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News & Views

October 2009 - Vol 2, Issue 7
In This Issue
Software Piracy Initiatives Forum
Piracy Seminar
Research In The News
.NET Webinar
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Coming Soon!
  • New Webinar on Recovering License Revenue in China
  • New features for CodeArmor Intelligence
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This month features more ways to stay on top of the software piracy world with an invitation to join the Software Piracy Initiatives Forum on LinkedIn and details from our recent seminar in San Francisco. We're also hard at work on the next installment of our original research, so stay tuned!
Software Piracy Initiatives Forum
Software Piracy Initiatives ForumWe have established a group on LinkedIn Group for software vendors concerned with piracy. It is a vendor neutral news and discussion forum for individuals who are responsible for analyzing and addressing the impact of overt piracy and license overuse.
  • How big is the software piracy problem globally?
  • How big is the impact on your company's bottom line?
  • How does your company measure it?
  • What are you doing to address it?
The Software Piracy Initiatives Forum was created to give software vendors a venue to discuss these issues and share their experiences to minimize piracy's impact on the industry. Join now and see what's on the minds of your peers.
Piracy Seminar in San Francisco
CodeArmor Intelligence BannerWe were in San Francisco at The Palace Hotel earlier in October for a private luncheon and seminar on software piracy risks and strategies. The hour long session focused on:
  • V.i. Labs' software piracy research for high value applications
  • Aggregate results and data from our deployed customers using piracy detection and reporting
  • New features and benefits in CodeArmor Intelligence 2.0 which give ISVs the ability to identify and report on unlicensed use of software
Our guests included representatives from various software vendors who are responsible for licensing, compliance or piracy efforts, and their feedback was overwhelmingly positive - especially the aggregate data and revenue recovery results from our deployed customers.

Given their response to the information presented, we are happy to schedule private briefings with qualified software vendors to review this new material - just email your request to [email protected].
V.i. Labs Research In The News
Our recent research on piracy distribution channels and networks attracted some media interest and generated discussion online:

On Demand Webinar - Protecting Your .NET Applications
Top Microsoft .NET Trends - What You Need to Know about Licensing, Protection and Reporting

Software vendors, enterprises, and technology providers are increasingly turning to the Microsoft .NET platform to create and deploy new innovative applications. As they do, key requirements surface to ensure that organizations maximize the revenue or value derived from these applications and protect the intellectual property (IP) contained within them.

Because .NET applications are more susceptible to being decompiled and reverse engineered, organizations need to consider implementing granular licensing processes and protection for sensitive software IP.

Speakers from Microsoft, InishTech, and V.i. Labs discuss how these key .NET requirements can be met through a combination of licensing technology, software protection, and tamper detection and reporting.

Watch this webinar and you will learn about the latest trends in .NET technology and adoption and how to:
  • Implement a tamper resistant license system to maximize customer revenue and prevent overuse within an install base
  • Secure valuable IP within easily decompiled .NET code
  • Track and report on tampering and piracy to ensure maximum revenue and value preservation
Watch Now

Thanks, as always, for your support and suggestions - keep those newsletter comments and ideas coming. Don't forget to join the Software Piracy Initiatives Forum on LinkedIn - it's a great way to stay on top of piracy news and discussion in between issues of the newsletter!

Best regards,
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