MAY 2012 Newsletter   


200 S. Washington Blvd. Suite 1 

Sarasota FL 34236

Towles Court Pavilion

(941) 366-9595 


Creative Partners:   

Elizabeth Bornstein, Tamara Teeter Knapp, Kathleen Horne, Victoria Domenichello-Anderson 


Like us on Facebook 

Hello Expressive Arts Friends!
We are excited to announce the most recent Expressive Arts Florida Institute
Level One graduates: 

Sherri Sutton           Elaine_photo            
Left to Right:
Sherri Sutton (Palm Harbor, FL), Annie Rousseau (Courtenay, BC, Canada), Elaine Donaghue (Ocean Ridge, FL)         
This is a very significant accomplishment, and we are thrilled.
CONGRATULATIONS to Sherri, Annie, and Elaine!
"Intermodal Expressive Arts Certificate - Level One: Personal Development"

With two Intensive class weekends, two guest-presenter workshops, and an evening of collaborative art-making at the Art Walk, April was a busy month! We have lots of photos to share, thank-you's to express, and announcements of upcoming events. The four of us are taking a big deep collective sigh, as we move into a quieter season, with more family focus, and creative planning time. We thank our community, students, and colleagues for an amazing season!
                                       EAFI faculty_2012
Victoria has announced her popular summer Painting Your Creative Edge series, in a new studio retreat format. Check it out! We will be taking the IMAGINE Project to the Speak Up for Kids 2012 Conference on May 25. Kathleen will be expanding the  Online Mandala Forum over the summer and will soon be announcing an online version of Art as a Healing Practice.

Linda Maree will be introducing The Write Path at Expressive Arts Community Networking this month. We hope you will join us! See announcements from Coalition for Arts and Health, and IEATA, too!

Thanks to the local community for joining us at the April art walk, where our Level 2 EAFI students hosted an evening of community art-making. And our gratitude goes to John Wheatley for providing the music! See some photos here.

We have collected some images from our two recent Expressive Arts Florida Institute intensives here. Can you feel the richness, depth, and joy of the expressive arts? Read about our Institute Certificate training here, and please feel free to contact us with questions if you think this might be a path for you, either personally or professionally. We are delighted to announce that we have over 20 students enrolled!

In our recent course - Expressive Arts in the World - several local and international expressive arts professionals generously gave of their time to bring their work to our students, both in-person and via Skype. A huge thank you to Roy Nelles and Anita Flores, Tammi Peters, Fiona Chang, Fay Wilkinson, Chinling Hsu, Janice March, Deborah McKeever, Elsa Hanna, and Sandra Dryden.  Click here to read, and see, more from each of these wonderful people!

We hosted two "sold-out" workshops by guest presenters this month. Stephanie Heidemann facilitated "Reclaiming Your Voice", an Authentic Voicework intensive, and Annie Rousseau gave us a day of process painting with  The Painting Experience!  Our gratitude to both these inspirational women, and to everyone who enrolled and participated.




Creative Edge painting 



In this studio retreat, we will be working from our INNER CORE to our OUTER EDGE, journeying inward then outward, using the creative edge as a holding point for new awareness.  creativeedge

                                                               Saturdays, June 16, July 14, August 11

10 am to 4:30 pm  

Attendance to all 3 sessions is preferred.  

Call Victoria for options.


Facilitated by: Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, M.A. 

Registered Expressive Arts Consultant Educator  

Core Faculty, Expressive Arts Florida Institute.


In this workshop series we will go to the periphery of our creative edge, challenge our comfort zone, and see what comes next. By opening up to those things that seem just beyond our reach, and exploring them through the art process we are able to gain a new awareness of ourselves and our life path. This exploration often gives new insights into our inner and outer worlds and assists us in merging the two.

Each session we will paint on a large canvas using acrylics. Focusing on our particular life's intention for that week and using some of the prompts below*, we will be led through a centering exercise, asked to do some spontaneous writing, and then go into our painting exploration. We will create in a studio atmosphere and Victoria will be mentoring along the way, both individually and as the group.


