Newsletter April 2011  

Aura Reading


Only after the last tree has been cut down. 


Only after the last river has been poisoned.


Only after the last fish has been caught.


Only then will you find that money  

cannot be eaten.


North American Indian Legend 




Doesn't time fly when you are having fun? Since the last Newsletter one of my sons asked why I didn't sell my eBooks on Amazon.  Well I decided to check this out and have now published my 19 eBooks on Amazon Kindle, details below.  


Just over 2 weeks to the Next Festival of Light on Saturday 16th April,  


Also news of three workshops I will be facilitating in Glastonbury where I will also have a stand selling my Tree of Life amulets, power animals, symbolic, colour, gemstone and Tibetan silver jewellery.


You can see my complete range at the Festival Of Light.  Pop along and say hello.  


Many Blessings    Liz

In This Issue
Free Festival of Light
Glastonbury Workshops
19 Certificated eCourses
Next Full Moon ?
Tree of Life
Wisdom - Tree of Life
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Amazon Kindle e books and Recommended Books


All 19 of my eBooks which form the basis of the Online Courses listed below are now only available from Amazon Kindle  


These can be downloaded to Kindle or PC in just one minute using Amazon Wispernet. Amazon provide the free software for downloads onto PC. Kindle comes ready loaded with this software. These eBooks are now offered at the very low price of approx �2.12 or $3.44 depending on where in the World you live.


Recommended Books I have added lists of some of my recommended books to my website with links to purchase at Amazon.  I will add more soon, I was amazed that quite a lot of these brilliant books can be bought for just 1p plus postage!     Check out my website.



Less than 3 weeks to Go for the  

Free Festival of Light 

 Saturdays 16th April 2011  
The25th June, 17th September & 10th December

 FREE ADMISSION        10am - 6pm

   Mediums      Healers      Associated Trade Stands
 Aura Camera     Readers      Therapists     
Crystal Stalls   
 Products     Demonstrations     Talks     Mini-Workshops 

 or Telephone    01934 624939    Text  07799 140 227   

Workshops at Glastonbury Fayre  

30th April & 1st & 2nd May


I will be at Glastonbury Fayre in the Assembly Rooms, where I will be facilitating the following workshops over the Bank Holiday weekend. Entry to the Fayre �1, workshops �5 a day including entry.  I will also be running my new stand selling Amulets, Totem animals, Colour, Tibetan Silver & Gemstone Healing Jewellery.  


Saturday - Crystals; The Workshop - Dr Elizabeth Ann Diamond

From as far back as the days of the legendary lost city of Atlantis to the present day crystals and gemstones have been used both in spiritual rituals and as aids to physical healing. How do crystals work? No one seems to know for sure. Tales tell that they were first used in Atlantis and crystals became important to the people who believed in their capacity to store and amplify any power source fed into them - physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Practitioners of modern-day crystal therapy believe that the stones' ability to work as conductors allow them to focus energy via a person's thoughts to stimulate healing - both physical and non-physical. Crystals are used in meditation and spiritual ceremonies, laid on the body during types of massage or bodywork, when a person is resting, or placed in drinking or bathing waters. It is said that an odd number of facets on the stone aid in healing, while an even number of facets create the best energizers. Red, yellow, and orange stones are said to produce energy, clear and aquamarine stones are healers, and lavender and blue-violet stones create calming effects. See how this all links in with colour therapy.


Sunday - Power Animals & Totems; A Workshop - Dr Elizabeth Ann Diamond Today you will discover and learn about your own personal power animals, birds, insects, land animals, reptiles and water animals. Their wisdom is found throughout the world in many cultures. From cave paintings, ornate jewellery and carvings to stories and legends. Animal wisdom helps connect to our higher self. Animals, regardless of culture and location, teach us by example. The view of power animals can be related to Carl Jung's concepts, he termed "archetypes" as primordial symbols of the "collective unconscious". Animal totems are simply archetypes that work with the subconscious mind, tapping into the energy that is present in all things. They are part of the collective mind. Animal teachers will become noticeable when it is time. There is much to be learned if one is observant and aware of the natural surroundings. Animals speak to us in many ways; by their numbers, how they act along with the natural actions and reactions to their surroundings. The keys to understanding this language is learning about the animal and discovering those qualities you need to pay attention to. One needs to be aware when you see animals that catch your attention. Animal Totem awareness is about using the animal totems as spiritual tools, or spiritual symbology, on our personal path of awareness.


