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  Joyeux Printemps!  Happy Spring!  And for our friends down under, there's undoubtedly an autumn chill in the air.  Wherever you are, we hope you are enjoying the change of seasons and looking forward to your long-awaited holiday travel in the months ahead.   

  To give you ideas for your trip to France - whether this year or in another to come - click here for your copy of At Home in France's Spring 2011 Newsletter.  This is insider information we're pleased to share with you to make your trip to France the best ever.


  If you're getting a late start planning a trip to France for this year, good news!  There are still excellent rental options. Check out some of our prime picks in Paris and Provence.  You just might find the one you're looking for.  Is caf�-sitting one of your pleasures?  We recommend a few of our favorites.  How do you choose from among the plethora of wines in France?  Read all about the basics of French wine.  And prepare to sample some of the local vintages.  


  Remember: to ensure our emails reach your inbox, please add to your address book or contacts list.    

A bient�t!

Allyn Kaufmann and Bruce Dicoskey

At Home in France
541 488-9467

At Home in France