So much is happening in the month of April, leading right up to markets in the parking lot starting in May. I'm not even sure where to start. It is an exciting time for local food in Emporia! Did you see the local foods truck at the last market? As you see this truck in Emporia, you will know something great is happening on the local foods scene.
The market's annual meeting took place in March and we enjoyed a great potluck meal with several established vendors, a few new vendors, board members and friends of the market.
If you or someone you know would like to be a vendor at the market, our 2012 regulations are now posted online, or you can receive a copy by sending me a mailing address. Just email a note to or leave a message at 620-343-6555.
Also, if you are one of those creative, cake-decorating folks, (for fun OR professionally), you are invited to bake us a cake for the first market of the season. We are throwing ourselves a birthday party and need your help to kick off the 30th season of farmers markets! Fame and... well, fame will be yours with coverage of your entry in the Emporia Gazette and on the market website and on our social media pages. Just use your imagination and make the market a birthday cake. Prizes will be awarded in both professional and novice categories. Guidelines can be found by clicking here. Entries must be re-registered.
If cake tasting is more your speed, we will invite all shoppers at the May 5th market to vote for their favorite entries and you will have the opportunity to purchase entries via silent auction.
In the meantime, see you at the final winter markets of the season and at our bonus appearance at the Flint Hills Sustainability Fair! Details below. Keep reading!
Tracy Simmons
Market Manager
P.S. If you are interested in learning more about local foods, please check out my new blog project, Kansas Food Stories.
April Market Schedule
Saturday, April 7
Emporia Humanitarian Center
former Lowther South School
215 W. 6th Ave. (southeast entrance)
open at 10am
Live Music by
The Neighborly Brothers
3 Voices, 1 Guitar
Don't Miss It!
Saturday, April 21
Emporia Humanitarian Center
former Lowther South School
215 W. 6th Ave. (southeast entrance)
open at 10am
Live Music by
Jane McCoy and
Farmer Bill Ihling.
Jane and Bill are two Emporia-based musicians who combine their talents for an eclectic mix of songs from several diverse genres, from old and new country to 60s pop to classic "Americana" and contemporary. Although their vocal styles are diverse, their voices combine to produce a lovely and distinctive harmony and Jane's cello adds a whole new dimension to the typical "acoustic guitar duo" sound.
BONUS Market Shopping Opportunity
Saturday, April 28
Flint Hills Sustainability Fair
Flint Hills Technical College
3301 W. 18th Avenue
open at 9 AM
Emporia Farmers Market Vendors
at the
The Sustainable Living Center and Energy Innovators would like to invite you and your family to the Flint Hills Sustainability Fair to be held on Saturday, April 28th from 9AM-1PM at the Flint Hills Technical College Campus, 3301 W. 18th Avenue. The Fair is a community event designed to educate people about what it means to live sustainably. There will be information about local food systems, recycling, energy efficiency, alternative energy, sustainable arts and recreation activities and so much more.
This year we are introducing a run/walk fundraiser and a group gravel bike ride. We are excited to announce that the Farmers Market will be at the event again this year, so mark your calendars.
The Flint Hills Sustainability Fair is FREE to the public.
Weekly Saturday Markets in the parking lot at 7th & Merchant begin May 5 at 8 AM.
Kuchera's Mild Salsa: Emporia Shared-Use Commercial Kitchen Project Debuts First Product
Local foods entrepreneur, Drew Kuchera, has completed the requirements to process salsa in Emporia's Shared Use Commercial Kitchen. Kuchera's Mild Salsa is the first product to undergo all product testing, licensing and inspection requirements necessary to sell a locally produced, value-added canned product in a retail setting.
Canned products processed in Kansas and sold to the public must first undergo testing by K-State Extension Value-Added Foods Lab in Manhattan. A process authority letter must be obtained from the lab before a license to process in a kitchen is applied for. The lab also creates an ingredient statement and nutrition fact panel.
Vegetable Gardening Class a Success
Letter from Amy Jordan, K-State Research and Extension-Lyon County
Dear Tracy,
Thank you for your assistance with the "Grow Your Own Vegetables" class held at the Emporia Humanitarian Center this past Saturday. Having it in conjunction with the Farmers Market was a good way to draw people in. The facility worked out great. Most attendees were toting bags of goods they had purchased at the Winter Market!
Participants were really excited to receive the Kansas Garden Guide, a booklet that will be of great assistance to them in their gardening endeavors. Thanks to the Emporia Area Local Food Network and the Emil Babinger Charitable Trust for providing those. I counted around 40 people in attendance, and 30 Garden Guides were given away.
The enthusiasm these new (and some not-so-new) gardeners showed was encouraging. I had a young couple come up to me after class to tell me about the new garden they have put in. They showed me pictures of the seedlings they have started in their basement and of onions, lettuce and spinach that is emerging in the garden. Many questions were asked and notes taken by participants during the class, and I am hopeful they will have a successful gardening effort!
Thank you for the excellent job you do for the Emporia Farmers Market. The market is a valuable asset to this community.
Amy Jordan
County Extension Agent, Horticulture
K-State Research and Extension-Lyon County
Thank YOU, Amy Jordan for providing such a great opportunity to new gardeners in our area. We greatly appreciate your time and expertise. The market looks forward to many more opportunities for bringing information and classes like this to our shoppers.
EFM 30th Birthday Cake Decorating Contest
Attention all creative foodies and cake decorators extraordinaire!
You are invited to Bake us a Cake for the opening market of our 30th year.
Contest includes prizes for professional and amateur bakers.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Parking Lot at 7th @ Merchant
Guidelines can be found by clicking here. Entries must be re-registered.
