Finance Authority of Maine
FAME's 5 on the 5th
March 2011


Get an Affordable Jump on College! 

1.  Challenge ME Grant


The Challenge ME Grant is intended for low income students pursuing a high school diploma or GED.  Students may be eligible for a grant to help cover the costs of enrolling in a college course or taking an AP Exam. A high school counselor or adult education advisor must certify eligible students. For additional information contact Angela Dostie.


2.  Aspirations Program


The Aspirations Program is funded by the Maine Department of Education and covers 50% of the tuition cost as well as most fees. The participating college waives the other half of the tuition.  Participating colleges in Maine include all of Maine's Community Colleges and campuses of the University of Maine System. The program is open to qualified traditional junior and senior high school students as well as nontraditional adult diploma students. For additional information, contact your local high school guidance counselor or college advisor.


3.  Academ-e


The Academ-e Program is offered through UMaine and provides early college distance education courses to qualified high school juniors and seniors. These courses are taught using internet-based "online" technologies and allow students to learn at a time and location of their choosing. Funds from the Aspirations Program can be used to cover the cost of Academ-e classes.


4.  Early College for ME


Early College for ME is a program that offers many benefits, including college courses to students during the senior year of high school. Students enrolled in Early College for ME may be able to take one or two community college courses during their senior year with tuition, fees, and books covered by Early College for ME.


5.  Advanced Placement (AP)


Many high schools offer AP classes as part of their course offerings. These classes help students develop the content mastery and critical thinking skills required of college students. AP Exams are offered in 33 subjects and with qualifying AP Exam scores, students can earn college credit, advanced placement or both at the majority of colleges in the United States. Students are not required to take an AP class in order to take an AP Exam. For additional information, contact your high school guidance counselor or view the AP Bulletin produced by the College Board.


Finance Authority of Maine
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           (800) 228-3734
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