Monday - Past Lives Regression; A Workshop - Dr Elizabeth Ann Diamond

Have you lived before? Would you like to experience a past life regression with a qualified practitioner in a therapeutic session? In this workshop you will learn how to regress either in this lifetime or a previous one, Best of all you will be able to heal yourself, which can trigger a noticeable improvement and an understanding of your present life. Most participants are amazed at just how much detail they are able to link into. Warning this may be a very emotional experience therefore please be prepared


I no longer offer Iridology consultations but there will be an  Iridology workshop in the future where all participants will have their eyes read by myself and explained.  

Glastonbury Tor 


Checkout this website for further details   

19 Certificated Online Courses with CPD Points �25

Aura Reading

Bach Flower Remedies


Crystal Healing & Colour Therapy 

Diabetes Mellitus Type 11

 Dr Schuessler's Bio-chemic tissue salts

Herbs - Growing & Using


Moon Gardening & Living in Harmony with the Moon Phases

Natural Remedies, Foods, Herbs & Spices

NLP for beginners


Nutritional Medicine A-Z of Dis-ease & Illness

Person Centred Counselling


 NEW Sacred Geometry, Dowsing, Rods & Pendulums

The Easy Guide to Nutritional Medicine

The Enneagram

What are you 'Weighting' for?


The Hippopotamus  


Hippopotamus - Egyptian statue

Associated with birth, motherhood and the protection of the young. Tauret was a goddess of childbirth, nurturing and protection. She was depicted as a pregnant hippopotamus.  The hippo can teach you how to move through the emotional waters and keep in touch with your intuition, while remaining grounded, practical and stable. The hippopotamus is sacred in Egyptian and African traditions. Its name means "Water Horse," and it spends most of its day in water.


The Hippopotamus is an amazing animal that lives both underwater and above ground.  It combines the elements of earth and water and teaches us how to integrate the attributes of both into our daily life. Water is associated with intuitive knowing and earth is associated with practicality and stability. The hippopotamus asks those with this totem to act upon their intuition without analyzing it while maintaining a practical grounded life style.  


Hippopotamus are amphibious and have special adaptations for life in the water. It can safely stay underwater, able to breath, hear, and see the world above without having to expose its body.  When this medicine if fully developed those with this totem have an innate ability to know what lies beneath the surface of any situation.  They speak and see truth and demand that others respect that truth. Hippo's need water deep enough to cover them because there skin is delicate and thin and vulnerable to overheating. Those with this medicine are susceptible to sunstroke and sun related problems including dehydration so care should be taken when outdoors. Although the Hippopotamus is extremely agile and flexible in its movements it has a tendency to develop set patterns. When they leave the water at dusk, they prefer to follow the same path creating a rut in the ground several feet deep.  The hippopotamus teaches us to find a path that works for us and to stay on it to reach our true destination.

Next Full Moon - Monday 18th April  02:45    
The next Full Moon is Monday 18th April 02:45


If you cut your grass and hedges on this day, or for just under two weeks after you can save yourself some work.  However if you want your hedges and grass to grow luxuriantly then cut them in the two weeks leading up to full moon. I've practiced  this for many years and it means that we cut the ivy back on our house walls just once a year instead of up to four times. I love the ivy but my eldest son is not fond of cutting it back from high up a ladder even though I 'help' by holding the ladder.  I know he would be very happy to cut the main stem close to the ground at any stage of the moon!


Tree of Life Amulets

Iolite Tree of Life

Iolite & Copper Tree of Life

I have been enjoying myself so much by creating and making up these  'Tree of Life'  Amulets, I now have Mother of Pearl, Jasper, Carnelian, Smokey Topaz, Moonstone, Iolite, Turquoise, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Quartz made up or ready to make up .  I use beads, gemstone chips, copper, brass, silver and gold plated wire.  I sold out of some gemstones in Glastonbury so I will be making up a new batch for the Festival of Light on 16th April. I feel that hanging these in a sunny window is the best way to use them. They are so beautiful to look at, some twinkle and others bounce colours around as well, the sun will charge them all up so they can raise the vibration in the room. The energy of these amulets is very special and you are invited to hold them before you buy. I will photograph and put some onto the website as soon as possible so you can buy online if you wish .  You can always email me if you are interested. I will add some information about the Tree of Life later today.  I have discovered that the tree of life features in most cultures.


Wisdom from the Tree of Life


1.      Do not interfere in other people's business unless asked:

Most of us create our own problems by interfering too much in other people's affairs. We do so to our detriment because somehow we have convinced ourselves that our way is better than somebody else's and that our logic is a perfect one, and that those who do not conform to our thinking must be criticised and steered to the right direction, ours!


