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The KSI Between Sets Newsletter
Issue No. 110, Mar 2011 | |
What's Happening
It's been a busy month. Between travel to Sydney and New Zealand, one for a seminar and the other preparing athletes.
For the winter sport athletes, their season is about to begin after four months of preparation and for most water sports athletes, now is the business end of the season with the nationals titles for one sport under way as I type!
In this month's newsletter are training tips, an article on a scary trend happening in sports training and a link to take a free health assessment.
On this health assessment, over the past few months I've consulted with a number of athletes at the top of their sports who refreshingly, have their value systems in check when it comes to sports supplements, focusing on vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, essential fatty acids and co-enzyme Q10's to name a few.
These are some of the base products, however we still need to address two more points. Number 1) Use the highest quality products available, as not all products are created equally and 2) Use these products at higher than the labelled recommended daily intake levels, as the stress on the body from training and competing over many years has a cumulative stress or fatigue effect on the body physically and it's systems (immune, neural, endocrine, etc).
I've included the health assessment this month to share with you insights into my focus and value system of daily supplementation.
Enjoy this month's newsletter!
Ian King
Vitamins for the Mind
"In times of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
- George Orwell. (Thanks to Brendan from New Zealand for sharing this quote and it's original source!)
Training Tips
- Use chalk on the palms of your hands to improve your grip during strength training
- Use a tennis ball to do some self massage on your tight spots at least twice a week. It usually hurts to do initially, however as your tissue health improves, the hurting will disappear.
- I was asked by an athlete in a team sport, in a joking manner, what kind of a mood I was in before training recently. As a coach, my personal mood/emotions don't factor in. The framework for what we do has been decided long before I turn up for each session. And when I do turn up, it's how they feel and look that influences the changes/modifications to the training.
- In athlete preparation, be mindful of the position of your body (or the athlete's body) at all times. Getting used to standing, walking, running, squatting, deadlifting, standing barbell pressing, bent over rowing, etc with a large curve in the spine, will result in that same curve during their sporting activity. Is that what you want to see on the field training and competing? Is this optimal in being efficient in your movement? Does this steal from or heal the body?
Scary Sports Training Trend!
by Mitchell Kochonda
There is a scary training trend in sport across the world. It's damaging the athlete physically and damaging sports performance, but it's not going away any time soon..
It's the migration of people (personal trainers, fat loss experts, group fitness trainers, etc) from the 'fitness industry' (general population) moving their services into the 'sports industry' (athlete preparation).
Ian King has watched this for many years and highlights the fact the oldest western world established coaching organisation, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) now probably has more personal trainers on it's books that strength and conditioning coaches and as such has provides accreditation and services to meet this reality.
I'll leave you to decided if that was a move based on maximising the coaching potential of it's members or the organisations own income potential...
The same goes for people in the fitness industry, keen for association with high profile sports people and a quick buck. Check out the first paragraph of a marketing piece that was sent to a sports organisation I consult too:
"new dynamic style of training called functional fatigue training"
Are they serious? Dynamic style of training? Unless you're standing still, all training is dynamic! So there's the first fancy marketing word to prey on the uneducated. Functional fatigue training? WTF? Firstly there might not be such a thing as functional training. Because if there was, that would mean there is training that's not functional, wouldn't it? Go to
http://kingsportsint.blogspot.com/2010/08/there-is-no-such-thing-as-functional.html to learn more on this if you're interested.
Now on to fatigue training. Let's train to fatigue, what a great idea... The point of training is to succeed. To adapt. To get better. To improve. To win. Yes, fatigue is a by-product of this, but as the primary reason?
It's seems the better one's marketing skills the lower one's training skills... Bottom line, there is no such thing as right or wrong in training. There are only results and outcomes.
Either you got the result/s you planned on or you didn't. Let that be the feedback in your training! |
Free Online Health Assessment!
by Mitchell Kochonda
Check out my online health assessment at:
It takes about 5mins to complete and assesses your biometrics, lifestyle and health priorities so you can optimise your diet and supplement program helping you can realise your full health potential.
You'll be provided with 3 recommendations based on your commitment and/or budget from core, to advanced to optimal.
You can also re-name the recommendations, print/download your individual recommendations or add your product recommendations to your shopping cart that will be shipped to you within 2-3 working days.
KSI Legacy Course
Thanks for the sneak peak at unit 11 it was exactly what I was looking for in regards to information on lines of movements. I look forward to expanding my knowledge further on this topic through other recourses you provide. After reading the unit it made me realize how lucky I am along with others doing the program to be exposed to such information. Thanks again!!
Just finishing Unit 4 - by the way, best unit so far!!! Although I've read about your unique injury prevention approach before, I discovered some new insights and it made me think again about my own approach. It is great to have (some of) your ideas about injury prevention/rehab compiled in 1 unit. Thanks! --David
I really enjoyed this unit's video lesson. It was very informative and I believe it will be a huge eye opener for everyone who sees this!