April 13, 2011                                                                                                                 Vol. 2  Issue 9
NELLCO E-Newsletter
Implementing Innovative Ideas
In This Issue
FREE Grant Workshops at YOUR Library!
NELLCO Member Library Spotlight
Blog of the Month!
President's Message
Director's Corner
Interlibrary Loan News
Timeshapes: Clocks as Art
Current Trials
National Poetry Month
Tips from Theresa
NELLCO in Philly

Stay Informed!





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Read the blog and comment!


Does your staff need grant skills? As a NELLCO member you can get them for free!

NELLCO member libraries that can host a 2-day grant writing or grant management workshop will receive two free seats for staff to attend. That's a value of almost $1000.00!     


NELLCO has teamed up with Grant Writing USA to offer these workshops across the US. Host institutions only need to provide space and a local contact person. We do the rest. Interested? Let us know!

Library Spotlight

Gould Reading Room
Ithaca, NY
Blog of the Month!
This blog is a mixed bag of content. April saw snippets of poetry in jurisprudence, a history of the April Fool's tradition, and news about a new automatic door to the library. March included postings on foreign law research, maritime piracy, and proximity searching on Google. The archives go back to 2008.

Check it out!

Streaming Video!
 Anne Acton
Swank Digital Campus! Take a look. View the recorded demo at your convenience. Swank offers a great service that librarians can provide to support their faculty!

Send Us Your Pictures!

We want to highlight your library and your staff on our website and in our newsletter. Please send in any images you'd like to see, along with a brief description, to tracy.thompson@nellco.org or theresa.mccue@nellco.org. All images should be jpgs of at least 620 pixels wide by 310 tall. We can work with larger images but nothing smaller. Now hit us with your best shots!

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link at the bottom of this issue!
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Quick Links


LIPA Legal Information Preservation Alliance


MALLCO Mid-America Law Library Conosortium


LLMC Law Library Microforms Consortium 


ICOLC International Coalition of Library Consortia


ACL Association for Consortium Leadership
President's Message
Karen Quinn 

Karen Quinn - Chief Law Librarian, Rhode Island State Law Library 


The winter that has tried the patience and endurance of even seasoned New Englanders is finally giving way to spring.   Like the coming spring, NELLC

crocus in snow
Crocus in Rhode Island 

O looks forward to a time of renewal and growth as a dynamic organization. As NELLCO continues to educate, entertain and push the technological envelope, Tracy and Theresa somehow manage to keep the mission and the needs of the members in the headlights at all times.


NELLCO has not been immune to the wintry economic conditions that have rocked all segments of society.  These assumptions were confirmed in the financial review, conducted by ODDA last summer.  ODDA pronounced NELLCO fiscally healthy and well run, but warned of the need for alternative funding sources to remain sustainable in the years ahead. 


What would the future hold?  Would the organization maintain the status quo and rely on a business model in which revenues were totally based on dues?  Would the organization grow and if so, what direction should that growth take?   Were there alternative sources of revenue that NELLCO could tap?    Should we rely on the present membership model, expand our membership base or consider alternative levels of membership?   How could NELLCO afford to acquire the technical expertise needed to optimize its mission?  As these questions swirled, the firm commitment remained that NELLCO would strive to provide greater VALUE to its members. 


After much deliberation, a three pronged approach appears to be emerging -- an approach that maintains creative ways of viewing lib

Spring teaser 

raries and their place in the changing landscape. NELLCO will re-evaluate funding sources, work to expand membership and widen the programs and services that add VALUE for its members.    We are excited about the first NELLCO Member/Vendor fair that will be offered next year in Albany.  Have you checked out the Job Bank now available on the NELLCO website?    Speaking of websites, a new interactive website that will allow members greater customization and connectivity is being rolled out this summer.

As Laura from ODDA said in the Financial Report, "Law Libraries provide better service to library patrons because of NELLCO."  That is the bottom line and that is the way we want to keep it!!


