Monthly Message from PSRi
April 2010

Spring is in the air and bringing with it,  lots of enthusiasm in the California Technology job market! In the past month, PSRi's job search assignments have doubled and we've seen an influx of great candidates as well.  Gainfully employed professionals feel that it's time to peak out and see what the market has to offer--and are pleasantly surprised by the quantity and quality of job opportunities. If you are receiving this email for the first time, welcome! If you've been receiving our messages for the past 3 years, you'll be glad to see an increase in demand and opportunities.  Each resume we receive is added to our database and our goal in this message is to provide career and search information, as well as an update on our current job opportunities.  As always, we welcome you to contact us, provide an updated resume and let us know more about your career goals and interests. 

Cathy Ashbaugh,
President, Pacific Shore Resources, inc.
Are Recruiters Calling You?

It's no secret that the Technology Job Market is taking off again!    Are you getting calls from recruiters trying to woo you away from your current job and into a great opportunity?  In today's online recruitment platform, if you are not hearing from potential companies and recruiters, chance are that you are "hiding beneath the surface" and away from the advanced search techniques utilized to find great candidates.  Is that where you want to be?  You may not be actively searching for a job, but who doesn't want to hear about fantastic opportunities-especially after the very long drought we've experienced over the past 2 years!  If you are not quite ready to begin the arduous process of looking for a job, but would like to make yourself more visible to potential opportunities, here are a few tips and tools to help you in the process.


Step 1.  Analyze Your Current Situation

Take some time to think about your current role, responsibilities and company, as well as your career goals.  Are they in line?  Do you enjoy your work?  Challenging projects and assignments on the horizon?  Ask yourself, "If I were to make a change, what would I be looking to accomplish?" Maybe you will find that you are right where you should be, and maybe not.  Through a better understanding of your career goals, you will recognize good opportunities as they present themselves-internal and external.


Step 2.  Update Your Resume

Dust off the old resume and bring it up to date using current standards.  There are many resumes assistance sites on the net, including resume-help.org  which includes many free and pay tools.  Review your recent accomplishments, projects you are most proud of, technologies you've learned and add them in.  This process will help you to take stock in your career, and you will have a resume together for potential opportunities.


Step 3.  Reach Out to a Select Group of Recruiters and Colleagues

If you have developed a relationship with a specific recruiter in the past, someone you trust to look out for your best interests, contact them.  Also ask your colleagues for referrals of recruiters that they trust. Share your resume and career goals with the recruiter. Let them know that, although you are not actively looking for a position, you'd like to be kept informed of good potential opportunities as they arise. This is an ideal situation for a recruiter.


Step 4.  Create and/or Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is fast becoming the tool of choice for many top recruiters and job seekers alike. It's a great forum for presenting and sharing professional information and it allows users visibility to recruiters and potential hiring managers-all without lifting a finger or publicly stating, "I am looking for a job".   Provide  technical and professional details to your profile (similar to your resume), and set yourself apart with references.  Our observation is that Bay Area/Silicon Valley Engineers and Technologists have this down-great profiles, lots of details, easy to find-whether they are looking or not.  Beef up your profile and let the opportunities find you.


Step 5.  "Hide" Your Resume Where It Can Be Found

If you are in the midst of an active job search, by all means post your resume to the career site of your choice-Dice, Careerbuilder, etc.  If, however, you are in a more passive mode, there are locations you can place your resume where it will be found by the most serious headhunters and recruiters.  Attach your resume to college Alumni sites, personal home pages, blogs, Professional Organizations, User Groups, etc.  At PSRi, we love to use our database of over 8,000+ outstanding technology candidates (of which you are one) that we've built over the past  15 years, but we also conduct advanced web searches to find just the right person for our clients.



As the number of technology openings throughout California continues to grow, the demand for outstanding technology talent will quickly outweigh the supply of active job seekers.  Recruiters and hiring managers alike will be reaching out more and more to the "passive candidate" for their openings.  With a little effort on your part, you can ensure that you are being considered and contacted for great opportunities!

Quick Links

Would you like to learn more about us?

Software, Engineering and IT Job Opportunities
 Current Openings

In past few weeks, we've added several new positions in the Software Development, Engineering, Information Technology and Research & Development fields, including Architect and Director level opportunities. Technologies include IPTV, Content Delivery, Mobile UI and Browsers, SCSI, Java, J2EE, .NET, Perhaps there is a great career opportunity waiting for you?

Please visit our site, psresources.com to view all open positions. Most recent positions are listed on front page, or use SEARCH JOBS to view all.
PSRi Referral Bonus Program
 Help a Friend, Help Yourself

Know someone who is looking for their next career opportunity?  Know someone who is looking for a technology recruiter to partner with?  We welcome and appreciate all referrals you may have--and we have a great referral bonus program.  If we place anyone you refer to us, now or at anytime in the future, we will gladly reward you with a substantial referral bonus as a way to say Thanks!  Contact us at any time for more details.
Our goal in delivering this newsletter to you is to keep you informed of great job opportunities, growing companies, allow you to update your resume with us, and to enable us to work closely with you to achieve your career goals. In addition, we know that many of you may be in a position to hire outstanding technology employees and we'd like to become your go-to resource for top talent.  Pacific Shore Resources has been recruiting Technology Professionals since 1995, and whether you are actively considering opportunities or just like to stay informed of the job market, we appreciate this open line of communication.  When and if the time arises for you to consider your career and/or hiring options, PSRi will be here to assist you.

As always, thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you.

The PSRi Team
Cathy Ashbaugh, [email protected]
Mara McElroy, [email protected]
Kris Gianetti, [email protected]