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You can learn about your most resonant and productive earth locations using Astro*Carto*Graphy relocation astrology. You can also identify places of stress or discord. A*C*G is the perfect tool for our time. Avoid loss and maximize your time and money with this amazing branch of astrology.  





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What's Going On? July 2011


New Moon Solar Eclipse July 1, 2011


In these days of realization, we are moving simultaneously inwardly to the deep heart of God; and at the same time, we are expanding ever outward to the farthest reaches of the Universe. We are at the point of shift - a change in consciousness, and an ever expanding awareness that as surely as we dwell within the hear t of a divine creator, we are meant to be free. This season of eclipses is to remind you of your own magnificence.


The best interpretation of this eclipse is derived from the Sabian Symbols, an oracular branch of astrology that was first developed by Marc Edmund Jones in 1925. Jones met with a clairvoyant named Elsie Wheeler and together they channeled a message for each degree of the zodiac. Their message for 10 Cancer, the degree of the July 1st eclipse is a perfect message for our times. The message reads "A large diamond in the first stages of the cutting process." Diamonds are formed by extreme pressure and stress. They are the ultimate manifestation of form (intention) into one of the hardest substances on earth. Although extremely hard, diamonds are brittle, and they must be cut and polished to reveal their true brilliance. Truly, these are diamond days, and you are a precious and valuable expression of this natural world.


In Loving Light!



Please enjoy this wonderful video on Awakening Your Intuition!
Solfeggio Harmonics - 852 HZ - Awakening Intuition

Solfeggio Harmonics - 852 HZ - 

Awakening Intuition

* Oracle Cards *



Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 19)

Jupiter traveling through your second house of personal finances lends a great boost to your self confidence and smoothes out the bottom line. Revel in this era of support; clearly stated desires are the ones that find a clear path to expression. You've worked long and hard, Aires, and now it's your time for a bit of fun. 



Taurus (April 20 - May)

You may greet the world with complacency now, or, you can walk through the door that sits just slightly ajar. It takes effort to explore the treasures that lie within the mysterious room that has become available. What you must remember is that time is a fleeting ally. The long summer days would have you lingering with the status quo. 



Gemini: (May 21- June 20)

With the solar eclipse of July 1 taking place in your financial sector, you may feel that much of what you have worked for over the past few years is somehow eroding. But take heart, Gemini, because there are amazing good things on the way. If you think outside your usual box, you will see that a new and much better way of earning income is being presented. 



Cancer (June 21 - July 21)
Cancer Sun sign

Surrender comes in many colors and even presents an array of flavors. Yours is vibrant and sweet, Cancer. With the solar eclipse of July 1st is in your sign, and the full moon of July 14th in your relationship sector, the message is clear. If you're not in a significant partnership, it's because you really don't want to be. 



Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Although the long summer daysbring out the best, you may be feeling a bit uneasy. July is your month for reflection, especially this year which presents us with an unusual solar eclipse. You are urged to expand, yet there is an underlying caution. Listen to this inner voice! This is just not the best time to take on risky new projects. 



Virgo (August 23 - Sept 22)

Hopefully you have been making the most of the public image boost that has been following your every move. You have the gift of charisma now, Virgo; enjoy every minute of this blessing. Of course, there are some unmet expectations - that goes with the territory. Your job is to be clear in your communication and elegant in your style.



Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 21)

Perhaps you have had to cut your losses in one part of your life, but know that there is a corresponding gain in another, more important sector. The areas now designated for consideration are your home, and your career. Your sign is at the fulcrum of tremendous planetary pressure these days as Saturn and Uranus sashay in a square dance with Pluto. 



Scorpio (Oct 22 - Nov 21)
Scorpio sun sign

Some of you have already felt the graces of Jupiter in your relationship sector, and others of you are waiting patiently. For those of you who are waiting, how about letting your light shine, anyway? Consider that there is a world out there just waiting for you to share your wisdom. 



Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
sagWe all get to reinvent ourselves from time to time. And every genesis presents new openings for joy and best of all -fresh air. The issue here is: what have you left behind? There is resolution in the energies of July; but you move forward with great awareness of a void waiting to be filled.  Inspiration is best derived from the mundane affairs of your everyday life.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
caprocorn Sometimes the Universe speaks to us in gentle whispers, and other times - we have to receive the message more directly. Be prepared for the hammer of Thor! The sound of thunder is important in many mythic traditions; it signals powerful change. Your ruling planet, Saturn, is not marching forward, and with the solar eclipse of July 1 activating your relationship sector, this will be the arena for your upcoming revelations.  

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
aquarius Your life becomes more mysterious with each passing day, Aquarius. Surely you are seeing beneath the surface of each situation and individual you encounter. Trust your instincts now; your heart and mind have an unerring cohesiveness that brings you quickly to the truth. The Full Moon of July 14th brings some part of your life to a close. 
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)

The solar eclipse of July 1st activates your 5th house of creativity, children, and pleasure, Pisces. With Jupiter in your 3rd house of daily communication, this is a good combination for engaging your most creative juices. Make time for inspiration, and when it comes, write it down.  


