Monday March 23, 2009
Welcome to the Broadsheet DAILY,
a bulletin of information about Downtown news, people and events that lands in your Inbox from Monday to Friday.
The DAILY is a supplement of The Battery Park City Broadsheet, which is published every two weeks and distributed throughout Battery Park City, the Financial District, the South Street Seaport area and Tribeca.
We welcome your comments, suggestions, kudos and criticisms. Send to
The Editors
Terese Loeb Kreuzer Broadsheet Daily Editor
Contributor: Matthew Fenton Robert Simko Publisher If you are having problems displaying the Broadsheet Daily on your computer, call us so that we can help you solve the problem.
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Dear Reader,
The Broadsheet DAILY is e-mailed to subscribers from Monday to Friday. Subscriptions are free; click here to subscribe. We welcome your comments, questions, kudos and criticisms. Send them to To forward this e-mail, scroll to the bottom and click on the "Forward email" link.
Today's Weather: High: 40°. Low: 22°. Sunny, windy and colder.
MTA Advisories: For Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) service advisories, go to or call 718-330-1234.
Alert: The Rector Street pedestrian bridge is closed until further notice. To cross Route 9A/West Street, pedestrians have to use at-grade crossings at Albany Street or West Thames Street.
Downtown business: Grants from LMDC
Up to $25,000 for businesses affected by street construction

Street-level businesses in Lower Manhattan can apply for a grant from the LMDC to compensate for the loss of business due to construction. (Photo: Robert Simko)
Retail businesses on Lower Manhattan's chronically torn-up streets may get some relief from the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. (LMDC), which is offering grants of up to $25,000 to street-level businesses whose income has been adversely affected by construction.
To be eligible, the business must have fewer than 50 employees, be located south of Canal Street, and be located on an eligible block. (A list of eligible blocks and more specifics about the application process are on the LMDC Web site. For more information, click here.) New blocks are added all the time. "If you don't see your block on the list, you should still apply," said Michael Murphy, a spokesman for the LMDC.
The LMDC will send someone out to look at the block and will also help the business owner fill out the application.
The program was launched a year ago with $5 million in federal funds. To date, $600,000 has been distributed. The program expires on Dec. 31, 2010.
The amount of each grant is prorated depending on the business' square footage and by how many days a street or sidewalk near the business was closed because of construction. Even a partial closure qualifies.
For more information or to apply for the program, call Michael Murphy at 212-587-9745.
- Terese Loeb Kreuzer


Battery Park City in bloom

Helleborus x hybridus 'Sunshine Selections,' growing at Rector Place and South End Avenue. (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)There are two species of hellebore growing at Rector Place and South End Avenue - a white hellebore called Helleborus niger and a purplish pink hybrid called Helleborus x hybridus 'Sunshine Selections.' This interesting plant was used (and sometimes misused) by the ancient Greeks for medicinal purposes. Many species of hellebore are poisonous but a correctly prepared and administered preparation can be helpful. The ancient Greeks used "black hellabore" ( Helleborus niger) to treat paralysis, gout and insanity. A Greek myth tells of insanity that Dionysus induced in the daughters of the king of Argos, who went running naked through the city, crying and screaming. (Since Dionysus is the god of wine, could they have been drunk?) Melampus of Pylos cured them with a dose of hellabore. The Greeks found another use for hellabore during the siege of Kirrha in 585 B.C. They used it to poison the city's water supply, causing the defenders to succumb to diarrhea. Alexander the Great reportedly died of a hellabore overdose in 323 B.C. It may have been taken for medicinal purposes or he may have been deliberately poisoned. In the Middle Ages, practitioners of witchcraft used hellabore to summon demons. Helleborus niger, which takes its name from the color of its roots , is sometimes called the Christmas Rose (though it is not a member of the rose family.) This stems from an old legend that it grew from the tears of a young girl who had no gift for the Christ Child in Bethlehem. Hellebores are native to much of Europe, with the greatest concentration of species in the Balkans. - Terese Loeb Kreuzer
 Helleborus niger was used medicinally by the ancient Greeks. (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