Karen Quinn


Director's Corner
ED Pic 

Member/Vendor Fair

NELLCO Career Center

Other Changes 


There's change afoot for 2012! As Karen explains above, we are re-examining NELLCO from every angle. We want to be sure we're providing the benefits members want in a manner that enables us to be sustainable for the long haul. The information we've gathered has led to some exciting new initiatives.



The Member/Vendor Fair (mark your calendars now for March 12-13, 2012!) will be open to all of our members. We're modeling our event after the Vendor Days and Colloquium event held annually by the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC). We hope this will become an annual event for NELLCO and provide one time each year when all members can come together for one day of robust vendor programs and one day of professional programming. We've begun planning and would welcome any ideas you may have to help us make this a successful event for all.



We're also very excited about the launch of NELLCO's new Career Center! We hope this will become another go-to resource for job seekers and employers in law libraries and elsewhere. The Career Center will include job opportunities outside of law libraries that may require the skill sets librarians possess. The Career Center is open to members and non-members alike. Members of NELLCO can browse the job listings and post their resumes in the job bank at no cost. Members can also post jobs at discounted rates. Take a look and think about posting here the next time you have an opening in your library! 



These are only a few of the changes coming. Here is brief list of other things to watch for:

  • Our new website, powered by YourMembership, is slated to roll out on July 1, 2011. The new site offers much more functionality for community building and participation, including integration with Facebook and Twitter. The new site employs e-commerce features which will require changes to our processes, including the way we manage trials and renewals. It will provide a familiar consumer experience as it uses a shopping cart model. The new platform will also offer a mobile application for iPhone users which will be available to members at no cost through Apple's AppStore.
  • We're adding individual membership for librarians working in state, court and county or firm law libraries, or in academic libraries that are not NELLCO members. A package of benefits is being tailored to this group. Librarians employed by institutional members (full, affiliate and international affiliate) need not join as individuals, as they already enjoy all of the benefits that will be included in the individual membership package.
  • We're developing a program of online continuing education/professional development opportunities. At the Spring Board of Directors meeting an education committee was approved and Betsy McKenzie, Director of the Suffolk University Law School Library, volunteered to chair the committee. We're looking forward to providing a regular schedule of programming to meet your needs. Please let us know what kind of content you'd like us to offer.

As you can see, we're busy. We hope you'll be patient as we work through all of these exciting changes over the coming year. We know all of this will take time but we think the end result will be worth it!  


Yours In Collaboration,

Tracy L. Thompson-Przylucki

Executive Director

ILL Interest Group News
The Interlibrary Loan Interest Group has a long tradition of collaboration within NELLCO. ILL was essentially the raison d'etre of the organization back in the early 80s. But over the last few years the group was dormant, the last Annual Meeting having been held in 2008. Last Fri. the group reconvened at the Social Law Library in Boston, MA. We're always grateful to our member hosts and SLL has served as a NELLCO meeting site many times. It's always a pleasure to visit their beautiful space! Thanks to Robert Brink and his awesome staff for providing such a wonderful facility!
I was pleased to welcome three affiliate members to the meeting for the first time. Laura Justiss (SMU), Susanna Leers (Pitt) and John Smith (American) were all active participants and brought new perspectives to the table.
The ILL group wasted no time getting back to work!  The first order of business was the selection of leaders to begin the process of providing stronger infrastructure for the group. We began this evolution in the last few years with the other Interest Groups, which each have internal leadership now. For the ILL IG Andrea Joseph (UConn) agreed to serve as chair, and Sabrina Holley-Williams (Suffolk) as vice-chair. They will work on the group's charter and mission, and plan the next ILL Meeting.
The main topic of discussion during the meeting was the extension of NELLCO's reciprocal ILL agreement to our U.S. Affiliate Members. This has historically been restricted to Full Members. The group was very interested in expanding the collaboration, under which participating members agree not to charge for ILL to other participating libraries (lending library pays to ship out; borrowing library pays to ship back). Overall the group did not expect such an expansion to have a significant impact on their lending and borrowing activities, as most libraries have established practices for the most common materials. However, expanding the agreement provides access to more unique collections which may be held by participating libraries.
The group proposed a one-year pilot project during which time Affiliate Members will be able to opt-in to participate. Participants will carefully monitor the impact of the expanded agreement on their ILL activities. We will evaluate the project after a year and determine whether to make it a permanent agreement, modify it in some way, or discontinue it. The NELLCO Executive Committee approved the pilot and the goal is to launch on Sept. 1.
The NELLCO Reciprocal ILL policy is being revised based on the work of the ILL IG at Friday's meeting to facilitate this pilot. Once it has been revised it will be distributed, and Affiliates who wish to participate will be asked to complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The ILL IG will prepare a guide for participants to walk them through the steps of setting up the NELLCO group for their ILL systems.
This is an exciting step for the ILL Interest Group and serves to further NELLCO's mission. Stay tuned for more information as we move forward please contact me if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions or concerns.
Time for Your Law Library?
Last month I introduced you to Timeshapes, by sculptor James Borden. Sales of Borden's work to any of our members will generate a 10% finder's fee for NELLCO. This arrangement could help NELLCO to generate non-dues revenue, which is one of our goals following our financial review last year.
Time and Space Floor Clock
Take a look at his site. If you're interested in learning more, you can e-mail James at jdb@acegroup.cc. Under our agreement you will work directly with James on the details of any commision, including price. But be sure you tell him you're a NELLCO member so that we can benefit from your good taste!