*Where am I now? What do I already know? Where am I going? Where do I want to be?


$85.00 per session or $230.00 (10% off) for all 3.  

Includes supplies (large canvas and basic acrylic paints and brushes)


Please email your intention to attend to by Saturday May 26th.  

Payment:  By check: Send to 200 S. Washington Blvd. Suite 1, Sarasota, Fl. 34236.  

By credit card: 

Payment must be received 5 days prior to start date to confirm attendance.  

941-366-9595 or Victoria (cell 232-2556)  

EAFI elective credit available.


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New student entry in April, October, or January

Download Application Form, Admission Policies, Course Descriptions,and more.


2012 and 2013 Course Schedule



October 11-14, 2012

The Scope of Expressive Arts - Individual, Group, Community 


Oct. 25-28: Expressive Arts: The Business and Profession   


 For complete course descriptions please visit our website


Expressive Arts Florida Institute is a two-level training program for those interested in pursuing the Expressive Arts as a professional path, whether integrating it into an existing career, or beginning a career in the expressive arts field.

An INTERMODAL EXPRESSIVE ARTS TRAINING PROGRAM, Expressive Arts Florida Institute is grounded in a firm belief that an integrated arts approach is a powerful agent of change. Students will participate in visual art-making of various kinds, writing, poetry, music, movement, drama, and guided visualization. An emphasis will be on the power of following the natural creative flow from one arts modality to another.

The learning format is THREE WEEKEND INTENSIVE COURSES  per calendar year, generally in January, April, and October in Sarasota, FL. Each weekend is 25 hours of class time. In addition, there is a one-day orientation program for new students.There are also elective credits, which students can often earn in their own community, online communication with an advisor, and a Practicum/Internship at the end of the second year.  We offer flexibility for entry of new students; they may start the program with any of the Level 1 weekend intensives. Our goal is to create a FLEXIBLE LEARNING FORMAT for students traveling to Sarasota from out of the area.            
Details are available on our website

Additional questions and requests for information should be addressed to
We welcome your inquiries!

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Wednesday May 30  6:30-8:30 pmEACN

$10 (please call or email to reserve your spot)     

Anyone who is working or studying in the field of Expressive Arts is invited to participate in our monthly Networking group. It is a great way to connect with others, share your news and events, get support, and engage in a mini-process.    


We are excited to present this month's guest facilitator   Linda Maree

Linda Maree
"The Write Path"

The path meanders along a river, and then turns sharply, into the deep forest. Without hesitation, you enter the dark woods, into a realm of magick and mystery. You follow the path faithfully, and just ahead in a clearing sits the Storyteller, waiting . . .   


Stories live in the cells of our bodies, we carry them in our DNA, in our very being.  Following The Write Path, we engage our inner Storyteller through guided visualizations, movement, props, writing exercises, and other activities that encourage creative wordplay, getting the stories out of our bodies and onto the page. Appropriate for beginners as well as experienced writers.   


Published writer and wordplay enthusiast, Linda Maree, creates and facilitates programs for enhancing and promoting creativity through visual art and the written word.
We hope you will join us!  Reservations requested.  
Please email or call 941-366-9595 to reserve your space.
Tea, water, and light snacks provided.     


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Are you venturing out as a facilitator and looking for support?  


Kathleen facilitates this small ONLINE group, personally designed for  the needs of the participants. Drawing on her years of experience in the Expressive Arts as a facilitator, educator, therapist, artist, designer of programs and curricula, Kathleen guides participants on their personal and professional paths. Group members also offer valuable feedback and support to each other.  Topics of discussion and sharing include facilitation skills, personal art practice, sharing and witnessing, developing a practice or business, local and international resources, marketing and articulating our work, realizing our unique visions, and more.  Participants receive both professional and peer guidance and support. Appropriate for both practitioners and expressive arts therapists.  

