 Tip of the Week
Tip of the Week
11/11/11 - 11 cent Turkey Chili on Veteran's Day!
21 For Life - November
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

My Fit Foods Woodlands Marathon

Woodlands Marathon - long

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The Woodlands Marathon
March 3, 2012

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November 9, 2011



Good morning!

We have a very important tip for you today, touching base on the topic Diabetes prevention. This month we have partnered with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in an effort to increase awareness on prevention and research for Type 1 Diabetes.

Our goal each week with the "Tip of the Week" is to educate you on prevention tips for your health and things you can work into your daily healthy lifestyle routine. We hope you read this week's tip and pass it along to a friend or a love one who could benefit from the information.

Also, make sure you join Meg McCall this November at one of our 21 For Life free meet ups as she continues to discuss prevention tips regarding some of the biggest diseases plaguing our society today....Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Cancer. 

Don't miss the special in store coupon at the bottom of this Tip as well!

Have a fantastic rest of your week! 


Eat Fit | Live Fit

My Fit Foods

Diabetes: A Preventable Disease
My Fit Foods "Tip of the Week"


Diabetes is affecting 1 out of 10 Americans, and the Centers for Disease Control is estimating that by 2050, 1 out of 3 Americans will have this devastating disease.  These are truly disturbing predictions.  Many of you right now may be facing warnings from your physicians that your blood sugar is too high.  This is often labeled "pre-diabetes" or "insulin resistance", and as much as 1 in 4 of the population are affected.  The final stages of diabetes is a grim picture with a much higher rate of heart attack, kidney disease, blindness, and even amputation of the limbs.


Lifestyle changes are the silver lining to this dark cloud.  The real hope is that Type II Diabetes is one of the most preventable diseases out there.  With the right diet and lifestyle changes, experts report that up to 90% of those diagnosed can even reverse the condition.  This month we will share with you some truly therapeutic tips that can drastically lower your risk of ever developing this disease.


Tip #1:  Timing and portion control are crucial.  Eating small meals more frequently is the name of the game when it comes to controlling your blood sugar and insulin levels.  Here is an example day for a typical female:


6:00 am wake up and by 6:30 - 6:45 am eat breakfast.

Breakfast:  1 cup steel cut oats with cinnamon, walnuts, and blueberries


3 hours later - 9:30 am

Small snack:  1 OatOmega Protein Bar


3 hours later - 12:30 pm

Lunch:  3 to 5 ounces chicken, � to � cup parboiled rice, and a side of steamed vegetables


3 hours later - 3:30 pm

Small Snack:  apple with 2 tablespoons almond butter


3 hours later - 6:30 pm

Dinner: 3 to 5 ounces of salmon, 1 cup steamed vegetables, and a large side salad


Bed by 10 pm


Tip #2:  Get smart with the right kind of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. 

It's not about eliminating carbohydrates or fats but choosing the right kinds.  The glycemic index is a way to measure how much a certain carbohydrate affects your blood sugar.  What the glycemic index tells us is that sugar and processed grains are affecting us the most and causing the highest blood sugar spikes and most fat storage.  Vegetables and most fruits are more slowly absorbed and affect our blood sugar much less, besides being nutrient dense and full of fiber.  Focusing on eliminating sugar and drastically lowering processed grains is your number one food goal in prevention of diabetes. 

All fats are not created equal either.  Focus on healthy oils such as macadamia nut oil, olive oil, and even small amounts of butter rather than margarine, processed vegetable oils, or toxic trans fats in packaged foods.   Nuts and avocadoes also contain good fats.  Healthy fats help us to feel full and slow the absorption of foods which is helpful for blood sugar regulation. 


Make your own salad dressing:

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1/4 cup water

1 tablespoon Agave Nectar

1 tablespoon Lemon Juice

A pinch of pepper

Stir or shake well and serve 


Lean proteins should be the base of most of your main meals.  Examples include chicken breast, lean ground turkey, salmon, and tenderloin.  Protein also helps to improve metabolism, balance blood sugar, and maintain muscle mass. 


Tip #3 - Get your Zzzzzz's. 

