200 S. Washington Blvd., Suite 1
Sarasota FL 34236
(941) 366-9595

*in the Towles Court Pavilion"
Corner of 301 and Adams Lane

Creative Partners
Elizabeth Bornstein
Tamara Teeter Knapp
Kathleen Horne
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson


We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mimi Klein for her amazing support of our mission!


Open for Towles Court Art Walk  

Friday April 15; 6-10 pm  

Please give us a call at 941-366-9595 or send an email to gallery@expresssiveartsflorida.com if you would like to come by at another time, as our "open" hours in April will be "by appointment".  




Art Center Sarasota "Arts to You" Opening Reception  



ACS1 ACSTowlesCourt


Expressive Arts Community Networking   

We were privileged to have  

Maureen "momo" Freehill  

as guest facilitator at Expressive Arts Community Networking on 3-31-11.  

Thank you, Maureen!












We would like to extend gratitude to Maureen "momo" Freehill, who shared her amazing gifts with us.


Maureen is Artistic Director of MomoButoh International Dance Company with 30 years experience as performer, educator & director of body-based practice & performance. Creator of YearOfButoh & DailyDance™ projects (/); LifeArtMastery™ Instructor & Personal Mentor for leading Expressive Arts practitioners worldwide  






March 18, 2011

Towles Court Art Walk


mandala collab 3-11

Collaborative painters.....  

geo 3-11


mandala march 2011

Sandra & Elizabeth 

brent 3-11 

Brent providing the music....  




Thank you !! 

to everyone who participated in our 3rd Annual Community Mandala Exhibit!




We are selling Soul Cards and books by  Deborah Koff-Chapin,

"Be Your Own Light" CD by Chinling Hsu,

  giclee prints of our art work, cards, an assortment of fun felted and  knit items,  and jewelry.





to our APRIL 2011 Edition of


This month, we are part of Art Center Sarasota's Community Exhibit, "Arts to You". The opening reception was great, even though it happened during a rain storm! We encourage you to visit and spend some time browsing all of the Arts Group's displays; there are some wonderful treasures. Be sure to stop by Expressive Arts Florida section, see our exhibit,  and add to our community collaborative Flower of Life! Thank you to Art Center Sarasota for hosting this exhibit!
Arts to you invitation 

Currently, we are busy preparing for the arrival of our wonderful group on Expressive Arts Florida Institute  students, who will be working with us April 7-10, for Expressive Arts: Body, Mind, Spirit. Our next intensive is in October.

  Details here 


A special treat: Expressive Arts Dynamic Meditation.We are collaborating with Chinling Hsu from Taiwan for two expressive arts workshops that integrate Chinling's beautiful sound healing work. More below.  


Check out our online groups, our next Expressive Arts Community Networking.


We hope you will visit us for the April Towles Court Artwalk - Friday April 15, 6-10 pm. Art by Expressive Arts Creative Partners, and ongoing community collaborative art-making.                                                                                                                        

In addition to our events and workshops listed here, we also offer consulting, custom trainings, retreats, team building and more! If you would like to discuss ways to bring the power of the Expressive Arts into your life, please contact us.


Stay tuned for our schedule of summer workshops.


International Expressive Arts Therapy Conference - August 10-14 in Lima, Peru! 

Details here!




Chinling Hsu 

A workshop featuring the sound healing work of Chinling Hsu Taiwan based performer and healing artist.

Join Chinling, along with Victoria and Elizabeth, as we move the inner dynamic, sweep away the dust, and allow ourselves to let go in this free flowing and passionate creative process.

Engage in sound, movement, and art-making

Worship your inner creativity

Integrate multi-modalities to find your infinite wisdom

Experience inner peace and tranquility

Two sessions:

Monday April 11  9-12:30 pm

Sunday April 17   1-4:30 pm 

*Each workshop is unique so we hope you will join us for both!