If you would like to be part of a community, with the support, inspiration, and guidance this provides, please contact to see if this group might meet your needs. Easy-to-use, private, confidential blog format. (1 month commitment required).   




An online forum for exploring the mandala, sharing images, writings, and  experiences. Kathleen facilitates by providing information, resources, teachings and images, and offers feedback and suggestions to participants. Discussion and sharing is encouraged between participants. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in exploring the Mandala as a personal art practice, learning more, sharing your art and insights, and staying connected with others, without geographical barriers. Call or email for info. Easy-to-use, confidential online community. 
$25 per month (1 month commitment required; renewable on the 1st of each month).

KH_weekly-Mandala_1   KH_weekly_mandala_2 KH_Weekly_mandala_3  KH_weekly_mandala_4.

                                   ... from Kathleen's 2012 Weekly Mandala series... 



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In Expressive Arts, Arts and Health, Art and Healing 


Are you looking for specialized training to meet your specific needs?


We design customized training programs for individuals or groups interested in developing skill and expertise in these rapidly developing, and sometimes merging, fields. These programs are designed with your specific needs in mind and can include creative and business strategies along with training in whatever modalities or artistic mediums you are interested in. Please contact us with questions or to set up an appointment to discuss your needs.  




Creative consultation for those who desire guidance in finding their way  in the merging worlds of Arts and Health. These sessions are open to Artists, Therapists, Facilitators, Administrations, etc... - anyone interested in working or already working professionally in an Arts and Health setting.  Sessions can be in person, telephone, email or Skype. One time or ongoing sessions are available. Call or email for available dates and fees.  




We offer consultation sessions to meet your needs. Please contact us to discuss.    

Student rates are available.



Individual sessions with Kathleen  

Via Skype from May through September 

1 hour 


Have you created an image that you know has messages that you haven't yet made sense of? Would you like an opportunity to explore it with some gentle and skilled guidance?  Kathleen will assist you in listening for the deeper wisdom of your images, through non-interpretive methods such as image dialogue. These sessions are designed primarily for those who are already practicing Art as a Healing Practice or other Expressive Arts work.  Email or call with questions or to schedule. 



Individual Sessions

Via Skype from May through September 

$75 per session

60-90 min. 

The structure will be: set an intention, brief guided visualization, art-making, writing, and witnessing/sharing the image. Email or call with questions or to schedule.  


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The IMAGINE Project
Begun as part of our October 2011 class:
Expressive Arts Florida Institute 130: The Scope of Expressive Arts - Individual, Group, and Community, this collaborative arts-for-social-change project has taken off!

At Expressive Arts Florida, we are busy knitting all of the pieces together, invoking the power of  collective visioning. At the April Art Walk, our EAFI 220 students invited and encouraged gallery visitors to join in. They did a great job, and the project is growing!  Stay tuned; we will post an update each month.
KH_imagine_knitting T_knit_Imagine  IMAGINE_April_2012_artwalk
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Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Bornstein, LCSW and Hedda Matza-Haughton, LCSWcoalition

The Coalition for Arts and Health is a regional grassroots network of  

artists, healthcare providers, educational institutions, businesses, government, area organizations and individuals, working together to integrate the arts into health and wellness for the benefit of our community. Its mission is to promote creativity and the arts as commonly used tools in the pursuit of wellness and healing at all stages of life by: building a network that fosters partnerships and collaborations, providing a platform for information exchange, promoting and encouraging educational opportunities for artists and healthcare practitioners and advocating for funding and research. 
If you are not currently on the email list or to learn more about the Coalition:

Next Coalition program:
The Art of Well-Being
Featuring Presenter
Dr. Miguel Rivera a Geriatric Holistic Psychiatrist
Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 5:30-7:30 pm
The Glenridge on Palmer Ranch
Theater Building
7333 Scotland Way Sarasota, Florida 34238
Event Program:
Registration and Light Refreshments* 5:30-6:00 PM
Featured speaker Dr. Miguel Rivera 6:00-7:30 PM
Coalition for Arts and Health announcements
Dr. Rivera will discuss the implementation of art in our lives and the power art gives for healing.
He will also discuss the importance of tapping into our creativity and how art is meaningful, not only for those who are ill, but for everyone, in all settings.
941-365-5118 ext. 304

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Friday May 25
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson is heading up Expressive Arts Florida's participation in this one-day conference.
Conference participants will be adding to the IMAGINE Project, as a collaborative art process throughout the day.