Proper sleep is the most underrated secret in prevention of diabetes.  Our lack of or quality of sleep has an incredible impact on our hormones the next day - including insulin and leptin levels.  These two have a strong influence on cravings and safety levels.  In the research world, they indicate that less than 7 to 8 hours of sleep is the "royal route to diabetes."  Studies have documented that you are 5 times more likely to develop insulin resistance if you only sleep 6 hours a night.  Another study found that participants who only got 4 hours of sleep had 25 % lowered insulin sensitivity.  Making it a habit to sleep in a completely dark room for a minimum of 7 hours is a very powerful way to improve insulin levels and overall health. 


Tip #4 - Get moving. 

Let's use the word "movement" instead of the dreaded "exercise" word.  Those of you that make movement a regular part of your routine for 30 minutes a day will have an estimated 60% lowered risk of diabetes.  That is big!  Even just walking 15 minutes a day will improve your body's ability to regulate insulin because your muscle cells have so many insulin receptors. Daily movement helps them become more sensitive and work more efficiently. 


Although some of these may seem like big changes to your lifestyle, combine these tips and you have the perfect recipe for prevention of diabetes.  Make these a priority and the benefits will include weight loss, chronic disease prevention, and importantly, peace of mind.


To Your Health,

Meg McCall

My Fit Foods





The Best Life Guide to Managing Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes by Bob Greene, John Merendino MD, Janis John MS, RD. 

This Veteran's Day - 11/11/11
Join us for 11 cent Turkey Chili this Friday!

With cooler temps in the air we thought it would be the perfect occasion to offer a special day to pay tribute to our Veteran's on Friday and celebrate 11/11/11 by offering a special 11 cent Turkey Chili Day!
So, this Friday (11/11/11) stop by your favorite My Fit Foods retail location and pick up either one small or one medium size Turkey Chili for just 11 cents!! Yes, you read that correctly....11 cents for our famous Turkey Chili!
Here is how you can redeem this offer:
(1) - Stop by My Fit Foods and "Check in" on Facebook via your smart phone and show a My Fit Foods associate that you have "checked in" to get your 11 cent Turkey Chili.
- OR -
(2) - Print (or show us from your mobile phone) the 11 cent Turkey Chili Coupon at the bottom of this "Tip of the Week" and take it into your favorite My Fit Foods retail location to redeem at checkout.
We hope to see you this Friday for 11 cent Turkey Chili Day!
Note: Limit one per customer. Offer not valid at HEB Kiosk locations. Offer cannot be combined with any other discount offer. Must present coupon to redeem offer or "check in" via Facebook to redeem offer.

21 For Life November - The Big 3!
Join us this November for a talk about prevention!  21 For LIfe is an ongoing education series hosted by My Fit Foods by Corporate Nutritionist, Meg McCall. Learn the latest food, lifestyle, and supplement tips to prevent these chronic diseases. Meg will answer questions on topics such as....


Do you know which foods dramatically alters your triglyceride levels?
Do you know which 2 hormones can help prevent breast cancer?
Do you know which oil can raise your risk for heart disease and cancer?
Do you know the one thing that can lower your risk of diabetes by 60%

Please join us for this free meet up on the following dates:

Please RSVP by calling the location meet up you wish to attend. Click the links below for location and phone information.

Wednesday - November 9th - @11:30am My Fit Foods Williams Tower  
Thursday - November 10th - @7pm - River Oaks Fitness   
Saturday - November 12th - @ 10 am - Woodlands
Tuesday - November 15th - @ 7 pm Kirkwood
Thursday, November 17th @ 7pm - Sugarland

Wednesday, November 16th - @7pm - My Fit Foods Preston Center


The Shoes are Up!
Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation

Are you wondering what's with all the shoes?? Well, this November, all My Fit Foods locations have partnered with the Juvenile
Diabetes Research Foundation in an effort to create awareness for the importance of continued research and prevention of Type 1 Diabetes.

On your next visit into My Fit Foods, ask us how you can support the continued research efforts for Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes.
Thank you for your support!

Thank you for making our jobs so enjoyable each and every day!!

Please keep the feedback coming...your feedback helps us to improve in everything we do!

Please email [email protected] with comments or questions on today's tip of the week.



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(1) Small or (1) Medium MY FIT FOODS TURKEY CHILI FOR 11 CENTS!

Valid this Friday, 11/11/11 only.  Bring this coupon into any My Fit Foods retail location and redeem it for either (1) small or (1) medium size Turkey Chili for 11 cents!
Offer Valid: Friday, 11/11/11 only. Offer not valid at HEB Kiosk Locations. Offer cannot be combined with any other discount offer. Limit (1) chili item per customer. Limit (1) coupon per customer.