$45.00  for each workshop, includes art materials

To reserve your space: gallery@expressiveartsflorida.com or 941-366-9595; or register online here. 

Please register by Friday April 8th for the April 11th workshop, and by April 14 for the April 17 workshop. Chinling will be returning to Taiwan in late April, don't don't miss this opportunity! 


We offer individual and group Touch Drawing sessions. Schedule a session for yourself or your group of friends, family, or co-workers, whether you are new to the process or returning to this meditative, intuitive art form.

See www.touchdrawing.com for more information.

Private sessions are $45 for an individual; $35 for a group of 2 or more. Additional discounts available for groups larger than 5. All materials are included.



back to top 



Kathleen facilitates this small ONLINE group, personally designed for the needs of the participants. It is currently made up of nine women from around the world who are either in the beginning stages of offering Expressive Arts to others, or who are launching a new area of Expressive Arts work. Drawing on her years of experience in the Expressive Arts as a facilitator, educator, therapist, artist, designer of programs and curricula, Kathleen guides participants on their personal and professional paths. Group members also offer valuable feedback and support to each other.  Topics of discussion and sharing include facilitation skills, personal art practice, sharing and witnessing, developing a practice or business, local and international resources, marketing and articulating our work, realizing our unique visions, and more.  Participants receive both professional and peer guidance and support. Appropriate for both practitioners and expressive arts therapists.  

If you would like to be part of a community, with the support, inspiration, and guidance this provides, please contact Kathleen@expressiveartsflorida to see if this group might meet your needs. Easy-to-use, private, confidential blog format. (1 month commitment required).


An online forum for exploring the mandala, sharing images, writings, and experiences. Kathleen facilitates by providing information, resources, teachings and images, and offers feedback and suggestions to participants. Discussion and sharing is encouraged between participants. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in exploring the Mandala as a personal art practice, learning more, sharing your art and insights, and staying connected with others, without geographical barriers. Call or email for info. Easy-to-use, confidential blog format.
$25 per month (1 month commitment required; renewable on the 1st of each month). kathleen@expressiveartsflorida.com

Excerpt from Mandala Online Forum here 


See Kathleen's daily mandalas for 2011 here:    




  Expressive Arts Networking is for Expressive Arts practitioners and those in training to become practitioners.   

Next session: Wednesday April 27; 6:30-8:30 pm.  

We do not yet have a facilitator, so, if you are interested, please let us know! 








 Download Application Form, Admission Policies, Course Descriptions, and more.


"The Expressive Arts Institute is a life altering experience!  Working with knowledgeable teachers, creative classmates and spellbinding art modalities is something I'll never forget.  I look forward to the next Institute in April and continue to practice what I've learned in order to facilitate my inner journey."
Rev. Donna Papenhausen


Oct. 13-16: The Scope of Expressive Arts

New students welcome! 

Individual, Group, and Community    This course introduces the scope or continuum of Expressive Arts work, from the intrapersonal, to the interpersonal, to the social/cultural/planetary.  Both individual and collaborative expressive arts processes will be utilized in this course, and some attention will be given to designing and facilitating collaborative art projects.


Expressive Arts Florida Institute is a two-level training program for those interested in pursuing the Expressive Arts as a professional path, whether integrating it into an existing career, or beginning a career in the expressive arts field.

An INTERMODAL EXPRESSIVE ARTS TRAINING PROGRAM, Expressive Arts Florida Institute is grounded in a firm belief that an integrated arts approach is a powerful agent of change. Students will participate in visual art-making of various kinds, writing, poetry, music, movement, drama, and guided visualization. An emphasis will be on the power of following the natural creative flow from one arts modality to another.