"I recently attended the IEATA Board Meeting in Oakland, CA. It is such a great privilege to have the opportunity to be involved in the continued sharing and shaping of the remarkable field of Expressive Arts. There are both Committee and Board vacancies in IEATA, so, if you feel drawn to volunteer some time to support the development of Expressive Arts, please feel free to contact me."..........Kathleen

The next IEATA Conference has now been announced!!
"Winds of Change"
March 14-17, 2013
Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA

IEATA Regional Group Update


If you are a current IEATA Member, you can join IEATA Member Network, hosted by The Member Network is a great way to connect with members locally, nationally and globally, and find new opportunities to share and collaborate! You don't want to miss out as the Network is growing rapidly!
Current members to sign on here.
If you are not a Member or your membership has expired, join or renew here:
Any questions, interested in becoming more active in your region or assuming the role of a Regional Coordinator?

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Please join us for the Towles Court Art Walk on Friday May 18, 6-10 pm. We will have some art projects going on and we invite you to participate! 

Contact us anytime via email or call 941-366-9595

Otherwise, hours this month are "by appointment or by chance". 



We had a wonderful selection of Guest Presenters, teaching and inspiring our Expressive Arts Florida students in the recent class: Expressive Arts in the World. Each of these busy professionals took time to generously share their expertise, reflecting the true global nature of the Expressive Arts community.
Anita Flores and Roy Nelles  
Sarasota, FLEAFI220

Anita&Roy_scarves Roy_Anita

"Through fun interactive games, expressive movement exercises, and Spacial Dynamics we   expand our creative forces, our imaginations, and our spontaneity."    


Anita Flores, MA and Roy Nelles, MA are expressive arts therapists/facilitators.  Anita graduated from the Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy Program at Lesley University and Roy from the Art Therapy Program at George Washington University.  Together they have many years of practice in a variety of settings using art, movement, play therapies and psychodrama.  Anita is also a speech-language therapist and integrates the creative arts into oral expression with the children she works with.  Roy is also experienced at leading hand drumming circles and recently graduated from the Spacial Dynamics Level 1 training.

We hope to be seeing more of Anita and Roy at Expressive Arts Florida! Stay tuned......  


Tammi Peters   Sarasota, FL

"The arts, in all forms, have a way of reaching the souls that transcends age."

Tammi shared with us an experiential and profound Soulspeak process, based on her work with elementary school children.  

Soul Speak was created by Justin Spring. More info at

Tammi has a Bachelor's in Special Education - Learning Disabilities and a Masters in Guidance and Counseling. She has worked in both public and private schools in grades K-8. The last 12 years of working were spent as a School Counselor for the Sarasota County School District. Tammi has used the arts in her small groups and individual counseling sessions with young children. She is currently completing her Certificate in Art and Healing from Ringling College of Art and Design.  



Fiona Chang   Hong Kong
(via Skype)
Fiona brought us, "An imaginative Tea Meditation, Expressive Arts in China cultural considerations, the new training program in Hong Kong, and a closing ritual - "drinking Chinese soup"

Fiona Chang is a Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (IEATA) and a Registered Social Worker. She became accomplished at Person-Centered Expressive Arts approach with the founder, Dr. Natalie Rogers, at Saybrook University in U.S.A. She has integrated multi-modal expressive arts processes in counseling and group therapy for nearly 18 years in a variety of settings. She is the vice-chairperson of "Art in Hospital" and founding advisor of several patient self-help organizations. She is an international trainer, presenter, writer, amateur artist, unpaid photographer, and full-time mother.