Letter to the editor

Pan Latin Café at 400 Chambers St. (Photo: Robert Simko) To the editor: Your article about local retailers getting hit during this recession (Broadsheet DAILY, March 20) certainly reminded us all what a vital role these members of our community play. But I must say I was surprised to read that Pan Latin was one of the establishments suffering. If ever there was a case for a "recession proof business" this should be it. Why do I say that? Many reasons. First, of course, there is the food. It is yummy and good for you. And Sandy, the owner, goes out of her way to source local, organic and fair trade items so you can feel like you are helping the world while you enjoy yourself. Second, there is all Pan Latin has done for Battery Park City. Can anyone remember the last community event they went to where Pan Latin wasn't serving something yummy? Finally, there is the value. Sandy has artfully constructed a menu that ranges from tasty and filling empanadas for just a few bucks each to lavish entrees for a special occasion. And have I mentioned yummy? Oh, and they are very family friendly. And their Web site even has good music playing in the background. Check it out. And while you are there why don't you order something? Pan Latin delivers, in so many ways. - Andrew Greenblatt
From the editor: We're sure that Sandy Kraehling and the other folks at Pan Latin Café will be thrilled by your endorsement. For Battery Park City business owners who want to know more about the Battery Park City Retailers Association referenced in Friday's Broadsheet DAILY, the correct e-mail for inquiries is or call 212-571-3860 and ask for the Retailers Association.
Calendar of events
March 23-24
Monday, March 23 'Tartuffe' at South Street Seaport A production of Dog Run Rep, "Tartuffe" is one of Moliere's funniest and most controversial satires. It
was banned by the Catholic Church and shunned by upper-class French society with the exception of King Louis XIV, who appreciated the playwright and was his protector. The title character in "Tartuffe" is a con man who masquerades as a religious zealot and almost succeeds in duping the pious, bourgeois Orgon out of his fortune. Through March 29. Some nights at 7 p.m.; some matinees at 2 p.m. $18. 210 Front St. in the South Street Seaport. Tickets available via Smartix: 212-868-4444 or on the Web at Season passes to the South Street Seaport Winter Theatre Season are available for $40 from Dog Run Rep. The passes include seats to all shows, readings and special events. To purchase season passes or for information about Dog Run Rep,
'Crazy Head Space' at South Street Seaport Abraxas Stage Company's production of "Crazy Head Space" is part of Dog Run Rep's Winter Theatre Season at South Street Seaport. "Crazy Head Space" is a musical about mental illness with inventive staging, engaging music and a talented cast. Through April 5 (alternating with "Tartuffe," which is playing in the same venue). $18. 210 Front St. in the South Street Seaport. Tickets available via Smartix: 212-868-4444 or on the Web at
'Rods and Cables' at 3-Legged Dog "Rods and Cables" is an original 3-Legged Dog multimedia production
created by 3-Legged Dog's designer,
Allison M. Keating. It explores our common fear of losing trust in the
people we love the most. This ambitious first work written and directed
by Ms. Keating creates wild chaos with its elaborate, bizarre designs
and compelling characters, all within an intimate cabaret environment. Performances through April 11 at 8 p.m., Thursday through Saturday. $30, $25, $15 (students). 3LD Art & Technology Center, 80 Greenwich St. 212-352-3101.
'Visions, the Art of Radical Abundance' at Trinity Church "Visions, the Art of Radical Abundance" in the Trinity Museum explores the role of visionary art in making connections between the "life abundant" promised in Scripture and the here and now. Through April 23. The museum is located inside Trinity Church to the left of the altar. Free. Hours, Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-11:45 a.m. and 12:45 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat., 9 a.m.-3:45 p.m.; Sun. 12:30 p.m.-3:45 p.m. Trinity Church, Broadway at Wall Street. 212-602-0800.
The Trinity Choir at Trinity Church Andrew Megill, Guest Conductor. Performing works by Scarlatti, Buxtehude, Bach, and others. $2 suggested donation. 1 p.m. Trinity Church, Broadway at Wall Street. 212-602-0800.

