KSI Coaching Courses |
Ireland 19-20 Feb 2011 Austria 5-6 Mar 2011 USA 5-6 Mar 2011 Australia tbc
LEVEL 3 tbc
Level 4 USA 21-24 Aug 2011
KSI Seminars |
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
July 10, 2011
August 14, 2011
September 25, 2011
October 16, 2011
November 13, 2011
December 11, 2011
Time, Money and You |
For over 10 years we have been working with coaches, physical preparation coaches, personal trainers and others from all walks of life to create an additional stream of income. In the current economic sitaution there has never been a more important time to secure your financial future.
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| Time, business and coaching |
The KSI Between Sets Newsletter
Issue No. 111, Apr-Jun 2011 | |
What's Happening
Just got tback from the KSI 8th Annual Intenrational Coaches Convention. and our partner companies 19th Annual International Convention, with over 5,000 in attendance. As those in attendance will tell you - it was an amazing experience.
In addition to this was able to visit with Jon Jon Park in LA, and take in the legacy of the Legend, Reg Park. Great to journey to a time when integrity and fitness/bodybuidling were compatible in the same sentence.
Hurrican Irene prevented a few meetings in the NE so these will happen in Noveember. More on that below.
Enjoy this month's newsletter!
Ian King
The Legacy of the Legend
Reg Park - born into the Great Depression, raised during a World War, physically shaped in the absence of nutritional supplements and interent information, a ever-lasting reminder of what can be done without drugs and by simple, disciplned approach to training. Its an honour to meet great people who are honest and caring and have also shaped the world. Reg Park was one of them. Learn more at http://www.regpark.net/. Order the DVD - learn from the Legend!
| The Legend, Reg Park, Hawaii 1962 |
Vitamins for the Mind
Only results matter
It doesn't matter what you, another person, text book or research article thinks/claims should happen as far as the training outcome - all that matters is what is happening, what was the outcome. Value this above all else and respond accordingly, with no attachment to your prior perceptions where the message is to the contrary. - King, I., 2005, The Way of the Physical Preparation Coach
Training Tips
- Never do walking lunges in your warm up. In fact, very few of you should be doing them at all at any stange of your training and competition career.
- Stop doing a 'dynamic warm up' - you are wasting your time. There are far better, smarter and more effective ways to use your time and energy. The people responsible for 'up-selling' this only started marketing it when they thought they could become more pupluar and sell more books and DVDs from doing so. They probably don't even do it themselves, assumiing they even train.
- Foam rolling is not recovery. It is one of the tools within one of the categories within one of the components of recovery. And its not even the best tool in its category.
- Your body will respond to a level far inexcess of what you really expect it can. You just need to give it time, the appropriate stimulus, and adequat recovery. There is a reason why the contortionist can ties themselves in a knot, but it didn't come from a 4 min workout done twice a week for four
- Stress is fast becoming the number one killer of training and recovery. Stress about money, life, work, when will the economy/currency collapse etc. Anyone who tells you a holistic approach to life is useless is kidding themselves. You need to get your life sorted out so you can train with focus and recover probably. THere has never been a more stressful time in the last 80 years than now - so now there is a massive reason to sort your life yout.
- Keep it simple. You don't need to know why, just how. You don't need to know everything, or even as much as the next person. You just need to do it better than most. Save your energy and figure out what you need to know, not how much you can know. Next time someone says a word you don't understand and have no desire to, tell them to stop swearing at you.
- Training is for life. Seek guidance and inspiration only from those who train a minimum of 10 hrs a week in total. Anything less is a hobby, and you don't go to a hobby club to attain mastery.
Death of personal training?
Stop being so myopic.....
If you live in the US, the marketers that seek to pull your strings are telling you about 'the death of personal training'. One of the lesser cultural Achilles Heels for America has been the myopic perspective. And this is another example of that, run on the same platform as greed is good, the end justifies the means. You are not going to find your solution in the methods that caused the problems. Step out and take a look around - I'd suggest you should be more concerned about the death of the American econonmy... |
KSI Legacy Course
Ian, first let me say, it is an honour to be part of this course. I am very excited to learn more. I also think, that the you-tube video and the audio book really add a great deal of value to the course, and is already exceeding a so called on-line university economics course , which I paid over 700.00 dollars for. Thanks!
This was excellent, excellent!
--Dr Eric Serrano
Unit 1 - History of PHysical Preparation
I actually learned a lot from just these few pages. For example, it was very interesting to note that the rise of strength training only began around the decade 1990 - 2000. The text was very well organised. I also loved the supplementary video of Coach Ian King exposing us to older strength training literature, educating us about the origins of the military press. It really adds an element of history into the lesson. If anything, I wish for more materials. I would love to pore through pages and pages of text from Coach King.
Unit 2 - History of Profession Development
It gives an added insight into the history of the NSCA. I have read about Coach King's writings about it in his blog before but he covers new material here which is really exciting. I enjoyed the text the most as I'm a reader and learn best through visual implements. However, I really look forward to these videos because Coach King always surprises with the presentation of old artifacts.
Unit 3 - Roles in physical preparation
I really feel that this unit begins to show the depth and breadth of experience that Ian has accumulated through his years of being and teaching, how to be a physical preparation coach. You start to see insight and questioning, as to how the whole rehab is. I felt the video was a nice fleshing out of the audio
Unit 4 - Injury prevention strategies
Best unit so far! Although I've read about your unique injury prevention approach before, I discovered some new insights and it made me think again about my own approach. I would like to learn more about the more advanced methods, such as manual therapy.
Unit 5 - Principles of training
Very good as it is concise and hits the message home. Video and text are great. The audio is useful especially when I am driving. More examples of the specificity of physical qualities continuum
Unit 6 - Philosophy of training
I enjoyed the story on the video of Ian's moment with martial artist coaching on philosophy of life for a ski team. I see how pivotal a moment that must have been because I have experienced Ian's deep rooted philosophies in how they shape every aspect of him and his athletes and their results. Thank you for sharing the importance of philosophies. Eye opening. I look forward to the reading.
Free E-book
Thanks for the Barbells and Bullshit book that you gave out as part of your Legacy Course! Great stuff. Some people talk simply to hear their own voice, others do it to positively impact the lives of those they come in contact with.... you fall in this latter category. Thanks! - Sean
And many more chapters to go....
KSI Training Facilities
For the first time ever, atheltes can walk into training facillites in two different countries, on two different continents, and receieve the same world-leading KSI standard of service! To celebrate this we have released the following merchandies: |