Arizona Foundation for Medical Care

the Advisor

E-newsletter for Brokers, Consultants and Agents

In This Issue
Self-funding is Worth the Effort!
HealthEZ's Record Setting Year
PCIP Wants You!
New Self Funded Product: Simple Self Funding!
Quick Links
Custom Directory and Provider Search Instructions

Self-Funded Guide

Fully Insured Guide

Network Plans & Definitions
Contact Information

Larry Dennis, RHU

AFMC Sales Consultant

direct: 602-417-2301 

[email protected]  


Judi Hayer  AFMC Sales Consultant
direct: 602-417-2813
[email protected]

326 E. Coronado Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85004

Phone: 800-624-4277

Five Hospital Business Development Trends to Watch in 2012

According to The Wall Street Journal MarketWatch, as a new landscape is unfolding in the healthcare industry, 2012 will likely bring an intensified focus on initiatives that grow market share and increase revenues.  


Drawing on more than 20 years of experience in working with hospitals, Aegis Health Group has identified the top-five hospital business development trends to watch in 2012. Read more... 

Patients Want to Read, Share Their Medical Records
Patients want easy access to any notes their doctor has recorded about them, and they want the right to let others view their medical information, according to a pair of U.S. studies.

Advocates of open-access medical records say they are not only a patient's right but will help boost the quality of care as well.

"We believe there is abundant evidence that having patients actively participate in their care and know what's happening will improve their care," said Dr. Kenneth Shine, the executive vice chancellor for health affairs at the University of Texas System, who wrote an editorial accompanying the studies in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Read more...
Mexico Steps Up Efforts to Attract Patients from U.S.

According to a report from the Arizona Daily Star, Banking on worries over rising health costs, government and hospital officials in Mexico City are courting U.S. residents who are searching for affordable medical care.


Last week, about a dozen Chicago health professionals and several others embarked on a healthcare tour of Mexico City, part of a campaign to raise that city's profile as a center for medical tourism. Read more...  

Issue #1 | January 2012
Is transitioning from a Fully Insured to Self Funding Program worth the Effort? We think so!

By: Cindy Lee Rottmann  

President/CEO, Outsource Marketing Strategies 


Your clients' employees are healthier than most, yet still continue to receive large health plan increases year after year. You've heard self-funding can help control healthcare costs but how do you help your clients make the transition? Will it be a program that is sustainable for the long term?


If your clients are fully insured for their health plans, it can seem challenging and complex to consider a self-funded option. They pay a premium and everything ticks like a clock. Does it? Do you or they really know where their dollars go and what is being done to control costs on a claim by claim basis?


If you answered no or "maybe" to either of these questions and you seek to help your clients better control  their  healthcare dollars, self-funding  may be an ideal option and can be an easier alternative than you think. Some argue that self-funding can not only help you better manage the financial health of the company's benefits, but also the health of the employees. Read more...
HealthEZ Has the Best Year Yet for Arizona Self-funded Business 
By Tim Bode
Director of Communications, Health EZ

HealthEZ, who has been a partner of the Arizona Foundation for Medical Care for many years, decided three years ago to focus on the Arizona marketplace in response to requests from brokers and consultants for a new TPA option for self-funded business. HealthEZ vice president, Jean LaFavor, believes the company's success this past year is due to HealthEZ's ability to provide customized plan options and the best in technology while maintaining high-touch, personalized service.


Based in Bloomington, MN, HealthEZ is part of a family of healthcare companies founded in 1982. The company remains under the same ownership and management today, and has a well-documented record of innovation. Their offerings include an easy-to-read monthly statement; custom, employer-branded transactional websites for each client; a custom phone number that is answered by real people; and a medical payment service that allows consumers to pay their bills online, conveniently and securely.


HealthEZ would like to thank those who have contributed to its success. "We appreciate the business," says LaFavor, "and look forward to an even better 2012!"


For more information about HealthEZ's offerings, please contact:  

Jean LaFavor, Vice President


PCIP Wants You!
By Michael J. Malasnik

AAHU is excited to have joined the PCIP Coalition in an effort to greatly increase the number of people enrolling in PCIP through the broker community!

To do this, they are creating a Web site, which provides a toll free number for other PCIP Coalition members to refer people to for assistance in enrolling. The coalition includes hospitals, public health centers, state and local government agencies and many others.  
Did you know PCIP uses the Arizona Foundation for Medical Care's Provider Network? AFMC is one of the largest networks in Arizona including 13,000 providers in over 39,000 locations, in addition to a robust Facility network.

AAHU will be providing "PCIP Certified" brokers with FREE phone leads AND will promote their agency and contact info on the Web site as a qualified professional broker willing to help.
Did you know PCIP is paying a one time $100 Referral Fee per enrollment? Just Imagine: NO selling, NO Underwriting, NO Health Declines, NO Chargebacks, Easy enrollment AND the Arizona Foundation PPO Network!

E-mail [email protected] with any questions.
New Self Funded Product: Simple Self Funding!

Simplification. Companies use that word frequently to describe their new healthcare products. As you look for healthcare options for your clients, you may wonder, "When push comes to shove, can a company really simplify putting a benefit plan together, especially a self-funded one?"

The answer is YES!

Designed to help small sized employer groups (min .15 employees; max. 75 lives), Simple Self Funding can help control benefit costs, while increasing access to healthcare.

Features of this product include:
* Competitive pricing
* Fully integrated cost containment
* Maximum monthly and annual cost
* HSA compatible plan options
* No lasering
* Historial claims experience not required for fully insured groups
* Access to all AFMC Network Plans

For more information or to obtain a quote, contact Jill Ratke, Regional Sales Manager, Partners Rx at 480-624-9288, (cell) 602-570-3952 or [email protected].