Discounted admission: The Museum of Jewish Heritage is offering two-for-one admission from now through March 31. The regular price is $12 for adults, $10 for Seniors and $7 for students, with children 12 and under free. Free admission Wednesdays, 4 p.m.-8 p.m. The museum is at 36 Battery Place and is open Sun-Tues. and Thurs., 10 a.m.-5:45 p.m.; Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Fridays and the eve of Jewish holidays, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time). Closed Saturdays, Jewish holidays and Thanksgiving Day. Phone: 646-437-4202; (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)
Tuesday, March 24
Scarlatti, Buxtehude and J.S Bach at Trinity Church Domenico Scarlatti's dramatic "Stabat Mater" was written for the choir of the
Sistine Chapel, one of the great choirs of Scarlatti's age; Dietrich Buxtehude's
"Membra Jesu Nostri" is a meditation on each of the seven wounds of
Christ and Bach's beloved "Jesu, Meine Freude" traces a spiritual
journey from despair to redemption. $40, $25. 7:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m. Trinity Church, Broadway at Wall Street. 212-602-0800.


Community Board 1 meeting tomorrow
Full Board meeting
Community Board 1's Full Board meeting takes place tomorrow, March 24 at Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, in the Multipurpose Room. The entrance is located between Gold Street and Park Row. Time: 6 p.m.
Downtown bulletin board CERT seeks volunteers; Bone marrow donors needed; Pre-K enrollment; Museum seeks talent for annual show; Workspace for artists; Book discussion group

Jasmina Amena on her sixth birthday. (Photo: Karen Detrick)
ˇˇˇ Battery Park City CERT seeks volunteers
Battery Park City's Community Emergency Rescue Team (CERT) is about to begin a nine-week series of training classes for new volunteers. The first class is April 1 in the West Thames community room. For more information, e-mail or call Anthony Notaro at 646-270-0114. "There are no qualifications," said Mr. Notaro, "except a willingness to volunteer." Each training session lasts three hours.
ˇˇˇ Bone marrow donors needed
Jasmina Amena turned six years old on March 4, shortly after finishing her second round of chemotherapy. On Jan. 20, she was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of leukemia. Though chemo can temporarily reduce the number of cancerous cells in her blood, only a bone marrow transplant from a donor who is an exact match can save her life.
Jasmina's doctor explained that finding a perfect bone marrow donor would be extremely difficult; African-Americans have more diverse HLA (human leukocyte antigen) types than people of other ethnicities and Jasmina was adopted. She has no full siblings, and there is no information about her extended birth family. A match for Jasmina must be found in the general population.
On March 7, a drive to register bone marrow donors was held at P.S. 41 in Greenwich Village, but so far no exact match has been found.
A Web site called "ONE for Jasmina" ( has all the information necessary to join the donor registry. In addition, there will be drives on March 28 in North Babylon, L.I., on March 29 in Harlem and in Dallas, Texas, on April 4 in Oakland, Calif. and on April 5 in Boston. Details are on the Web site.
"People think they need to give blood or bone marrow just to sign up," said Karen Detrick, mother of Jasmina's best friend, Isabelle. "This is false. All you need to do is swab the inside of your cheeks and send it to a lab to be tissue typed. Once you are processed, your information is stored anonymously in the registry until your 61st birthday, unless you request to be removed."
Ms. Detrick said that donating bone marrow is neither complicated nor painful. "There are two ways to donate," she said. "Most of the time, stem cells are collected from the donors' blood, similar to donating plasma. In 20 to 30 percent of the cases, bone marrow is withdrawn from the hip (not spine) using a special syringe. It is an out-patient procedure done with local or general anesthesia."
Jasmina remains in good spirits, Ms. Detrick said. She doesn't know exactly what's wrong with her. She only knows that she has a big sickness and that a lot of people are trying to help.
ˇˇˇ Pre-K enrollment period through April 3 Families interested in enrolling children in pre-kindergarten for the 2009-2010 school year can now apply. Children must turn four years old by Dec. 31, 2009, to be eligible. Families can obtain the 2009 Pre-Kindergarten Directory, which includes the application for public school programs, at any public elementary school, borough enrollment office, community school district office or pre-kindergarten program run by a community-based organization (CBO). For the first time this year, families can complete the application either on paper or online. The application deadline is April 3. The public school pre-kindergarten application is available in nine languages on the Department's Web site at Families can also complete their public school pre-kindergarten application on the Department's Web site.
