Chiro-Health Chiropractic Care Center Newsletter
In This Issue
Anniversary Week
Office News
Our Patients Speak
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Dr. Munson

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It's been 15 years - and how the years have flown by!  It has been truly a pleasure because our office is so fun. It's not even like work! Each day brings something new - newborns with colic, toddlers with falls, teenagers with sports injuries, pregnant moms with back pain, work injuries, elderly with arthritis pains, and those maintaining their good health with regular adjustments.

It is so rewarding to help each and every one of you reach your optimum level of heath.

A big THANK YOU for the last 15 years! They have been great! I look forward to many more.

I'd like to invite you to come by this week to help us celebrate. Join us on Monday for a ribbon cutting or anytime during the week for refreshments and drawings for prizes.   Also, stop in to check out our new look - fresh paint and new artwork by Photos by Leslie Faye. The photos are fabulous. And so is our wonderful staff!


Dr. Cindy Munson
Anniversary Week  Monday August 10-15
Starting Monday, we will be celebrating our 15th year serving Plymouth and would love for you to join us.

Ribbon Cutting 
Monday, August 10, at noon, there will be a Ribbon Cutting ceremony sponsored by the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce at our office. Local businesses and the Chamber will be honoring us with the special grand opening ceremony. Plus, there will be cake. (Yummm, cake!) Come on by for the ribbon cutting and share some cake with us!

Drawing for Prizes EACH DAY
Local businesses have kindly donated gifts and services to honor Dr. Cindy Munson's 15th year in practice. Each day, we will hold a drawing and reward the winners with prizes. Please stop by on Monday, August 10, Wednesday, the 12th, and Friday, the 14th, to enter your name.

We will have special treats and refreshments each day for you, your family and guests to snack on!
 Office News
 After a 5 week break, Sharon is back.
Hi everyone!  Thanks to all of you for the cards, well wishes, and  healing "comfort" food as I recovered from surgery. A special thank you to Dr. Munson, Rhonda, Erica, and Jennifer for your understanding and hard work while I was off. I am happy, healthy, strong and ready to begin my 9th year at Chiro-Health.
Welcome Dr. Londa
Chiro-Health is happy to welcome Dr. Londa Jozwowski as our fill-in doctor. Dr. Londa travels from Waterford to help us take care of our great patients and is doing a wonderful job. Our patients say her adjustments are very similar to Dr. Cindy's and she is a welcome addition to our team.

Chiro-Health Cheesehead Chase 2009

"Great Job" to all the "Chiro-Health Cruisers"
On Saturday, July 11, Dr. Munson and her staff, and many of her patients kept their spines in motion by participating in the Cheesehead Chase run/walk.  For the second year Dr. Cindy's team, the "Chiro-Health Cruisers" supported the Plymouth Professional Business Women sponsored event with 64 participants. (More photos.)

Memories from Rhonda
I started working with Dr. Cindy 14 1/2 years ago. It seems just like yesterday when we wore our vests and loafers. Dr. Cindy, your dedication to giving the best Chiropractic care to each of your patients has been the heartfelt goal that has made Chiro-Health successful for 15 years. All of your patients, family and friends have been blessed by your healing Chiropractic touch. You truly are a CHIROPRACTIC WARRIOR and it has been my pleasure to work beside you for all these years. I look forward to the next 15+ years  of Chiro-Health caring for our community. Congratulations to you!!!.

Our Patients Speak
(We just received a warm and very kind letter from one of our wonderful patients. We thought we would share it with you, with Gerry's permission.)

 "Dr. Munson and Staff:
     It is with great pleasure that I write to you, and thank all of you for the service you provide to the people in the Plymouth area.
      I am really happy that I returned to you for the Chiro-Health you administer to one and all .  I look forward to my appointments, and the little chit-chat time we can share. Cindy, you have been a major aide to my returning to good health, and it will never be forgotten. May God Bless and Keep you and your entire staff
Healthy, Happy, and full of Love for their fellow man.....
                                                            Gerry Brunner"