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October 2011

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Save the Date!
  • November 16-19, 2011:
    SNAME Annual Meeting & Expo
  • November 18, 2011:
    Alumni Banquet (Houston, TX)

  • November 19-27, 2011:
    Fall Recess
  • December 9, 2011:
    Classes End
  • December 12-16, 2011:
    Finals Week
  • January 3, 2012 - February 24, 2012:
    Winter Work Period
The Admiralty Club

Bollinger Foundation


Crowley Maritime Corporation


Foss Maritime Company/

Marine Resources Group


GAMCO Asset Management Company


G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation


Rolls-Royce Naval Marine, Inc.


SeaRiver Maritime, Inc.


The Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers

Webb Alumni

Regional Gatherings

  • November 2, 2011: Seattle
  • November 2, 2011: San Diego
  • November 3, 2011: San Francisco Bay Area
  • November 11, 2011: Hampton Roads/ Tidewater Area
  • November 29, 2011: Connecticut (Old Saybrook)
  • November 30, 2011: Boston
  • December 1, 2011: Maine (Bath)
  • December 6, 2011: Annapolis
  • December 7, 2011: Washington, DC
  • February 2012: Houston

Alumni Spotlight: Dan Dorman '83    


Alumni Spotlight: Dan Dorman '83Dan Dorman '83 was the first Webbie to join the Navy's Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (NUPOC) program while enrolled at Webb - and the last one to interview with the late Admiral Rickover!  Dan served in the NUPOC program during his junior and senior years, drawing a Navy paycheck that more than covered the cost of his Webb education. more... 

Webb's 125th Anniversary 


Webb Institute The Board of Trustees has formed a committee to plan for the 125th anniversary of Webb Institute, which takes place in 2014.  The committee has already met several times to organize a series of unique events that will take place in the major alumni-centered regions across the United States. 


Trustees and alumni are working hard to find suitable venues, speakers and activities -and they hope to stagger the events throughout the year, so that Webbies can attend as many as they wish.  Other tributes are also being explored, such as a petition for a commemorative William H. Webb stamp, a supplement to the Centennial History of Webb Institute, and a traveling Webb museum exhibit.  If you'd like to help out with this exciting effort, please contact John Costello at john-costello@verizon.net.

Calling All Philatelists


The 125th Anniversary Committee is looking for a stamp-collecting Webbie to help out with a petition to the U.S. Postal Service for the creation of a William H. Webb commemorative stamp.  Help Webb make history yet again!  If you are a philatelist and can help with this fun project, please contact John Costello at


In Response to a Webbie's Call for Help


Owego, NYIn response to a sister Webbie's call for help, six Webb students (Matthew Graham '14, David Comiske '15, Clarence O'Connor '15, Cody Owen '15, Alexandra Russo '15, and Andrew Thompson '15) together with Professor Hennings rallied to aid her and her community. On September 22, 2011, Webb received a phone call from a Webb alumna, Alexandra Russ Meyerson '00, detailing the destructive flooding that occurred in early September in the small town of Owego, New York, due to Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. The damage to this small town in upstate New York was very widespread and, in some places, catastrophic.  Electrical power was lost for days, and when the flood waters finally receded, the streets were left covered with mud, waste, and rubble. Ms. Meyerson and her seven-year-old daughter were forced to evacuate to another town.  She was doing her best to help with the cleanup but was simply overwhelmed. more...

Family Weekend 2011 Recap

By Connor Bennett '14 


Family WeekendFamily weekend was so much fun! Having family visit Webb is definitely a great break from all the work. Instead of worrying about what assignments you have to finish, for a weekend, all you have to worry about is which restaurant you want your family to go to. We didn't have to go anywhere if we didn't want to, either! Webb was fluttering with activity, from the soccer game on Saturday to the boat race on Sunday. It was wonderful to see my parents for the weekend, especially since I hadn't seen my dad in almost six months. It was awesome seeing other people's parents too; I had a particularly good time noticing the similarities between my classmates and their parents. Some of my classmates looked and acted just like their moms and dads, while others seemed to be on completely different wavelengths! more...

New Director of the Webb Family Singers  


James LudwigWe are extremely happy to report that the role of WooFS Director (vacated with the retirement of Dean Emeritus Roger Compton) has been filled by Mr. James Ludwig.  James received his undergraduate degree from Berklee College of Music, and is expected to receive his Masters in Music Education from Queens College's Aaron Copland School of Music this December. more...

Chess Club @ Webb


ChessThe alumni and current students of Webb Institute thought it was unusual that in a school of architects and engineers there was no chess club, so they decided to make a change. With the help of current student Bryce Bartling '13, along with the determination and generosity of Dr. Matthew Tedesco '91, the Webb Institute Chess Club has officially been created. Dr. Tedesco has already donated five chess sets, which include tournament clocks and bags, as well as a giant lawn set for the terrace; and he is planning on donating books to start a chess library. The news of the giant chess lawn set has created quite a stir among the students who are eager to start practicing right away. more...

Attention Alumni


In September, you should have received a dues appeal letter from Vicky Dlugokecki '88, WAA treasurer. If you have already paid your dues, or you are a Life Member of the WAA (no further dues required), we thank you for your support. For those who haven't yet paid, please remember that the annual dues, still only $25, are used to support a number of alumni activities and are due now. Paying your dues now will save us the cost of sending reminder notices.


We rely on the participation of all alumni to make the Alumni Association work for you and ask that you please send your dues payment to the school as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can now pay your dues online through the Alumni portal (http://alumni.webb-institute.edu), by clicking on the link below.


While you are logged into the Alumni Portal, please take the time to update your profile with any changes/additions to your home or business address, telephone/cell and fax numbers and email addresses.

Pay Dues

Seeking Winter Work Employment


It is the time of year for Junior and Senior students to actively seek winter work employment.  If you have internship openings for the winter (time period January 3, 2012-February 24, 2012), please email Josie Wilson at jwilson@webb-institute.edu and she will pass the information on to the students.  Please specify if you are only seeking a Junior or a Senior year student, or if you can take either year.  If you have any questions on average salary rates for the past year of winter work, Josie can provide answers.


We are also seeking shipyards that have interesting and exciting projects going on for our freshmen.  If you know of a contact for these yards, please email Josie.  And we are always looking for sea term berths for the sophomores.  Again, Josie can be emailed for any contact information at shipping companies. 


Our Webb Alumni and friends are very important to this program.  Since winter work is a requirement for graduation, the assistance we have received in the past and hope to receive for years to come from our Alumni and friends has been valuable, and we are very much appreciative of your efforts on our behalf.