ˇˇˇ Trinity Grants Program
In 2008, the Trinity Grants Program, part of Trinity Wall Street, distributed grants of more than $1 million to aid communities in metro New York. An additional $2 million was awarded to Episcopal dioceses in the United States and the 70 nation Anglican Communion. New York metro programs funded by Trinity grants in 2008 included support for the re-education of prisoners, the enrichment of public school education and workforce development.
Trinity Wall Street is one of
America's oldest philanthropies and makes grants within five key areas:
raising a generation of leaders in metropolitan New York; strengthening
the Church in the Global South; supporting spiritual formation and
development in the Episcopal Church USA; connecting telecommunications
within the Anglican Communion; and strengthening Anglican global
Applications for 2009 are now being accepted. For more information, go to ˇˇˇMuseum of Jewish Heritage seeks talent for annual show
The Museum of Jewish Heritage is seeking
submissions by up-and-coming local Jewish artists for possible
inclusion in its annual show of emerging Jewish artists. The winners will be showcased in an evening of cutting-edge comedy, music, storytelling and film
at the Fourth Annual New York's Best Emerging Jewish Artists on
Wednesday, June 17. The show will take place in Edmond J. Safra Hall,
the Museum's 375-seat-theater, which features state-of-the-art light
and sound systems and a Fazioli grand piano.
musicians, singers, comedians, poets, spoken word artists and dancers
are invited to send performance samples by April 13 to Sarah Wolff at
the Museum of Jewish Heritage, 36 Battery Place, NY, NY 10280.
Inquiries may be sent to with Emerging Artist in the
subject line.
To be eligible, performers must: be at least 18
years old by May 1; submit materials informed by Jewish themes or
identity; and be based in the New York tri-state area. Finalists may be
required to audition at the Museum for the judging committee.
a maximum of two (2), five to ten minute samples in DVD or CD format -
cued to play or including a cue time - that best represents the work
that would be performed if selected. Do not submit originals; materials
will not be returned. Samples must be labeled individually with the
applicant's name, address, phone number, e-mail address and title.
Include a brief description of the work. If possible, also enclose
artist bios and/or photos. Please include a self-addressed, stamped
Submissions must be post-marked or received no later than 5 p.m. on April 13.
Up to four winners will be notified by phone by May 13 and will receive $250 for the performance.
ˇˇˇ Free studio space for visual artists and writers
The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC) is offering free studio space to visual artists and writers. The program provides Lower Manhattan workspace for nine months, a one-time stipend, access to a community of peers, weekly Salon evenings with arts and literary professionals and exposure to new audiences through open studios and other public programs. The application for the program is available at and must be submitted by April 9 at 5 p.m.
ˇˇˇ Book discussion group at New Amsterdam Branch Library
The New Amsterdam Branch of The New York Public Library has a book discussion group that meets Monday nights at 6 p.m. through July 20. The next book on the schedule is Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. The discussion will take place on April 20. The New Amsterdam Branch is at 9 Murray St.; Phone: 212-732-8186; E-mail: The New Amsterdam Branch Library is open Mon.-Sat. from 10 a.m. with varying hours of closing.


Elected officials serving Lower Manhattan
Contact information
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (8th Congressional District) 2334 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515; Tel. 202-225-5635 Web address for e-mailing Rep. Nadler: (For policy issues)
Rep. Jerrold Nadler 201 Varick Street, Suite 669, New York, NY 10014; Tel. 212-367-7350 (For personal issues dealing with a federal agency or other issues or concerns in Rep. Nadler's district)
Assemblyman Sheldon Silver (64th Assembly District) District Office 250 Broadway, Suite 2307, New York, NY 10007; Tel. 212-312-1420 E-mail:
Assemblymember Deborah Glick (66th Assembly District) District Office 853 Broadway, Suite 1518, New York, NY 10003; Tel. 212-674-5153 Web address for e-mailing Rep. Glick:
State Sen. Daniel Squadron (25th Senate District) Lower Manhattan District Office 250 Broadway, Suite 2011, New York, NY 10007; Tel. 212-298-5565 E-mail:
Council Member Alan J. Gerson (District 1) District Office 51 Chambers St., Suite 429, New York, NY 10007; Tel. 212-788-7722 E-mail:
Council Member Alan J. Gerson Legislative Office 250 Broadway, 18th floor, New York, NY 10007; Tel. 212-788-7259 |