 2.      Forgive:

Love can only flourish in relationships where there is an equal measure of giving and taking, as well as for the willingness of those involved in them to forgive. Forgiveness is the most powerful tool for finding peace of mind. There is no point in developing ill feelings for and nurturing grievances against those who insult or harm us. These things may result in loss of sleep, development of stomach ulcers and also high blood pressure.  


3.      Do not crave recognition:

The selfishness that is inherent in the character make-up of every human soul is a natural part of the Divine gift of the survival instinct. The older and more experienced the soul becomes, i.e. the more times it has travelled round the zodiac and taken part in the whole gamut of human experiences that are the essential ingredient of our earthly education, the more this selfishness is shed. Until the soul's enthusiasm is increasingly fired by altruistic and higher motifs for the good of all humankind, instead for the glorification of the self, takes many lifetimes. So, don't be disappointed when many still react in overly selfish ways.  


4.      Let's forget about being jealous of other people's achievements:

Nothing disturbs our peace of mind as much as jealousy, when in truth there is never any need for it. Any success that crowns someone's efforts on the Earth plane has to be worked for very hard at some stage. No success ever falls into anyone's lap, although on the surface of earthly life this may often appear to be the case, there is no such thing spiritually. Accomplishments have to earned, if this did not happen during someone's present lifetime, then it is due to the credits its soul has brought with it into this lifetime in the spiritual ledger that accompanies each one of us during the whole course of our evolution. Peace of mind comes through knowing and accepting that all things on our present level of life can only happen for karmic reasons. So, make your peace with the Universe and say: 'Thy will be done, not mine! Success will come to me, but in Thy time, not mine!'


 5.      Don't expect the world to change to accommodate you; make character changes so you fit better into our world instead.

If you try to change the environment single-handedly, the chances are you will fail. Peace of mind comes through changing ourselves and finding a different perception of our world and our place in it.  


6.      Change the things you can and accept and endure with patience the ones you cannot:

In this way a disadvantage can be turned into an advantage. Every day we all have to tackle inconveniences, ailments, irritations and accidents that are beyond our control. If we cannot control such things or change them, we need to cheerfully and patiently endure them. Proving to ourselves and our world that this is possible helps us to grow in patience, inner strength and willpower, as well as wisdom and understanding.


7.      Know and accept your limitations:

Many take on more responsibilities than they are capable of carrying out. It is essential to know our limitations and refuse to take on additional loads that create nothing but stress for us.  


8.      Meditate regularly:

Peace of mind can only be gained through reducing our engagements in the material world and spending more time in our inner world. Prayers, meditations, quiet reflections and inner dialogues with our Highest Self, the living God within, soothe and calm the mind. This is the only place in the whole wide world where truth can be found and where you can safely put all the questions you have always wanted to ask and to which no-one ever seemed to know the right and full answers. Learn to pay attention to the responses that rise from the very core of your own being at all times. Be patient because this hardly ever happens straight away; yet, the answers you are seeking are sure to come.  


9.      Find the right food for your earthly mind:

It would be all too simplistic to say that an empty mind is the devil's workshop and that all evil actions start in vacant minds. The earthly mind was given to us for good purpose and we are responsible for what we allow our minds to be filled with. Concentrate on that which is positive and worthwhile.  


10.  Stop procrastinating and never regret anything; instead learn!

Too much time is wasted by endlessly wondering: 'Should I or shouldn't I?' Days, weeks, months, and years may elapse fruitlessly through this kind of futile mental debating. Learn to go with the flow of your life and respond to the promptings you receive from your inner teacher and guide. Accept that the future is not ours to see and that what will be, will be. Forget about planning everything and use affirmations like: 'That which is for my highest good and my greatest joy is now drawn to me, in perfect ways!' Then step back to see what the Universe may wish to bring you.


Edited from




Crystal - Iolite

See Amulet above 


Physical - Iolite balances the Male and Female aspects of ones life and can help us to become more of a "whole person" or more "harmonious" as a result. It helps to rid the body of toxins, improve liver condition and lessen the formation of fatty deposits. It has been used to treat malaria and other fevers.  


Mental/Emotional  - Iolite is a stone that will help you to "enjoy the moment" and to release discord from your life. It increases the levels of your imagination and helps to develop your intuitive creativity. It can draw on your subconscious mind and assist you in perceiving the truth of a situation. Iolite also helps you to accept your responsibilities in life.  


Spiritual - Iolite is an extremely powerful meditative and healing stone. It has long been used on the Third Eye Chakra point to assist during guided meditations and for undergoing astral travel experiences. In Shamanic healing it has been used to influence the spirits. Iolite is also said to stimulate visions.

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Many Blessings    Dr Elizabeth Ann Diamond