Newsletter December 2009

Aura Reading

Few of our deep problems can be resolved; most must be outgrown.
 The Pocket Philosopher - Simon May
I have a small gift of fridge quotation magnet/s for the first 50 people who respond to this email. Just put Magnet in the subject box and give me your address and I will post it/them to you.  I am not building a list of postal addresses, there is no ulteria motive just a gift of some quotation magnets to use as you wish.

There are just 14 places left for the remaining 2009 workshops in Weston-super-Mare @ �35 per person, see below.  One of the 2010 workshops could make a very nice gift for someone close to you or perhaps a lovely piece of healing jewellery, pendulum, rune set or gemstone. 
Many Blessings                          Elizabeth 
In This Issue
Healing Jewllery
2009 Workshops
Iridology - Regression - Healing
Yule - 21st December
Next Full Moon ?
The Holly & The Ivy
Certificated eCourses
Thoughts To Ponder On
2010 Workshops
FREE Festival of Light
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Healing Stones - Amulets & Jewellery - Xmas Shop Opening
Quartz Crystal Rune SetsI will be opening on the four Saturdays leading up to Xmas. I will have a good selection of healing jewellery, amulets, pendulums, runes sets and individual gemstone items.  All items discounted from  website prices on:-  I will also have a selection of tumblestones that are not on the website and new stock of pendulums and rune sets which are arriving this week.  So come along and purchase some really nice Xmas Pressies or even better treat yourself.
Dates                                              Times  10am - 12 noon then 5pm
Saturday 28th November
Saturday 5th December
Saturday 12th December
Saturday 19th December
      Quartz Crystal Rune Sets               Quartz Crystal Rune Sets

Workshops will be running between 12.30pm and 5pm so no entry at these times.
Workshops only between 12.30pm - 5pm
Saturday 28th November       -   Crystal & Colour FULL
Saturday 5th December         -   Regression       3 places
Saturday 12th December       -   Numerology      6 places
Saturday 19th December       -   Aura Reading   4 places
Consulting Rooms, No 1 Milton Park Road,  Weston-super-Mare,  BS22 8DX.    Any difficulty finding the Consulting Rooms phone 07799 140 227 on the day. If you cannot make the dates and times offered but are interested just email me and we can arrange another day and time.
2009 Workshops  Weston-super- Mare  Last Few Places
Just 14 places left on the remaining 2009 workshops. Whatever the subject of the workshop I always bring in my individual take, passing on my discoveries and passion for each subject. Saturdays 1 - 5pm in  Weston-super-Mare  �35.  A handsome certificate including CPD points will be awarded to each participant.  Spaces are limited, 6 maximum on each workshop so early booking is advised.
5th December                * Regression Workshop  4 places
12th December              Numerology Workshop   6 places
19th December              * Aura Reading Workshop  4 places


For further details and online booking please see  All are also available as Certificated Home Study Courses, either online with email support @ �25 or as hardcopy by post with telephone support @ �33. Work in your own time, no deadlines.
Consultations in Glastonbury 29th November 2009
I will be at the Mystic & Earth Spirit Fayre on Saturday 29th November. The last one this year where I will be offering Iridology, Regression & Shamanic Healing consultations. The venue is The Assembly Rooms, High Street, Glastonbury, Somerset and the entry cost is just �1.  After this date the next Fayre will be 30th & 31st January.
See Diary 2009 & 2010 for further details on
Yule - 21st December
Yule or Yule-tide is a winter festival that was initially celebrated by the historical Germanic peoples as a pagan religious festival, though it was later absorbed into, and equated with, the Christian festival of Christmas. The festival was originally celebrated from late December to early January on a date determined by the lunar Germanic calendar. The festival was placed on December 25 when the Christian (Julian) calendar was adopted. Some historians claim that the celebration is connected to the Wild Hunt or was influenced by Saturnalia, the Roman winter festival.

Terms etymological equivalent to "Yule" are still used in the Nordic Countries for both the Christian Christmas, but also other religious holidays of the season. In modern times this has gradually led to a more secular tradition under the same name as Christmas. Yule is also used in a lesser extent in English speaking countries to refer to Christmas. Customs such as the Yule log, Yule goat, Yule boar, Yule singing, and others stem from Yule. In modern times, Yule is observed as a cultural festival and also with religious rites by some Christians and by some Neopagans.
Taken from Wikipedia the free encyclopaedia 