Fay Wilkinson 
Eagle Lake, Ontario, Canada
(Via Skype) 

Registered Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator

Storyteller & Artist


Fay's presentation included a slideshow of the scope of her Expressive Arts work, including her "Visible Voices - Connecting Seniors through Art-Making" program. She also gave us a sample of storytelling as an EXA modality.

To learn more about "Visible Voices", open link and enter "Visible Voices" in the title search.

Fay Wilkinson is a Registered Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator with IEATA and a member of the Society of Arts in Healthcare. She is a graduate of and now instructs in the Expressive Arts Post Graduate Program at Fleming College. Fay has studied with master mask and puppet makers, renowned storytellers and voice coaches as well as at Sheridan School of Craft and Design. She investigates and works with the power of art making for self-discovery and healing.  Awarded the Fellowship of Applied Education from Fleming, her current work focuses on raising awareness of mental health and seniors through the creative process. 

(felted wool) 
an example of Fay's personal creative work

Chinling Hsu

Tapei, Taiwan

(via Skype)
"In my own cultural background, there is no split between art and healing. In the ancient Chinese culture, if a person is creating art, this person must be connected to spiritual practice".
Chinling Hsu joined us via Skype to lead an expressive arts process using visual art, meditation, and sound healing with her crystal bowls and voice.  A past (and hopefully future) in-person presenter at Expressive Arts Florida, Chinling is always a joy and inspiration to work with. Chinling holds a Certificate in Expressive Arts Consulting and Education from California Institute of Integral Studies, has studied at the European Graduate School, and at Osho in India.

Here is a beautiful collaborative project - Colors in Motion - featuring Chinling's music.

TOUCHSTONE March 2012: Emergence
TOUCHSTONE March 2012: Emergence

Janice March
Sarasota, FL


Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Qualified Clinical Supervisor

Registered Play Therapist

Play Therapy Supervisor

"Providing space, time and tools for children and adults to heal"  

janice march
Janice led us in a profound personal experience of SandPlay.

Deborah McKeever, LMHC,  Elsa Hanna, Sandra Dryden
Manatee Glens Hospital, Bradenton, FL

The Narrative Art Quilt Project
Deborah, Elsa, and Sandra met in the Art and Healing Certificate Program at Ringling College of Art and Design. Deb is the supervisor of an outpatient program at Manatee Glens Hospital, where she uses the expressive arts with clients.
 The Narrative Art Quilt Project
was a true collaboration, between the 3 facilitators and the clients in recovery. Each quilt is one client's personal depiction of their own recovery process. During the course of the project sessions, each client/artist was assisted in realizing their own vision. The facilitator/artists utilized their skills to assist in the successful development of the client/artist's creative choices, and equal attention was given to process and product. Our students were inspired by this moving presentation.  Deborah, Elsa, and Sandra are all graduates of the Art and Healing Certificate Program at Ringling College of Art and Design. Elsa currently works at Hope Family Services, and Sandra is an Expressive Arts facilitator at Tidewell Hospice.

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Collaborative Art-Making for the community, hosted by Expressive Arts Florida Institute, students and faculty.


Expressive Arts Florida is founded on a firm belief in the positive power of every person's creativity. We are committed to the practice, education, advocacy, and expansion of the Expressive Arts in our community and beyond. We offer opportunities for vital creative expression to diverse people of all ages and life circumstances, fostering wellbeing, community building, and positive social and global change.  


Expressive Arts Florida

200 South Washington Blvd. Suite 1  

Sarasota  FL  34236  

Towles Court Pavilion and Arts District

Corner of Hwy. 301 and Adams Lane in downtown Sarasota


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With gratitude for your support

Kathleen, Tamara, Elizabeth, Victoria 

Creative Partners and Faculty

Expressive Arts Florida

Expressive Arts Florida Institute