The learning format is THREE WEEKEND INTENSIVE COURSES  per calendar year, generally in January, April, and October in Sarasota, FL. Each weekend is 25 hours of class time. In addition, there is a one-day orientation program for new students.There are also elective credits, which students can often earn in their own community, online communication with an advisor, and a Practicum/Internship at the end of the second year.  We offer flexibility for entry of new students; they may start the program with any of the Level 1 weekend intensives. Our goal is to create a FLEXIBLE LEARNING FORMAT for students traveling to Sarasota from other areas.

Details are available on our website.
Additional questions and requests for information should be addressed to institute@expressiveartsflorida.com
We welcome your inquiries!



IEATA Regional Group Update  

from Elizabeth Bornstein and Sheri Gaynor,  

Regional Committee Co-Chairs

If you are a current IEATA Member, you can join our IEATA Member Network, hosted by Ning.com. The Member Network is a great way to connect with members locally, nationally and globally, and find new opportunities to share and collaborate! You don't want to miss out as the Network is growing rapidly!

Go to http://ieatamembers.ning.com/?xgi=0JArDnS3Ej6DS8 to sign up!

If you are not a Member or your membership has expired, join or renew at


Any questions, interested in becoming more active in your region or assuming the role of a Regional Coordinator?  Contact:




 Upcoming IEATA Conference in Peru!! 

  IEATA and TAE Peru will present the next IEATA International Conference, August 10-14, 2011 in Lima, Peru with post-conference sessions in Cusco on August 16. For additional information visit:


Detailed information now available. 


The Coalition for Arts and Health

Partnering the Arts and Healthcare for Individual and Community Wellness

Next Meeting 

Tuesday April 26

5:30-7:00 pm

Center for Arts and Humanity

1226 N. Tamiami Trail

Sarasota FL  

1st floor conference rooms

RSVP to bnorwood@sarasotaarts.org 

The Coalition for Arts and Health is a regional grassroots network

including artists, healthcare providers, educational institutions,

businesses, government, area organizations and individuals,

working together to address the healthcare needs and challenges of

residents and visitors to our community.

For further information email: artshealthcoalition@comcast.net



dailymandalaExcerpt from Kathleen's Daily Mandala Journal

This process was a little like meditation: when I found myself "behind", just return to the journal, do the next mandala, bring myself back to the practice. Mostly, I delighted in the act of creating; occasionally I would feel bored or pressured. Along the way, I realized that a mandala could be a quick swirl of a single color, or a few drops of watercolor in a circle painted with clear water. Other times a mandala was a geometric form, slowly and precisely built, from the center to the outer circle. Sometimes I couldn't get enough color; other times the simplicity of black and white was such a relief. Sometimes the open space of the circle invited me; other times I wanted the comfort of the concentric circles or the containment of the squared circle. Sometimes I pushed far outside the borders, but mostly I stayed nestled within. I used watercolor, watercolor pencil and crayon, colored pencils, micron pen, pencil, charcoal, acrylic, and collage. I learned how my moods and my available time dictated my choice of materials. I learned that, no matter how rushed or tired I was, I came to depend on that inner shift, that subtle but distinct emotional/psychological "settling in" that came, predictably, with each mandala creation. The "I am" statements, which I usually did immediately following the art, became a story in themselves, giving another, related day-to-day glimpse into my inner experience. Because the "I am" came directly from the "art" and not from "me", a deeper level of experience was easily accessed.


daily mandala 1
"I am flowing, and attempting to be contained" 

"I am intricate, complex, emerging, detailed, organic. I am joyful, creative, full of movement. I am an energy field."


"I am a strong center, surrounded by rings of growth" 


If you are interested in learning more about the Online Mandala as Personal Practice Forum, please email


 Expressive Arts Florida is founded on a firm belief in the positive power of every person's creativity. We are committed to the practice, education, advocacy, and expansion of the Expressive Arts in our community and beyond. We offer opportunities for vital creative expression to diverse people of all ages and life circumstances, fostering wellbeing, community building, and positive social and global change.

With gratitude...
Tamara, Elizabeth, Victoria, Kathleen

blue ribbon campaign