Next Full Moon - Wednesday 2nd December @ 07:33am 
The next full moon is on Wednesday 2nd December @ 07:33am.  There is also a Blue Moon on Thursday 31st at 19:15pm.  In this context a Blue Moon is the second full moon in a month.  This can never happen in February because at 28/29 days there is not enough time to see two full moons between the moon cycle of 29.5 days.  A Blue Moon is not an every month occurrence hence the phrase 'never in/on a blue moon'. If you are interested in further information check out my widget on the first page of 
The Holly & the Ivy
In Celtic mythology the Holly King was said to rule over the half of the year from the summer to the winter solstice, at which time the Oak King defeated the Holly King to rule for the time until the summer solstice again. The folklore of the holly is not solely connected with Yuletide festivities. Hollies were frequently left uncut in hedges when these were trimmed. Farmers used their distinctive evergreen shapes to establish lines of sight during winter ploughing. Although the felling of whole trees was said to bring bad luck, coppicing allowed the holly's hard, white, close-grained wood to be used for inlaid marquetry and to make chess pieces and tool handles. Folklore suggested that the wood had an affinity for control, especially of horses, and most whips for ploughmen and horse-drawn coaches were made from coppiced holly.
Holly trees were traditionally known for protection from lightning strikes, to which end they were planted near a house. In European mythology, holly was associated with thunder gods such as Thor and Taranis. It is know that the spines on the distinctively-shaped holly leaves can act as miniature lightning conductors, protecting the tree and other nearby objects.

Ivy has a lengthy folklore history. In antiquity, it was sacred to the gods of wine, Dionysus and Bacchus and for that reason it was grown along the facades of inns and pubs. A trail of ivy leaves placed in the path of a drunkard was supposed to sober him up. Ivy is said to bring good fortune to women of the household, and if grown on the walls of the house it would ward off witchcraft and the evil eye. Ivy leaf vinegar, however, was used to protect oneself from Plague, and if applied to the toes, could cure corns. Children with whooping cough would improve if provided with an ivy wood bowl to eat and drink from. In holly and ivy rituals, the holly is the masculine aspect and the ivy feminine.
Adapted from Trees for Life & Folklore in my garden
Certificated Online Courses with CPD Points
If you are unable to attend workshops in person or prefer to work in your own time and at your own pace no need to miss out. There are seventeen eCourses to choose from.  Once the course has been completed and approved a handsome parchment completion certificate will be issued.  If you chose to work full time you could complete the course in a week or part time in a month.  The completion of the course work will consolidate your understanding of each subject.  No prior knowledge is required or assumed as everything is included. Click on the Courses button on  to find out more and to buy online. Start the journey today.  The cost is �25 for the course of your choice and includes your parchment completion certificate.
Aura Reading
Bach Flower Remedies
Crystal Healing & Colour Therapy
Dr Schuessler's Bio-chemic tissue salts
Herbs - Growing & Using
Moon Gardening & Living in Harmony with the Moon Phases
Natural Remedies, Foods, Herbs & Spices
NLP for beginners
Nutritional Medicine A-Z of Dis-ease & Illness
Person Centred Counselling
The Easy Guide to Nutritional Medicine
The Enneagram
What are you 'Weighting' for?
A Few Thoughts to Ponder On concerning Love
We are all too often attracted to what is different in another, but nourish in them only what is similar to ourselves.
Open-ended receptivity to someone's reality can be more intimate than the most passionate devotion.
Those who consider their love sacrificial invariably want it to be repaid in hard cash.
Love's wisest demand: that the other person return to himself. 
The Pocket Philosopher  - Simon May
2010 Workshops in Weston-super-Mare
Six places only per workshop. For further details of the 2010 Workshops see  and online booking.
23rd January 2010      FULL          Iridology & Nutritional Medicine    
20th February 2010                         Aura Reading        5 Places
20th March 2010                               Dowsing - Rods &Pendulums
24th April 2010                                  Spiritual Development     5 Places 
22nd May 2010                                  Positive NLP
26th June 2010                                 Shamanic Healing & Lightworking
31st July 2010                                   Regression & Past Life Healing
21st August 2010                             Crystal & Colour
18th September 2010                      Numerology
30th October 2010                            To Be Announced
20th November 2010                        To Be Announced
11th December 2010                        To Be Announced

More to be added
FREE Festival of Light - Saturdays 17th April & 25th Sept

     Free Festival of LightFestival of Light
            Saturday 17th April 2010          Saturday 25th September 2010

The Winter Gardens     Royal Parade    Weston-super-Mare    
FREE ADMISSION        10am - 6pm
Readers   Mediums    Healers    Associated Trade Stands        Therapists
Crystal Stalls     Products   Demonstrations    Talks    Workshops 
                                or Telephone    01934 624939    Text  07799 140 227   
 More Space available in 2010 so Stands holders invited - Please email for details
Thank you for reading this newsletter, please pass it on to anyone who might be interested in the contents. I have no wish to send you unwanted emails so if you want to be removed from mine just click SafeUnsubscribe below and your email address will be taken off the list with immediate effect. However if you do forward this newsletter to anyone and they unsubscribe, this removes your email address as well. Once unsubscribed you are the only person who can put your email address back onto this system.
Very Best Wishes     Dr Elizabeth Ann Diamond