Dine with the Dirty Kanza Bikers
Don't miss the fun! You are invited to the
Pasta Palooza for Dirty Kanza riders!
Coming: June 1, 2012, 5:30-8:30pm
click here to buy your tickets online

March Indoor Winter Market Report
Two markets were held in March.
March 4 = 15 vendors
March 18 = 17 vendors
The following produce & goods were for sale:
Fresh Farm Eggs (lots of eggs!)
Duck Eggs, too!
Local Honey
Lettuce (several varieties), Spinach, Bok Choy
Mixed Greens, Radishes, Kale, Arugula
Chinese Cabbage, Turnips
Live Herbs: Chives, Marjoram, Rosemary, Sage, Oregano
Apples & Apple Buttter
Vinegars, Jams & Jellies
Homemade Pasta
Macaroons, Sugar Cookies, Caramel Corn, Brownies
Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Kiss Cookies
Cinnamon Rolls, Tea Rings, Pecan Rolls
Wheat Breads, Sour Dough Bread, Muffins
Homemade Fruit Pies
Quick Breads: Banana, Zucchini
Gluten Free, Dairy Free, & Yeast Free Cupcakes & Donuts!
Meats: Goat Jerky
Homemade Lotions, Lip Balms & Soaps
Doggie Deodorant/Perfumes
Handmade Jewelry
Dog Biscuits
Baby Quilts, Lap Quilts, Bags, Rag Rugs
Wooden Yard Ornaments, Bird Houses
Potpourri, Bird House Guords
See more photos of March markets on our Facebook page.
EFM Vendor Notes |
Willowing "S" Farms of Casssoday
are now bringing Boer Goat Jerky to the market.
Other New Products at the Market:
Sleepy Hollow Soapary has a new product for man's best friend. Try out their doggie perfumes, specially formulated for Ladies and Tramps.
Vendor Websites
The Karr Orchard
Just Picked Farms
Kuchera Rub
Interdependent Web
Pendarvis Photography and Art
If you are a vendor who has news you would like to share, please email Tracy at or leave a message on the market office machine at 620-343-6555. Newsletter deadline is the Wednesday prior to the first of each month.
Also, feel free to send me your website address or links to pages on Local Harvest or other local foods directories.
Also in Emporia |
Have you checked out the courses being offered at Community Connections this season? What a great resource for Emporia. Be sure to check out their many offerings.
Emporia Chamber Calendar
Emporia Gazette Calendar
Thank YOU for Shopping Emporia Farmers Market. |
| photo by Evie Simmons |
The Indoor Winter market is brought to you via a generous gift from the Emil Babinger Charitable Trust
Thanks also to the market's lead sponsor

Final Indoor Winter Markets
April 7
April 21
open 10 am
Shop early for the best selection!
215 W. 6th Ave.
| |
Come see us every Saturday in the parking lot at 7th & Merchant starting in May!
We Accept Vision Cards and Debit Cards |
2-for 1 is back!!
For all Vision Carholders, as of January 7, you can again receive 2 market tokens for every dollar swiped on your Vision card. Please see an EFM volunteer for details.
Thank You to our Farmhands
The Market could not run without you!
March Market Volunteers:
Ellen Hansen
Fannie Harrell
David Scheller
Mark Sherman
Ruthann Resch
Market Musicians:
Anne Strobel
Sue Claridge
Savanna Chestnut
Joe Foster
Special Thanks to
Harold Brenzikofer for fixing our sign (the wind took it down) at 7th & Merchant
Also to the kids of
Logan Avenue 4-H Club for their work refurbishing the kiosk in time for the start of our 30th year of markets.
2011 Market Sponsors |
Winter Market & Vision Card Enhancement Sponsor:
The Emil Babinger Chartiable Trust
Facilities Sponsors:
The City of Emporia
Lyon County K-State Research & Extension
Flint Hills Music
Media Sponsors:
The Emporia Gazette
The Flint Hills Shopper
Community Partner & Event Sponsors:
Country Mart North
EFM burrito fundraiser sponsor
Emporia Community Foundation
market buck give-away sponsor
Emporia Main Street
Flint Hills Community Health Center
market buck give-away sponsor
Emporia Area Local Food Network
Helpful Harvesters:
James & Kay Calvert
The Henrikson Team
James & Theresa Muckenthaler
Simmons Law Office
Don & Ruth Wise
Many Thanks to our
2012 Friends of the Emporia Farmers Market & Farmhands
Kim Botkin
Riley Botkin
Taylor Botkin
Janet Brassart
Harold Brenzikofer
Betty Campbell and Margaret Davidson
Tracey Graham
Ellen Hansen Fannie Harrell
Beth Henrikson
Bill Ihling
Dianne Ihling
Logan Ave. 4-H Club
Charles Rothenberg
David Scheller
Evie Simmons
Kaman Simmons
Maddie Simmons
Rand Simmons
Mark Sherman
Becky Smith
Ashley Storrer
Anna Tall
Barbara Younger
Become a friend of the market today!
Donations up to $99 become Friends of the market.
Donations of $100 and up become Helpful Harvesters and will be listed in our weekly (in season) newsletters, as well as on our website.
To become a friend of the market, please go to our website to donate online or see a volunteer at the market information table or visit the market office during office hours.
Your donations support the market's operating budget, enabling us to sustain a viable and successful market that is an asset to the Emporia community.
The market is operated by The Learning Connection of the Flint Hills, a non profit coporation in the State of Kansas that has been designated as a federal 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS.
Contact EFM |
EFM Market Office
702 Commercial, B3
Emporia, KS
Office Hours: Tuesdays 8-noon and by appointment