NELLCO Trials 


Trials with detailed information are always posted on the NELLCO website! Just login as a member and click on Trials and Offers from the member dashboard. 


It's also very helpful to us if you include a comment so we know why you chose or declined to subscribe to a trial resource. This feedback is helpful to us when we negotiate with information providers. Just enter it in the comments field when you make your decision. Thank you!

Current Trials

  • GALE Digital Collections (ends 6.10.2011)
  • JustCite (ends 4.30.2011)


Upcoming Trials

  • LoisLaw
  •  Legal Studio
  • Legislative Insight

Have an interesting resource you'd like us to pursue? Contact us!

April is National Poetry Month!

"Inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, National Poetry Month is now held every April, when publishers, booksellers, literary organizations, libraries, schools and poets around the country band together to celebrate poetry and its vital place in American culture. Thousands of businesses and non-profit organizations participate through readings, festivals, book displays, workshops, and other events."


Events include Poem in your pocket day, on April 14. And find out what's happening in your state with the National Poetry Map. Librarians can request a free poster, like the one shown here, to foster awareness!

tftTips from Theresa!

Theresa McCue - Administrative and Member Support Manager 




Now that spring has arrived it may be time to do some spring cleaning!
Please review your library profile and make sure that NELLCO has all of the correct information.
Not sure how to update your profile? We can help!




NELLCO Phun in Philly! All Aboard!




Mark your calendars and REGISTER NOW for NELLCO's Annual Meet & Greet in Philadelphia, Sun. July 24, 2011 from 5:30-9:00pm. This year, in place of our regular drop-in style reception we're hosting a dinner cruise aboard the Spirit of Philadelphia to give you a totally different perspective on the city! See Philly's awesome skyline, up-close and personal. The evening promises  dazzling city sights and harbor lights; a summer evening of wonderful cuisine, live music and dancing. And of course, time to network with all of your NELLCO colleagues!



The event is FREE to NELLCO members. A fee will apply for guests and other non-members, including information vendors ($70.00 before 6/1: $80.00 thereafter). Please plan to join us!



Princeton Review Discounts 
Click to visit!

 Are you thinking of pursuing your MLS or JD and need to take the GRE or LSAT but worried your test taking skills are rusty? Are the kids getting ready for the SAT, ACT, MCAT or GMAT and need some additional preparation? NELLCO has negotiated discounts for our members on all of these test prep courses with the Princeton Review. Princeton offers classroom courses, LiveOnline (synchronous) courses, and online (asynchronous) courses. Watch the NELLCO website for details!