Palmer
Owner and Education Director

8 Limbs Yoga Centers       
Sidewalk Sale!
August 10-11, 8 Limbs Capitol Hill
Come get some of your favorite yoga gear at deep discounts!

MC Yogi Workshop & Concert

August 17, OmCulture

Wanderlust Whistler
August 23-26

Intro Series with Maura 
August 20 - October 1, 2012 (no class September 3)
8 Limbs West Seattle

Teacher Training Info Session
August 20, 8 Limbs Capitol Hill

Yoga at the Olympic Sculpture Park
August 4, 11, 18, 24

8 Limbs is excited to co-host musician MC Yogi for a "Yoga as Pilgrimage" Workshop & Asana Practice and Concert on Friday, August 17 at OmCulture in Fremont. MC Yogi was the artist who published "Yoga for Hope," a song featuring the voice of Barack Obama, during the 2008 election campaign. 


8 Limbs instructors Douglas Ridings and Terilyn Wyre will be teaching at Wanderlust Whistler, August 23 - 26, 2012. Enjoy these fabulous teachers, plus Baron Baptiste, Seane Corne, Michael Franti, Thievery Corporation, MC Yogi, Krishna Das, and more. Get your passes now!  


Tias Little Workshops
September 14-16, 8 Limbs Capitol Hill
8 Limbs has cultivated relationships with several visiting teachers over the last 12 years to give our students and teachers master practitioners to study with in additional to the wonderful teachers here in Seattle. Tias Little started coming to 8 Limbs almost ten years ago and has had a strong influence on many of the 8 Limbs teachers who have studied with him since then, such as Kate Bradfield, Melina Meza, Jenny Hayo, Jonna Bracken, and Jen Yaros. Join Tias to go deep into the inner body with his September 14-16 Weekend Workshop. Early registration deadline is August 15, sign up soon!

Partner Prenatal
September 23
8 Limbs Wedgwood

Exploring the Chakras & Subtle Body
October 5-7
8 Limbs Phinney Ridge

Teacher Panel on Home Practice
October 22, 7:30pm
8 Limbs Capitol Hill

Fall Yoga Retreat
November 2-4
Sleeping Lady Retreat Center, Leavenworth, WA

Yoga of Fulfillment with Rod Stryker
December 14-16, 8 Limbs Capitol Hill

Also coming in the fall: Yoga Nidra, Building a Sustainable Practice, Energy Integrity, Inversions, Seasonal Vinyasa for Fall, Yoga and Memoir, and more!
KIDS  YOGA - Fall Classes
Kids Yoga

Kids classes are being planned right now for the fall. Here's what we are considering, times and days may change slightly. Final series dates will be posted by August 10 on the Kids & Family page on our website.

Phinney Ridge with Rebecca Young, Mondays at 4:30pm

West Seattle with Joanna Bond, Thursdays at 4:30pm

Wedgwood Tuesday class will take fall off, back in Winter!


Sleeping Lady Registration is filling quickly for the Fall Sleeping Lady Retreat with Melina & Anne Phyfe, November 2-4, 2012. Don't wait too long, this retreat has filled the last two years.

2013 Retreat Schedule (not complete):  






January 4 - 6: Winter Yoga Retreat at Aldermarch with Tracy Hodgeman and Terilyn Wyre


April 5 - 12: Advanced Training Retreat at Breitenbush with Melina Meza, Chiara Guerrieri & Anne Phyfe Palmer


July 12 - 14: Summer Yoga Retreat at North Cascades Institute with MJ Daniels and Megan Costello


July 28 - August  2: Advanced Training Retreat II with Melina Meza, Chiara Guerrieri & Jenny Hayo


November (dates TBD): Fall Yoga Retreat at Sleeping Lady with Melina Meza and Anne Phyfe Palmer

Coming soon: Yoga for 50+ Retreat with Sally Carley & Chiara Guerrieri 
Trade your time for free yoga classes and additional discounts on 

clothing and merchandise.  


* Capitol Hill is looking for a WordPress expert to help us get our blog up to speed. Contact for more info.   



Stay tuned to the website for Labor Day Schedule changes, which will be posted by August 20. Our Fall Schedule will begin on Tuesday September 4 and will be posted by August 20 as well. 

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Though not all of these are posted on our website, we have scheduled all of our visiting teacher workshops for fall 2012 and early 2013:


September 14-16, 2012 - Tias Little

December 14-16, 2012 - Rod Stryker



January 4-6, 2013 - Scott Blossom

March 28-31, 2013 - Sarah Powers

May 3-5, 2013 - Shari Friedrichsen
September 27-29 - Nicholai Bachman
November 8-9 - Max Strom