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The Great Pumpkin Visits
Ideas for Healthy Treats
Time for Traditions
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Healthy Halloween Ideas!
October 2009
 Dear Contact First Name,

Children love Halloween and with all the costumes and goodies,
who wouldn't? However, all the yummy treats can disrupt their healthy diets. Here are a few tips for a healthy Halloween.

The Great Pumpkin is Coming...
Does the Great Pumpkin visit your house? Every year the Great Pumpkin sneaks into our house Halloween night and scoops up all the candy and leaves a present in its place. My boys can hardly wait to see what they'll get and quickly forget all about the candy. You can use any alternative to the Great Pumpkin like the Halloween Fairy -- whatever gets your child excited and full of anticipation will make it easier to say goodbye to their candy.
Hand Out Healthy Treats This Year...
Alternatives to candy: 

Healthier Treats: pretzels, popcorn,   cheese & crackers, trail mix or fruit leathers.

Non-edible Treats: stickers, pencils, Halloween toys, Mini Play-Doh or nickels.

Healthier Sweets: Yummy Earth has Certified Organic Halloween Gummies and Lollipops free of all the bad stuff and safe for kids with food allergies.

Avoid the Bad Stuff: Corn syrup, chemical colorings, artificial flavorings & preservatives

Let family be the focus of the holiday
A time to share and    grow...

Focus on traditions and maybe make some new ones! Spending more quality time together as a family is what the holidays are all about. Read Halloween books, decorate the house, do an art project, decorate each other up as mummies and then have a race. That's what your kids will remember most about Halloween!

We hope these tips help you have a healthy, safe & enjoyable Halloween.
Robin Green, MTCM, L.Ac.
Morgan Hill Family Wellness