Dec. 8, 2010                                                                                                                 Vol. 2  Issue 5
NELLCO E-Newsletter
Implementing Innovative Ideas

Stay Informed!






Read the blog and comment!

In This Issue
NELLCO Member Library Spotlight
Blog of the Month!
New England Law|Boston Honored
Current Trials
Mark Your Calendars for Something Special!
Human Rights Observance
Annual Reference Meeting Recap

Library Spotlight


Squire Law Library
Cambridge, UK
Blog of the Month!

Okay, so technically this isn't a blog, but it's a very good site to know about if you're interested in blogs in our profession.

The Law Library of Congress began harvesting legal blawgs in 2007.  The collection

has grown to more than one hundred items covering a broad cross section of legal topics.  Blawgs can also be retrieved by

keywords or browsed by subjectname, or title.


NB to LOC: Conspicuously absent from your archive? Blogs on topics related to law libraries and legal information.

Check it out!
Streaming Video!
 Anne Acton
Swank Digital Campus! Take a look. View the recorded demo at your convenience. Swank offers a great service that librarians can provide to support their faculty!
Send Us Your Pictures!
We want to highlight your library and your staff on our website and in our newsletter. Please send in any images you'd like to see, along with a brief description, to or All images should be jpgs of at least 620 pixels wide by 310 tall. We can work with larger images but nothing smaller. Now hit us with your best shots!
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Quick Links
LIPA Legal Information Preservation Alliance
MALLCO Mid-America Law Library Conosortium
ICOLC International Coalition of Library Consortia
ACL Association for Consortium Leadership

ED Pic
Director's Corner   

Change is the theme for 2011!


In my last note I shared my excitement about what lies ahead. NELLCO is poised to break some new ground in the weeks and months ahead. Our decision to carefully examine our organization this year has led to some out-of-the-box thinking about how we can best serve our members. We'll be continuing to explore ideas with all of you in a series of upcoming focus groups that we're holding during the AALS Annual Meeting in San Francisco next month. If you are a Director at a NELLCO member library (Full, Affiliate or International Affiliate) and you have not already responded to my prior invitations to participate, I implore you to respond now!


Focus Group Participation 

NELLCO is a membership organization. We are driven by the needs of the members. Focus groups are your chance to make your opinions count! The meetings will be held on site at the Hilton Union Square. If you will be in SF from 1/6-1/8 and would like to participate in a one-hour focus group about NELLCO, please let me know when you're available so I can schedule you at a time that's most convenient for you. No more than one focus group participant per library please. Participating libraries will receive a $100 discount on their dues for 2011-2012 and a small token of our appreciation for your time. Please consider participating. NELLCO is your organization!


Career Center

Another exciting development for NELLCO in 2011 is the launch of a NELLCO Career Center. Powered by Job Target, our Career Center will allow employers and job seekers to connect. NELLCO members can post their resumes for free, and NELLCO libraries will receive discounted pricing on job postings. Our goal is to attract job postings for opportunities in law libraries of all types, as well as opportunities in other library types and related non-library positions. The site will also include general career resources offered by Job Target, such as a content library, access to career coaching resources, and an ask-the-experts feature. We hope this will be a valuable tool for our members and for potential employers. We are in the process of developing the site and hope to launch in early 2011!


But before we rush headlong into 2011 I hope you will all enjoy the pleasures and joys of this holiday season. Delight in the company of family and friends, indulge in all the tempting treats, reflect on the successes and lessons of the year passed, and above all, be grateful for that which fulfills you. Cheers! L'Chaim! Prost! Slainte! Salud! Gan bei! Sante!


Yours In Collaboration,

Tracy L. Thompson-Przylucki

Executive Director

New England Law|Boston named top workplace!
Kudos to NEL|B! The Boston Globe named the school, formerly known as New England School of Law, as one of the top 40 small employers in Boston for 2010! NEL|B was the only academic institution to make the list. According to The Globe:

The organizations ranked on the Globe's Top Places to Work have proven themselves to their most important constituency: their people. It was the employees who told us, through the survey, that these employers pay well, offer good opportunities, and strive to make room for staffers to have good personal lives as well.



