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The KSI Between Sets Newsletter
Issue No. 108, Jan 2011 | |
What's Happening
| Ian King |
I've just returned from a 3 day training camp in a beautiful location on the north coast of New South Wales. The camp was run by a special unit of our state's police service which made for some interesting training methods, communication and team work drills! It sure was great to sleep, and in a bed, on Sunday night...
Included this month is a short article on the tragic trend of service providers more concerned with the type and amount of equipment in their facilities rather than the coaching service in the facility. Plus there's training tips and more.
Enjoy this month's newsletter!
Ian King
Vitamins for the Mind
It doesn't matter what you, another person, textbook or research article thinks/claims should happen as for as the training outcome - all that matters is what is happening, and what was the outcome.
- Ian King. The Way of the Physical Preparation Coach, 2005
Training Tips
1. Put ice in your meal replacement drinks if you don't already.
2. Don't fall into the trap that all your training needs to be specific for sport. From my experiences, generally speaking, chasing specificity in strength training is shooting yourself in the foot. Weather it's mimicking a sports movement or repeating the sets/reps of an event, you're missing out on its real purpose.
3. I was talking to an athlete about this preparation for an upcoming competition. I was surprised to see 4 sets of 6 reps on every exercise for a few training cycles in a row. Some things never change. The point of training is to get an adaptation, once you've got it; it's time to change your training so you can get another adaptation and so on. Doing the same training over, and over, and over (like the conditioner who wrote a team's training program on the gym whiteboard in the first week of pre-season training and at the end of the season it was still there...) will have diminishing returns on your sports performance.
4. As we age our training needs to change. What an athlete can do at 21yo in terms of the amount of training probably differ to what can be done at 26yo and at 31yo. You can either exploit the benefits of recovery early in life, or have them forced upon you via injury, illness and/or poor performance later in life... The choice is yours. |
State of the art facilities vs state of the art coaching
by Mitchell Kochonda
You know when gyms or trainers talk about state of the art facilities; they are trend followers believing more equipment equals better results. Ian Kinghas said this many times, if athlete's results were correlated with the amount of equipment, the United States would win all the gold medals... Don't get sucked in to this. A power rack, lifting platform, Olympic bars, rubber plates, chin bar, dip bar, some benches, a small range of dumbbells, medicine balls and a creative mind is required. Anything more is over kill most of the time. It's how the athlete lifts, not much lifting equipment or machines the athlete has to lift with, that makes the difference. |
Nutritional programs for generation regeneration
by Mitchell Kochonda
Western A. Price published is classic book 'Nutrition and Physical Degeneration' in 1939, some 72years ago. In that book is a chapter 'Nutritional Program for Race Regeneration'. Very forward thinking 72years ago and even by today's standards!
So I took great interest when I heard Dr Monica Lewis in seminar talk about the physical changes in herself over the past few years. And having seen her present over the past 6-7years I can attest to those changes in her posture, movement, physical well being, etc. Add that she is in her early sixties, it highlights was the right nutrients in the right dosages (and we're not talking RDI's) can do.
So I bought her books and took particular interest in one (1) co-authored with her Cardiologist husband Dr Gerald Lewis and on page 47 found their recommendations for a 'preventative lifestyle' with this as a subscript:
If we start this in our children and they carry it on through their lives, we genuinely believe that we could reverse today's degenerative disease epidemic (coronary heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, arthritis) in one generation. What a legacy for us to leave our children!
(1)Lewis M., Lewis G. Dietary supplements: Creating expensive urine or a key addition to modern medicine, 2007 |
KSI Members Site Update
Just loaded some real gems for the members. For the end user, there's my first 'bodybuilding training book', hand written in the early 1980s!
For the professional there's the excellent strength training programs for volleyball that I published in the mid-1990s, which were adopted by US Volleyball in their coaching manual.