NELLCO Trials 


Trials with detailed information are always posted on the NELLCO website! Just login as a member and click on Trials and Offers from the member dashboard. 


Current Trials

  • Cambridge Books Online (Ends 12/31/2010)

  • China Legal Knowledge Database (Ends 12/20/2010)

  • IP Quester (Ends 12/15/2010)

  • 19th Century Masterfile (Ends 01/31/2011)

  • Public Documents Masterfile ( 01/31/2011)


Have an interesting resource you'd like us to pursue? Contact us!

Something new for NELLCO in Philly. . .

liberty bellMark your calendars now for NELLCO's Annual Meet & Greet in Philadelphia. Sun. July 24, 2011 from 5:30-9:00 pm. This year we've planned something a little different and you won't want to miss it! It won't be our traditional drop-in style event. You'll have to commit from beginning to end. But we're not quite ready to spill the beans yet. Just make sure not to schedule any conflicts during this time slot, or you won't be able to join us!


Dec. is Universal Human Rights Month!

(From the University Libraries website at SUNY Albany)

Every December is Universal Human Rights Month. Its purpose is to disseminate information throughout the world about human rights and to distribute copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in English and other languages.


For more information about human rights:

Dec. 10, 2010 is Human Rights Day. This year's theme is Speak Up, Stop Discrimination! Events will be held in New York, Geneva and locations around the globe.

Annual Reference Meeting - Dec. 3

NELLCO's Annual Reference Meeting was held on Dec. 3, 2010 at the Fordham Law School in NY. The meeting, co-chaired by Brian Flaherty of New England Law| Boston and Renee Rastorfer of Western New England College, School of Law, was well-attended, with about 25 librarians attending from both Full and Affiliate Member Libraries, and a cohort attending virtually from Boston College. The group included some first-time attendees, some veterans, and even Ann Lee, a law library intern from Fordham! 

Co-chairs Brian and Renee did an excellent job developing a compelling agenda. The day was a mix of topics, generated by the interests of the group, and a few product demos, including Desk Tracker (reference stats tracking tool) and two Paratext Products, 19th Century Masterfile and Public Documents Masterfile. For information on these products visit the NELLCO website.

Topics and leaders of the 'open forum' portion of the day included:
  • QR Codes - Passing trend or important tool? - Renee Rastorfer (WNECSL)
  • Implementing the Durham Statement at Fordham - Todd Melnick (Fordham)
  • NEL|B's database of teaching materials - Brian Flaherty (NEL|B)
  • Using Jing as a productivity tool - Tracy Thompson-Przylucki (NELLCO)
  • Report on the Nov. 2010 SPARC Digital Repositories Conference - Michelle Pearse (Harvard)
  • Developing mobile apps for your library - Karina Condra (BU)

A word of thanks to Janice Gregg (Fordham) for assuming the minute keeping duties. And thanks to Bob Nissenbaum, Karin Johnsrud and Carlie McCarthy at Fordham for their help in hosting and planning!

What's in your profile?
NELLCO members have you updated your online profile lately? Did you know that we use the information in your profile to send you information about renewals, trials and discounts?  We also use your library profile information to supply vendors with your current IP and contact information. So...if you have not heard from NELLCO in awhile it may mean that your profile information is incorrect or out of date! Please take a moment to update your profile today so you don't miss out on any NELLCO member communications.
Knowledge Imaging Center (KIC)

Digital Library Systems Group (DLSG) continues to work with NELLCO into 2011 to offer the best possible pricing on their Knowledge Imaging Centers (KIC). The new KIC models feature the Bookeye 4 scanner.


KIC integrates with coin and copy card cost recovery systems (e.g. Backboard, Pharos, OneCard, Debitech).


KIC in action 


Many NELLCO members have already taken advantage of the offer: Boston University, Columbia, Emory, Fordham, Georgetown, Pepperdine, Southern Methodist and University of Georgia. Some of these members have two or three KIC systems already.


The latest offer is effective Nov. 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Members, please visit the NELLCO website for offer details and pricing!